In skimmers the upper beak is shorter than the lower beak, allowing it to pick up shrimp and small fish while skimming the sea.


In skimmers the upper beak is shorter than the lower beak, allowing it to pick up shrimp and small fish…

Shrimp are a marine crustacean largely used as food.


Shrimp are a marine crustacean largely used as food.




"Alpheus-A genus of macrurous decapodous crustaceans, the type of the family Alpheidæ."-Whitney, 1902

Red Shrimp

"Alpheus-A genus of macrurous decapodous crustaceans, the type of the family Alpheidæ."-Whitney,…

"They are distinguished by the possession of a large oval or triangular appendage which covers the base of the first joint of the outer antennae." — Goodrich, 1859


"They are distinguished by the possession of a large oval or triangular appendage which covers the base…

"Shrimp is a popular name for any individual of the genus Crangon, allied to lobster, crayfish, and prawn. The common shrimp about two inches long, greenish-gray dotted with brown, is esteemed as an article of food; other species, from warmer latitudes, are equally prized. They are usually taken by a net."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"Shrimp is a popular name for any individual of the genus Crangon, allied to lobster, crayfish, and…

A small crustacean, allied to the shrimp; it is highly prized for food.


A small crustacean, allied to the shrimp; it is highly prized for food.

Second zoaea stage of a shrimp's development.

Developing shrimp

Second zoaea stage of a shrimp's development.

Mysis stage of a shrimp's development.

Developing shrimp

Mysis stage of a shrimp's development.

An adult shrimp.

Mature shrimp

An adult shrimp.

The copepod stage of a prawn.


The copepod stage of a prawn.

A shrimp of the corophium genus.


A shrimp of the corophium genus.

An extensive genus of ten-footed crustaceans. They resemble the lobster and crawfish, but differ from them in having an elongated, tapering, and arched form.


An extensive genus of ten-footed crustaceans. They resemble the lobster and crawfish, but differ from…

An extensive genus of ten-footed crustaceans. They resemble the lobster and crawfish, but differ from them in having an elongated, tapering, and arched form.


An extensive genus of ten-footed crustaceans. They resemble the lobster and crawfish, but differ from…

Small, swimming, decapod crustaceans classified in the infraorder Caridea, found widely around the world in both fresh and salt water.


Small, swimming, decapod crustaceans classified in the infraorder Caridea, found widely around the world…

Amphipoda include over 7000 described species of small, shrimp-like crustaceans. Most amphipods are marine, although a few live in freshwater or are terrestrial.


Amphipoda include over 7000 described species of small, shrimp-like crustaceans. Most amphipods are…

A small crustacean about 3 to 4 inches in length and marketed in vast numbers. Ate throughout the world.


A small crustacean about 3 to 4 inches in length and marketed in vast numbers. Ate throughout the world.

A species of aquative crustaceans that are found worldwide in saltwater, but not in oceans.

Brine Shrimp

A species of aquative crustaceans that are found worldwide in saltwater, but not in oceans.

A common shrimp, a genus of the decapod Crustacea.


A common shrimp, a genus of the decapod Crustacea.

A small crustacean.


A small crustacean.

Palaemonetes vulgaris or the common shore shrimp.

Shore Shrimp

Palaemonetes vulgaris or the common shore shrimp.

The amphipod, Gammarus ornatus.

Gammarus Ornatus

The amphipod, Gammarus ornatus.

The amphipod, Caprella geometrica.

Caprella Geometrica

The amphipod, Caprella geometrica.

"Three stages in the development of Apus. fs, frontal sensory organ; L, digestive gland; s, carapace; 1-4, cephalic appendages; I-XIII, body segments and appendages." -Parker, 1900

Apus Stages

"Three stages in the development of Apus. fs, frontal sensory organ; L, digestive gland; s, carapace;…

"The lowest division of articulate animals is the Crustacea. Their name signifies a hard crust of covering, with which the animals are protected."

Zoea Taurus

"The lowest division of articulate animals is the Crustacea. Their name signifies a hard crust of covering,…

The schizopod stage of a prawn in the Penaeus genus of crustaceans.


The schizopod stage of a prawn in the Penaeus genus of crustaceans.

