A type of Ganoid fish. Ganoid is an order of fishes included seven living genera, whose members are all found in fresh water. The members of these genera are distinguished from their nearest allies, the teleosteans, or bony fish, by the presence of a spiral valve in the intestine, the fact that the tail is frequently heterocercal or unequally lobed, the skeleton often, at least in part, cartilaginous, and the skin furnished with bony scales or scutes (ganoid scales). This particular species is a Bow-fin.

Amia Occidentalis

A type of Ganoid fish. Ganoid is an order of fishes included seven living genera, whose members are…

A type of Ganoid fish. This particular species is a Reed fish.

Calamoichthys Calabaricus

A type of Ganoid fish. This particular species is a Reed fish.

<i>Mergellus albellus</i>. "A small merganser or fishing duck...The male in adult plumage is a very beautiful bird, of a pure white, varied with black and gray, and tinged with green on the crested head; the length is about 17 inches. The female is smaller, with reddish-brown and gray plumage, and is called the red-headed smew." &mdash;Whitney, 1889

Smew - A Merganser or Fishing Duck

Mergellus albellus. "A small merganser or fishing duck...The male in adult plumage is a very beautiful…

<i>Lepidopus caudatus</i>. "1. A fish of the family <i>Lepidopodidae, Lepidopus caudatus,</i>of the Mediterranean and Atlantic shores of Europe, as well as of New Zealand, of a bright silvery color, with a long dorsal and rudimentary anal fin: so called from suggesting by its form the sheath of a sword. Also called a scale fish and a frost fish." &mdash;Whitney, 1889

Scabbard Fish

Lepidopus caudatus. "1. A fish of the family Lepidopodidae, Lepidopus caudatus,of the Mediterranean…

The foot of a frog, which is useful in and out of water.

Frog Foot

The foot of a frog, which is useful in and out of water.

The foot of an otter, which is serviceable in and out of the water.

Otter Foot

The foot of an otter, which is serviceable in and out of the water.

A diagram showing the motions a young frog makes while swimming. In this stage of life, the frog makes ellipses in order to move through the water.

Ellipses of Swimming Frog

A diagram showing the motions a young frog makes while swimming. In this stage of life, the frog makes…

A diagram showing the motions a young frog makes whilst swimming. In this stage of the frog's life, the frog uses looping motions to move through the water.

Loops of Swimming Frog

A diagram showing the motions a young frog makes whilst swimming. In this stage of the frog's life,…

A diagram demonstrating the motion a frog makes whilst swimming. In this stage of the frog's life, the frog makes waved lines while moving through the water.

Swim Lines of Frog

A diagram demonstrating the motion a frog makes whilst swimming. In this stage of the frog's life, the…

The Great Crested Grebe (Lophæthyia cristata) is a fresh-water, migratory, diving bird of the family Podicipidæ. It has a duck-like body, brownish and white plumage, long neck, short wings, no tail, and large, flattened toes furnished with lobate membranes serving the purpose of webs. Most of its life is spent in fresh water  lakes and ponds, but in winter and during migration, it often resorts to the sea. It is an excellent diver. The nest is made of rushes and other aquatic plants and usually floats on the water, being loosely anchored to weeds and grass. It is found in nearly all parts of Europe and Asia.

Great Crested Grebe

The Great Crested Grebe (Lophæthyia cristata) is a fresh-water, migratory, diving bird of the family…

An illustration of a group of people yelling at a man in a pond.

Group Yelling at Man in Water

An illustration of a group of people yelling at a man in a pond.

The imbricated turtle at sea.

Imbricated turtle

The imbricated turtle at sea.

A type of Ganoid fish. This particular species is a gar-pike.

Lepidosteus Occeus

A type of Ganoid fish. This particular species is a gar-pike.

An illustration of a man swimming with sharks.

Man Swimming with Sharks

An illustration of a man swimming with sharks.

"The Little Penguin, adapted exclusively for swimming and diving. In this quaint bird the wing forms a perfect screw, and is employed as such in swimming and diving."&mdash;Pettigrew, 1874

Little Penguin

"The Little Penguin, adapted exclusively for swimming and diving. In this quaint bird the wing forms…

A type of Ganoid fish. This particular species is a Spoonbill.

Polyodon Osseus

A type of Ganoid fish. This particular species is a Spoonbill.

A type of Ganoid fish. This particular species is a Reed fish.

Polypterus Bichir

A type of Ganoid fish. This particular species is a Reed fish.

