Seal of the territory of Arizona, 1904

Arizona seal

Seal of the territory of Arizona, 1904

Seal of the territory of Arizona, 1904

Arizona seal

Seal of the territory of Arizona, 1904

"The irrigating reservoir at Walnut Grove, Arizona, showing the Artificial Lake partly filled."—E. Benjamin Andrews 1895

Walnut Grove

"The irrigating reservoir at Walnut Grove, Arizona, showing the Artificial Lake partly filled."—E.…

"Lizard is the popular name of numerous reptiles having usually two pairs of limbs and an elongated body terminating in a tail. The lizards number more than a thousand species, accommodating themselves to all conditions except cold, and increasing in size and number in tropical regions. Some lizards are vegetable feeders, but for the most part they are carnivorous and live upon small birds, insects, etc. The eggs are deposited and left to be hatched without care from the parents. The chief families of lizards are the skinks; the geckos; the iguana; and the chameleons. Poison glands are wanting in the lizards; the only exception being the Heloderma of Arizona and Mexico, which is capable of inflicting a poisonous bite by means of poison glands connected with grooved teeth."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"Lizard is the popular name of numerous reptiles having usually two pairs of limbs and an elongated…

A woodpecker common to Arizona. Usually nests in giant cactus.

Pitahaya Woodpecker

A woodpecker common to Arizona. Usually nests in giant cactus.

It is native to the Sonoran Desert in Arizona, the Mexican states of Sonora and Baja California, and an extremely small area of California.


It is native to the Sonoran Desert in Arizona, the Mexican states of Sonora and Baja California, and…

The Seal of the Territory of Arizona, 1863. The image on the seal shows mountains, forests, and a deer. Underneath is Arizona's state motto, 'Ditat Deus,' meaning "God enriches."

Seal of Arizona

The Seal of the Territory of Arizona, 1863. The image on the seal shows mountains, forests, and a deer.…

"Bill shorter than head, comparatively stout at base, very acute at tip, the culmen quite convex, the gonys just appreciably concave, Tarsus a little longer that the middle tow an claw. 3d and 4th primaries about equal and longest, 5th and 6th successively slightly shorter, 2 d equal to 7th, 1st equal to penultimae secondary in the closed wing. Entire upper parts, including surfaces of wings and tail, uniform dull pale grayish-brown, with narrow, faintly-rusty edge of the wing-coverts and inner quills, and equally obscure whitish tipping of the tail-feathers. No maxillary nor auricular streaks; no markings about the head except slight speckling on the cheeks. Under parts brownish-white, palest (nearly white) on the belly and throat, more numerous small arrow-head spots on the color of the back. Bill light-colored at base below." Elliot Coues, 1884

Arizona Thrasher

"Bill shorter than head, comparatively stout at base, very acute at tip, the culmen quite convex, the…

Color illustration of a 48 Star United States flag. The additional stars represent the states of Arizona and New Mexico. This flag was in use from July 04, 1912 until July 3, 1959.

48 Star United States Flag, 1912

Color illustration of a 48 Star United States flag. The additional stars represent the states of Arizona…

Black line illustration of a 48 Star United States flag. The additional stars represent the states of Arizona and New Mexico. This flag was in use from July 04, 1912 until July 3, 1959.

48 Star United States Flag, 1912

Black line illustration of a 48 Star United States flag. The additional stars represent the states of…

"Lophortyx gambeli. Gambel's Partridge. Arizona Quail. Male: Without white loral line; forehead black with whitish lines; occiput chestnut; nuchal and cervical feathers with dark shaft lines, but few dark edgings or none, and no white specking. General color of upper parts clear ash, the edging of the inner quills white. Fore-breast like the back; other under parts whitish, the middle of the belly with a large jet-black patch; sides rich purplish-chestnut, with sharp white stripes; vent, flanks and crissum white with dusky streaks. Bill black, iris brown. Besides lacking the definite head-markings, the female wants the black abdominal area, where the feathers are whitish with dark lengthwise touches; crest dark brown, not recurved, and fewer-feathered than that of a cock. Top of had grayish-brown, nearly uniform from bill to nape; throat grayish-white with slight dark pencilling." Elliot Coues, 1884

Gambel's Partridge

"Lophortyx gambeli. Gambel's Partridge. Arizona Quail. Male: Without white loral line; forehead black…

An illustration showing USS Arizona. USS Arizona was a Pennsylvania class battleship, built by U.S. Navy. It was launched in 1915, and served stateside during World War I. The ship sank in Pearl Harbor during World War II.

