Walking Sticks and Leaf Insects lead a sluggish life among the branches of shrubs, living on the young…
An illustration of a man wearing a black top hat and holding a cane in his left hand.
The praying mantis is so called from the attitude which it assumes when it is watching for its prey.…
"And behold, two of them were going that very day to a village named Emmaus, which was threescore furlongs…
"Sceptrum, which originally denoted a simple staff or walking stick, was emblematic of station and authority.…
A cane is a long, straight wooden stick, generally of bamboo, Malacca (rattan) or some similar plant,…
Walking sticks lead a sluggish life among the branches of shrubs, living on the young shoots. Their…
A man, an older woman, and two children walk past a fence at the edge of a wooded area.