Contour lines never cross on the ground but in rare cases as an overhanging cliff they may cross on…
A contour about to cross a stream runs up one side and down the other, making a V where it crosses,…
"Cosmas lived in the sixth Christian century. In the cut here reproduced from his Topography, he ridicules…
"View of the southeastern slope of the eastern twin of Orenaug Hill. Fault scarps bound the hummocky…
"Fault scarps of Orenaug Hill (floating block topography). The view is taken from the top of a cliff…
Diagrammatic section through the Freiburg region showing the former and present topography and the extensive…
"Diagram illustrating the position of the groundwater surface (the dotted line) in a region of undulating…
The diagram shows the source of groundwater: water falls into porous ground (a), flows underground to…
"Unit orographic blocks in granite, near the knife works, Hotchkissville. a Area over downthrown block."…
A diagram of the relief features: mountain, plateau, plain, ocean basin, ocean deep, and volcano.
Diagrammatic sections to represent the development of the Rhine Graben and its present structural and…
Two cases of springs: "In one, the water descends through the porous bed e to the layer d, which is…
"Ideal section of part of the earth's crust, with landscape above. Granite and other crystalline rocks…
The top image is a sketch of earth contours. The bottom image is that land translated into a topographical…
"Map and section of trap ridges near Woodbury. The topography is indicated by sketched contours, with…