United States Navy Arizona Battleship

An illustration showing USS Arizona. USS Arizona was a Pennsylvania class battleship, built by U.S.…

An illustration of the Yucca Palm which grows in California, Arizona, Utah, and Nevada.

Yucca Palm

An illustration of the Yucca Palm which grows in California, Arizona, Utah, and Nevada.

Palm native to Arizona and Nevada.

Washingtonia Filifera

Palm native to Arizona and Nevada.

A dam on the Salt River, located northeast of Phoenix, Arizona. The dam is 357 feet (109 m) high and forms Theodore Roosevelt Lake as it impounds the Salt River. Originally built between 1905 and 1911, the dam was renovated and expanded in 1989-1996. The dam is named after then-President Theodore Roosevelt.

The Roosevelt Dam

A dam on the Salt River, located northeast of Phoenix, Arizona. The dam is 357 feet (109 m) high and…

The state banner of Arizona, the apache state.


The state banner of Arizona, the apache state.

Also known as Pinus arizonica. The pine cone of an Arizona Pine tree.

Pine Cone of Arizona Pine

Also known as Pinus arizonica. The pine cone of an Arizona Pine tree.

Also known as Cupressus arizonica. A species of cypress found in the southwest of North America.

Branch of Arizona Cypress

Also known as Cupressus arizonica. A species of cypress found in the southwest of North America.

Also known as Juniperus pachyphlaea. Native to southwestern Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Mexico.

Branch of Checker Barked Juniper

Also known as Juniperus pachyphlaea. Native to southwestern Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Mexico.

Also known as Washingtonia filifera. A palm tree native to the desert oases of the southwest United States.

Branch of Desert Fan Palm

Also known as Washingtonia filifera. A palm tree native to the desert oases of the southwest United…

Also known as Alnus oblongifolia. The branch of an Arizona Alder tree, native to southwestern United States and Mexico.

Branch of Arizona Alder

Also known as Alnus oblongifolia. The branch of an Arizona Alder tree, native to southwestern United…

Also known as Quercus arizonica. The branch of an Arizona White Oak, native to the southwest United States.

Branch of Arizona White Oak

Also known as Quercus arizonica. The branch of an Arizona White Oak, native to the southwest United…

Also known as Platanus wrightii. The branch of an Arizona Sycamore, native to Arizona and New Mexico.

Branch of Arizona Sycamore

Also known as Platanus wrightii. The branch of an Arizona Sycamore, native to Arizona and New Mexico.

Also known as Vauquelinia californica. The branch of an Arizona Rosewood tree, native to the southwestern United States.

Branch of Arizona Rosewood

Also known as Vauquelinia californica. The branch of an Arizona Rosewood tree, native to the southwestern…

Illustrated are fruit clusters of date grown in Arizona.

Fruit Clusters of Date

Illustrated are fruit clusters of date grown in Arizona.

The echinocactus whipplei cactus grows three to five inches tall. The flower is greenish red. It is native to northern Arizona.

Echinocactus Whipplei

The echinocactus whipplei cactus grows three to five inches tall. The flower is greenish red. It is…

The common name of echinocereus rigidissimus is rainbow cactus. It is native to Arizona and New Mexico.

Echinocereus Rigidissimus

The common name of echinocereus rigidissimus is rainbow cactus. It is native to Arizona and New Mexico.

Puccoon is the common name of lithospermum canescens. It is also known as redroot and Indian paint. The flowers are orange. The plant is native from Ontario to Alabama and west to Arizona.


Puccoon is the common name of lithospermum canescens. It is also known as redroot and Indian paint.…

The flowers of lycium pallidum are greenish yellow or whitish and pinkish at the base. The flowers bloom in May and June. The plant is native from Arizona and Utah to Mexico.

Lycium Pallidum

The flowers of lycium pallidum are greenish yellow or whitish and pinkish at the base. The flowers bloom…