The human skull. Labels: 1, frontal lobe; 2, parietal lobe; 3, temporal lobe; 4, the sphenoid bone;…
Median section of the skull and mandible, viewed from the left.
"Fig 63 - Skull of a duck (Clangula islandica), nat. size; Dr. R.W. Shufeldt, U.S.A. a, premaxillary…
Shown is the base of the skull seen from above. Labels: 1, frontal bone; 2, slit for nasal nerve; 3,…
Shown is the inner aspect of the left half of the skull sagittally divided. Labels: 1, suture between…
Front section of skull through plane of outer border of orbits. Arrows pass through communication between…
Portion of right half of skull, showing posterior wall of sphenomaxillary fossa. The superior maxilla,…
Sutures of the skull. Labels: a,a, the coronal suture, from the Latin corona, crown, so called from…
"A, Palate process of upper jawbone; B, zygoma, forming zygomatic arch; C, condyle, for forming articulation…
The base of the skull. "The lower jaw has been removed. At the lower part of the figure is the hard…
The base of the skull. The lower jaw has been removed. At the lower part of the figure is the hard palate…
Shown is norma basalis, which refers to the base of the cranium. Labels: 1, external occipital crest;…
Shown is a coronal section passing inferiorly through interval between between the first and second…
"Showing how the Bones of the Skull may be artificially deformed by "head-binding." From the photograph…
The skull of the Indian Elephant. (i) tusk-like upper incisors; (m) lower jaw, with grinding molars,…
Shown is norma frontalis, which refers to the front of the skull. Labels: 1, mental protuberance; 2,…
A side view of the howler monkey skull. The monkey have four sharp canines, long teeth on skull, on…
"A, frontal bone; B, parietal bone; C, temporal bone; D, sphenoid bone; E, malar bone; F, upper jawbone;…
The skull. Labels: a, nasal bone; b, superior maxillary; c, inferior maxillary; d, occipital; e, temporal;…
Skull of langur monkey viewed at the side and bottom view. The eyes of the monkey is surrounded by bone…
An illustration of the skull of a megalosaurus. Megalosaurus is a genus of large meat-eating theropod…
An illustration of an adult male orangutan viewed from the side. The orbit part of the skull is more…
Shown is norma lateralis, which refers to the side of the skull. Labels: 1, mental foramen; 2, body…
A side view of the skull. Labels: O, occipital bone; T, temporal; Pr, parietal; F, frontal; S, sphenoid;…
Side view of a fetal skull. The coronal suture extends from the top of the head downwards on either…
"Desmognathous skull of mallard duck, Anas boscas, nat. size, from nature, by Dr. R.W. Shufeldt, U.S.A.…
"A plant of the genus Scutellaria: so called from the helmet-like appendage to the upper lip of the…
A bone situated at the base of the skull in front of the temporals and basilar part of the occipital.
A bone situated at the base of the skull in front of the temporals and basilar part of the occipital.
A bone situated at the base of the skull in front of the temporals and basilar part of the occipital.