Depicts people relaxing on a lake, canoeing, powerboting, and diving.

Lake Recreation

Depicts people relaxing on a lake, canoeing, powerboting, and diving.

"The salmon swimming leisurely. The body, it will be observed, is bent in two curves, one occurring towards the head, the other towards the tail. The shape of the salmon is admirably adapted for cleaving the water."&mdash;Pettigrew, 1857


"The salmon swimming leisurely. The body, it will be observed, is bent in two curves, one occurring…

A type of Ganoid fish.This particular species is a Shovel-beak.

Scaphirhynchus Platyrhynchus

A type of Ganoid fish.This particular species is a Shovel-beak.

"A duck, <i>Fuligula</i> or <i>Fulix marila</i> and related species. The common scaup inhabits Europe, Asia, and North America. It is from 18 to 20 inches long, and from 30 to 35 in extent of wings." &mdash;Whitney, 1889
<p>In this illustration the duck is sitting on placid water, its feet tucked up underneath its body. Its head and upper body is dark, while its belly is white. There is a tree line in the distance.

Scaup, a Common Duck

"A duck, Fuligula or Fulix marila and related species. The common scaup inhabits Europe, Asia, and North…

<i>Melanitta americana or &OElig;demia nigra</i> A large sea-duck of the genus <i>CEdemia</i>, belonging to the subfamily <i>Fuligulinaea</i>, having in the male the plumage black and a red gibbosity of the bill, as <i>&OElig;demia nigra</i> of Europe.
<p>In this illustration, the duck is swimming in a large body of water. There is a lighthouse in the background.

A Black Scoter Swimming

Melanitta americana or Œdemia nigra A large sea-duck of the genus CEdemia, belonging to the subfamily…

Illustration of the entrance of an igloo, built out of ice, partially underwater. A seal is swimming under the water, headed for the entrance.

Seal Swimming up to an Igloo

Illustration of the entrance of an igloo, built out of ice, partially underwater. A seal is swimming…

"Foot of the seal, which opens and closes in the act of natation, the organ being folded upon itself during the non-effective or return stroke, and expanded during the effective or forward stroke. Due advantage is taken of this arrangement by the seal when swimming, the animal rotating on its long axis, so as to present the lower portion of the body and the feet obliquely to the water during the return stroke, and the flat, or the greatest available surface of both, during the effective or forward stroke."&mdash;Pettigrew, 1874

Foot of Seal

"Foot of the seal, which opens and closes in the act of natation, the organ being folded upon itself…

Sergeant Champe escaping by horseback and swimming.

Sergeant Champe

Sergeant Champe escaping by horseback and swimming.

A man struggling through a pond while carrying the Bible.

In the Slough of Despond

A man struggling through a pond while carrying the Bible.

A snail approaching bugs swimming at the waters edge.


A snail approaching bugs swimming at the waters edge.

"Swan, in the act of swimming, the right foot being fully expanded and about to give the effective stroke, which is delivered outwards, downwards and backwards, as represented at r of fig. 50; the left foot being closed, and about to make the return stroke, as shown at s of fig. 50. In rapid swimming, the swan flexes its legs simultaneously and somewhat slowly; it then vigorously extends them."&mdash;Pettigrew, 1874

Swimming Swan

"Swan, in the act of swimming, the right foot being fully expanded and about to give the effective stroke,…

"The overhead movement enables the swimmer to throw himself forward on the water, and to move his arms and legs in a nearly vertical instead of a horizontal plane; the extremities working, as it were, above and beneath the trunk, rather than on either side of it."&mdash;Pettigrew, 1874

Overhand Swimming

"The overhead movement enables the swimmer to throw himself forward on the water, and to move his arms…

"An improvement on the foregoing for long distances is the known as the side stroke. In this method, as the term indicates, the body is thrown more decidedly upon the side."&mdash;Pettigrew, 1874

Side-Stroke Swimming

"An improvement on the foregoing for long distances is the known as the side stroke. In this method,…

An illustration of a young boy swimming.

Young Boy Swimming

An illustration of a young boy swimming.

"The turtle, adapted for swimming and diving, the extremities being relatively larger than in the seal, sea-bear, and walrus. The anterior extremities have a thick anterior margin and a thin posterior one, and in this respect resemble wings."&mdash;Pettigrew, 1874

The Turtle

"The turtle, adapted for swimming and diving, the extremities being relatively larger than in the seal,…