Search for "palmate glossy toothed deep-purple leaf" pictures
We found $localcount "palmate glossy toothed deep-purple leaf" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (885)
Elephant Ear Tree Leaves
Giant Airplant Nestled in Branches of Tree
India Sita Doll with Three Dimensional Painted…
Green, Rounded, Pointed Coral Bean Leaves
Branches, Leaves, and a Flower Bud of a…
Poreč, Cathedral of Eufrasius, nave, north…
Curving Branch and a Tree Trunk with Wild…
India Carved Wooden Rod Puppet of Rama from…
Wild Pine Plant at Long Pine Key of Everglades…
India Rama Rod Puppet from Ramayana Legend…
India Sita Doll Made from Wood with White…
India Hand Carved Wooden Puppet of Rama…
Rice Paper Plant
India Hand Carved Wooden Puppet of Sita…
Silver Maples Leaves
India Close Up of Face of Sita Puppet with…
A Solid Fireplace Screen on Tall Legs
Zebra Plant Leaves
Double Doors from the Great Mosque of Cizre
Roughbark Lignum-Vitae Leaves
Silver Maple Branch
Silver Maple Bark
Silver Maple
India Wayang Goleks of Rama and Sita with…
Silver Maple Trunk
India Rod Puppets (Wayang Golek) of Rama…
Succulent Plant with Light-Green Leaves…
Succulent Plant With Bluish-Green Leaves
Fruit of a Norway Maple "Crimson King"
Silver Maple Tree
Crimean Linden Flower Buds
Martinique Banana Leaf Doll with Head Scarf,…
Martinique Doll Made from Plastic Wearing…
Poreč, Cathedral of Eufrasius, apse mosaic,…
Poreč, Cathedral of Eufrasius, apse mosaic,…