"Diagram of the left half of a vertical median section of the brain. H, H, convoluted inner surface…
"Brain and spinal cord, with the thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves." — Tracy, 1888
A cervical vertebra of the spine, inferior surface. Labels: 1, spinous process, slightly bifid; 4, transverse…
"Archaeocidaris Urii, Flem (spine and intermediate plate); Carboniferous, Ireland." — Encyclopedia…
"Cidaris glandifera, Goldf (spine); Jura, Mount Carmel." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893
"Cidaris florigemma, with spine, a, and single ambulacral plate, magnified, b, (after Wright; Coral…
"The spinal cord and medulla oblongata. A, from the ventral, and B, from the dorsal aspect; C to H,…
"The spinal cord and nerve-roots. A, a small portion of the cord seen from the ventral side; B, the…
"The Cervical and Thoracic Portions of the Sympathetic Nerve and their Main Branches. In the center…
"Part of the sympathetic nervous system seen from in front, n, one of the two chief cords, t, i, and…
"The spinal column consists of abdominal and caudal vertebre, the coalescence of the parapophyses into…
Ribs and corresponding vertebral bodies in their ligaments, viewed from the right.
The ribs of the left side, with the dorsal and two lumbar vertebrae, the rib-cartilages and the sternum.
An illustration of the dorsal view of the scapula of a rabbit. "A, acromion; m, metacromion; g, glenoid…
"A joint involving the principle of the shackle. Specifically, in anatomy, a kind of articulation found…
"Fig 56 - Axial skeleton, minus the skull, of an owl, Asio wilsonianus, life size; from nature by Dr.…
Scheme of the origin, connection, and distribution of the spinal accessory nerve. Labels: Sp.Acc, spinal…
The conus and medullaris and the filum terminale exposed within the spinal canal.
"The spine or backbone, serves as a support for the whole body. It is made up of a number of…
The spinal column. 1, 2, and 3: Vertebrae. 4 and 5: The sacrum and cocyx bones of the pelvis. 6: Processes.
Side view of the spinal column, with the vertebrae numbered: C1-7, cervical vertebrae; D1-12, dorsal…
Lateral view of the spinal column. Labels: 1, atlas; 2, dentata 3, seventh cervical vertebra; 4, twelfth…
View of the entire spinal column. The bodies of the vertebrae are in the front with the spinous processes…
A section of the brain and spinal column. Labels: 1, The cerebrum (large brain). 2, The cerebellum (small…
Side view of spinal column, without sacrum and coccyx. Labels: 1 to 7, cervical vertebrae; 8 to 19,…
Side view of the spinal column. Labels: C 1-7, cervical; D 1-12, dorsal; L 1-15 lumbar; S 1, sacrum;…
"Magnified view of transverse section of the spinal cord through the middle of the Lumbad Enlargement:…
Portion of the spinal cord. 1: Body of cord; 2: A spinal nerve from left side of cord; 3: Anterior roots…
The skull and spinal canal of a child from behind with the Dura Mater slit open and ribs with the transverse…
Diagrammatic transverse section of the spinal cord showing the conduction paths.
Different views of a portion of the spinal cord from the cervical region, with roots of the nerves slightly…
Lowered end of the spinal cord and the cauda equina, dorsal aspect. The dorsal roots of the right side…
"Diagram of a slice across the spinal cord, showing the roots of a spinal nerve to the arm on the left.…
Transverse section of the spinal cord at the middle of the thoracic region. The neuroglia septum has…
Diagram of the spinal cord and its fissure. The figure to the left is a ventral aspect and the figure…
A lateral view of the spine divided into its cervical, dorsal, and lumbar portions.
Diagrammatic representation of the roots and ganglia of the spinal nerves, showing their position in…
Table giving approximate areas of distribution of the different spinal nerves with a diagram showing…
"The spine, sawn in two lengthwise, showing the spinal canal and the holes between the vertebrae, where…
The spine showing the seven vertebrae of the neck, cervical; the twelve of the back, dorsal; the five…