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Monreale cathedral, bronze doors of Bonannus of Pisa, Adam and Eve sin in Paradise

Monreale cathedral, bronze doors of Bonannus of Pisa, Adam and Eve sin in Paradise

The bronze doors of the west entrance of Monreale cathedral were signed and dated (1186) by Bonannus of Pisa who also made two sets of doors for Pisa Cathedral. Twenty Old Testament scenes occupy the five lower rows and twenty New Testament scenes the upper five rows. This panel is on the right door and it is the last in the lowest row of scenes, beginning the narrative of Genesis. Adam and Eve stand between two trees in the Garden of Eden. Several moments of the story of the Fall are combined (Genesis 3: 6-7) in this one image: Eve offers Adam the fruit; Adam is about to eat the fruit; and Adam and Eve cover their nakedness with fig leaves. The inscription refers to the sin of Adam: “Peccaui(t) Ada(m) i(n) paradiso,” “Adam sinned in Paradise.” D'Emilio photo archive no. s19781113_2061u (13.4.16/JD)
Galleries: Bonannus of Pisa, Bronze doors, Bronze doors of Bonannus of Pisa, Monreale cathedral, Doors, Fall of Adam and Eve, Italy 1180s, Tituli on bronze doors
Keywords: Eden, fig leaves, fruit
Photo Location: Monreale, Italy
Photographer: Dr. James D’Emilio
Date of Photo:
Device Make: Nikon
Device Model: Nikon SUPER COOLSCAN 5000 ED
Original Dimensions: 3498×5286
Picture Orientation: Portrait
GPS Coordinates:
Picture Number: 22422