Base of the Skull Seen From Above

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Shown is the base of the skull seen from above. Labels: 1, frontal bone; 2, slit for nasal nerve; 3, anterior ethmoidal foramen; 4, posterior ethmoidal foramen; 5, optic foramen; 6, foramen for internal carotid artery formed by anterior and middle clinoid processes; 7, lesser wing of sphenoid; 8, anterior clinoid process, in this case united on its inner side to the middle clinoid process; 9, posterior clinoid process; 10, foramen ovale; 11, groove for middle meningeal artery; 12, foramen spinosum; 13, Hiatus Fallopii; 14, line of petro-squamosal suture; 15, internal auditory meatus; 16, groove for superior petrosal sinus; 17, groove for sigmoid part of lateral sinus; 18, jugular foramen; 19, anterior condylic foramen; 20, groove for lateral sinus; 21, internal occipital protuberance; 22, ridge for attachment of falx cerebri; 23, fossa for the lodgment of the occipital lobe of the cerebrum; 24, ridge for attachment of the falx cerebelli; 25, fossa for the lodgment of the left cerebellar hemisphere; 26, foramen magnum; 27, groove for the sigmoid sinus turning into the jugular foramen; 28, groove for the inferior petrosal sinus running along the line of the suture between the petrous temporal and the basioccipital; 29, depression for the Gasserian ganglion; 30, middle cranial fossa for lodgment of temporal lobe of cerebrum; 31, foramen lacerum medium; 32, carotid groove; 33, dorsum sellae of sphenoid; 34, leads into foramen rotundum; 35, pituitary fossa; 36, olivary eminence of sphenoid; 37, anterior cranial fossa for lodgment of frontal lobes of cerebrum; 38, cribriform plate of ethmoid; 39, crista galli of ethmoid; 40, foramen caecum; 41, crest for attachment of falx cerebri.


Cunningham, D.J. Textbook of Anatomy (New York, NY: William Wood and Co., 1903)


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