"Triclinic. Twinning very common, according to the albite law and evidenced by fine striation lines…
"Simple orthoclase crystal showing cleavage lines and the position of the twinning plane in a Carlsbad…
This image represents a twin of the monoclinic mineral Gypsum. Its twinning plane is the orthopinacoid.
This image represents a twin of the monoclinic mineral Orthoclase. Its twinning plane is the orthopinacoid.
This crystal of Aragonite shows a method of twinning where the twinning plane may remain parallel to…
This crystal of Aragonite shows a method of twinning where the twinning plane may change its direction,…
This figure shows an example of Compound Twinning, where two orthoclase twins are twinned in parallel…
This figure shows a contact twin of copper, one of the three simplest isometric holohedrons according…
This figure shows a contact twin of Spinel, one of the three simplest isometric holohedrons according…
This figure shows a contact twin of Zinc blende, one of the three simplest isometric holohedrons according…
This figure shows a penetration twin of two tetrahedrons, symmetrical to the octohedral face (tetrahedrite).
A penetration twin of two pentagonal dodecahedrons (known as the iron cross), whose twinning plane is…
In the tetragonal system, the unit pyramid of the second order is the most common twinning plane. This…
The Copper Sulphide, Chalcocite, forms three kinds of twins symmetrical to ∞P, {110}, to 4/3P∞̆,…
Orthorhombic Iron Disulphide (Marcasite) sometimes shows cyclic groups of five individuals, bounded…
In the orthorhombic system, tabular crystals of lead carbonite (cerussite), bounded by the forms ∞P∞̆,…
Iron Sulpharsenide (Arsenopyrite), bounded by ∞P, {110} (M), and 1/3P∞̆, {013} (r), forms penetration…
The most common twinning plane is the orthopinacoid ∞P∞̄ , {100}, as may be seen in this example…
The icositetrahedron, 4O4, {411}, on potassium chloride sometimes produces an apparent rhombohedron…
Striation of crystal planes may be produced by repeated polysynthetic twinning. This is well illustrated…
This illustration shows a solid state where the orientation is only partial, as in the case of twin…