Hedyscepe canterburyana is a tall stove palm. The tree grows to be thirty two fee tall. This tree is…
Hyophorbe verschaffeltii an ornamental stove palm. The leaves are four to six feet long. The sheath…
The leaves of the livistona australis palm tree are dark green and nearly circular. The tree grows eight…
The livistona chinensis tree has large leaves that are over five feet broad. The leaves are fan shaped.…
The leaves of the livistona hoogendorpii tree are a rich dark green and form a complete circle.
The leaves of the livistona rotundifolia tree are dark green. The leaves have an orb shaped blade three…
Martinezia erosa is a stove palm native to South America. The stalks and blades have long, brown, needle…
Oreodoxa sancona is an easily cultivated and handsome species. The leafstalks a reddish brown when young.