Sphenoid bone, situated the anterior part of the base of the skull, articulating with all the other…
"One of two skulls discovered in 1886 in the cave of Spy (Belgium). Notice the prominent eyebrow ridges,…
"Top and side views. The cartilaginous cranium shaded, is supposed to be seen through the unshded canial…
To show the relation of the upper to the lower teeth when the mouth is closed. The manner in which a…
The outer surface of the temporal bone. The dotted lines indicate the lines of suture between squamous,…
A, The outer surface of the right temporal bone at birth. B, The same with squamozygomatic portion removed.…
Inner surface of right temporal bone at birth. am squamozygomatic; b, petrosquamosal suture and foramen…
Temporal bone of the human skull. The temporal bones are situated at the sides and base of the skull.…
The anterior half of a vertical transverse section through the left temporal bone.
Horizontal section through left temporal bone showing lower half of section.
The posterior half of a vertical transverse section through the left temporal bone.