Clipvideo ETC

An online service of Florida's Educational Technology Clearinghouse


Several Alligators

Several Alligators

Three (possibly four) alligators swim in calm waters near Halfway Creek. One floats near the camera, unmoving while another floats…

Lone Alligator

Lone Alligator

A single alligator swims with its eyes, snout, and back above water-level. It moves with a steady ease across the…

Alligator Swimming with Fish

Alligator Swimming with Fish

A lone alligator swims upstream. All around it bright bursts of light and bubbles indicate fish jutting upwards towards the…

Juvenile Alligator Swimming

Juvenile Alligator Swimming

A Juvenile Alligator swims with steady, whip-like motions towards the camera. It holds its eyes and the tip of its…

Small Alligator Floating

Small Alligator Floating

A small, yellow-striped alligator floats for a time in dark water. After some head motion, it proceeds to swim to…