Search for "united states flag" pictures
We found $localcount "united states flag" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (1010)
Flag of Norway, 1821-Present
Golden Barrel Cactus
Submarine Warfare Insignia
Flag of Niue, 2011
American Seal Close-Up
Flag of Georgia, 2011
Flag of Cook Islands, 2011
US Merchant Marine Seal
Cascade Waterfall
Flag of Switzerland, 1889-Present
The Decorative Metal Base of a Column
Purple Leaf Oxalis Flowers
Explosive Ordnance Disposal
Flag of Denmark, 2011
Mariner's Compass
Black Bamboo
A Sign outside the Oldest Wooden Schoolhouse
Flag of Faroe Islands, 2011
USDA Headquarters
War Office Seal
A Statue of Albert Gallatin, outside the…
President McKinley Speaking
Flag of Somalia, 2011
Mexico Cockle Orchid Stalk
Queen Victoria Agave
The Entrance to the Oldest Wooden Schoolhouse
A Kitchen Scene
Cajun Gumbo
Marine Corps Amphibious Landing
Flag of Jamaica, 1962-Present
A Sign above a Window at the Oldest Wooden…
Navy Medical Department Logo
Jamie L. Whitten Building
Flag of Turks and Caicos Islands, 2011
Lady Fern
Students Sitting on Small Benches
Flag of Liberia, 2011
US Department of Agriculture Garden
Seal on Wall
Flag of Isle of Man, 2011
Flag of Armenia, 2011
Flag of Lithuania, 2011
Flag of Maldives, 2011
Flag of Anguilla, 2011
A Frontal View of Pilasters with Ornate…
Flag of Gabon, 2011
Flag of Mauritius, 2011
The Dunce Sitting near the Teacher
Granite Wall