"The stamens are situated on the calyx, and they may be artificially removed or suppressed by nature,…
"As the Strawberry belongs to the Rose family, its flowers should in their natural state contain both…
The flowers of the pine strawberry are white and frow on thick stalks. The plant grows one foot high.…
The common name of fragaria chilensis is the chili strawberry. The flowers are white and grow on thick,…
Fragaria vesca, or wild strawberry, has white flowers. The plant grows between six and twelve inches…
The common name of fragaria chilensis is the chili strawberry. The fruit is rose colored on the outside…
The common name of fragaria chilensis grandiflora is pine strawberry. Pine strawberries are red and…
Fragaria vesca, or wild strawberry, produces red fruit. The fruit is edible.
"This pruning or shortening of the roots causes the production of a new set of fibres from the severed…
An image of a strawberry plant in flower. There are numerous short Stamens that are readily accessible…
A runner is a very slender, thread-like, leafless stolon, much like a tendril, lying on the ground,…
A genus of plants extensively cultivated for their luscious fruit. They were so named from the practice…
"Large oblong or oblong conical, sometimes flattene, seeds but slightly imbedded; color scarlet; flesh…
"Large round; pale crimson or deep scarlet; seeds slightly sunken, rather soft, acid, without richness,…
"Large conical; bright crimson, excellent flower; a strong and vigorous grower on rich and heavy soils,…
"The strawberry weevil in certain seasons has prevented the development of more than a half crop of…