The Common Shrimp (Crangon crangon) is a shrimp fished mainly in the North Sea. The species is also known as the Brown Shrimp or the Sand Shrimp with the synonym Crangon vulgaris.

Common Shrimp

The Common Shrimp (Crangon crangon) is a shrimp fished mainly in the North Sea. The species is also…

Estheria californica is a species of Branchiopod crustaceans most closely resembling the shrimp.


Estheria californica is a species of Branchiopod crustaceans most closely resembling the shrimp.

The Fairy Shrimp (Branchipus diaphanus) is a species of crustacean belonging to the Anostraca order.

Fairy Shrimp

The Fairy Shrimp (Branchipus diaphanus) is a species of crustacean belonging to the Anostraca order.

The Freswater Shrimp (Gammarus pulex) is an amphipod in the Gammaridae family of scuds.

Freshwater Shrimp

The Freswater Shrimp (Gammarus pulex) is an amphipod in the Gammaridae family of scuds.

The class of crustacea is divided into two sub-classes, Entomostraca and Malacostraca. The first, Entomostraca, contains the fairy-shrimps (Branchipus). A simple Crustacean, the fairy shrimp body is distinctly separated into head, thorax, and abdomen. This diagram shows parts of the fairy-shimp, (b) brood-pouch, (e,e') compound and simple eyes, (f) paddle-shaped feet, (h) tubular heart, and (i) intestine.


The class of crustacea is divided into two sub-classes, Entomostraca and Malacostraca. The first, Entomostraca,…

The larger, more useful and more familiar Crustacea belong to the subclass Malacostraca. It comprises such animals as the shrimps, crayfish, lobsters, crabs, and a number of other forms. The simplist of these are the opossum-shrimps (Mysis americana). In general appearance they resemle crayfishes or prawns. They are readily distinguished by the two-branched thoracic feet.


The larger, more useful and more familiar Crustacea belong to the subclass Malacostraca. It comprises…

Prawns are crustaceans, belonging to the sub-order Dendrobranchiata. They are similar in appearance to shrimp, but can be distinguished by the gill structure which is branching in prawns (hence the name, dendro="tree"; branchia="gill"), but is lamellar in shrimp.


Prawns are crustaceans, belonging to the sub-order Dendrobranchiata. They are similar in appearance…

The marine isopod or sand flea (Caprella) is an omnivorous feeder that eats detritus, one-celled plants, small invertebrates. It is preyed upon by shrimp, sea anemones and several fish species. Females of some species of skeleton shrimp apparently kill the males after mating using a poisonous claw.

Marine Isopod

The marine isopod or sand flea (Caprella) is an omnivorous feeder that eats detritus, one-celled plants,…

Crabs are decapod crustaceans of the infraorder Brachyura, which generally have a very short projecting tail. After the first stage, the zoëa changes into a stage called the megalops, which has many characteristics of the adult crab condition. In this stage the crab looks very much like a tiny lobster or shrimp.

Metamorphosis of a Crab

Crabs are decapod crustaceans of the infraorder Brachyura, which generally have a very short projecting…

Crabs are decapod crustaceans of the infraorder Brachyura, which generally have a very short projecting tail. After the first stage, the zoëa changes into a stage called the megalops, which has many characteristics of the adult crab condition. In this stage the crab looks very much like a tiny lobster or shrimp. In the final stage the tail disappears and the body widens.

Metamorphosis of a Crab

Crabs are decapod crustaceans of the infraorder Brachyura, which generally have a very short projecting…

"Glass-crab (larva of Palinurus). GLASS-CRAB. A crab of the spurious genus Phyllosoma, or of the spurious order Phyllosomata-- that is, any young shrimp of either of the families Palinuridae and Scyllaridae. These larvae are as thin as paper, flat and transparent, and have no resemblance to the adult." -Whitney, 1911

Glass-Crab Lobster Larva

"Glass-crab (larva of Palinurus). GLASS-CRAB. A crab of the spurious genus Phyllosoma, or of the spurious…

Mantis shrimp or stomatopods are marine crustaceans, the members of the order Stomatopoda. They are neither shrimp nor mantids, but receive their name purely from the physical resemblance to both the terrestrial praying mantis and the shrimp.

Mantis Shrimp

Mantis shrimp or stomatopods are marine crustaceans, the members of the order Stomatopoda. They are…