Clipvideo ETC

An online service of Florida's Educational Technology Clearinghouse

ClipVideo ETC License

ClipVideo ETC is copyright © 2013 by the University of South Florida.

Educational Use.

A maximum of twenty-five (25) ClipVideo ETC items may be used in any non-commercial, educational project (report, presentation, display, website, etc.) without special permission. The use of more than twenty-five ClipVideo ETC items in a single project requires written permission from the Florida Center for Instructional Technology (FCIT) at USF.


Please credit FCIT whenever a resource is used. If resources from this site are incorporated into a website, a link to must be included on your site.


No commercial use may be made of ClipVideo ETC content at this time. Under no circumstances may the videos on this site be included in any other published stock video collection, whether sold or distributed freely.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do you require a link to ClipVideo ETC if I use your pictures on my website?

We want to help other students and teachers find this site. We realize how difficult it is for students and teachers to find free stock video sites without wading through inappropriate content. If we ask students and teachers who use our videos to link to our site, then more people will be able to use our collection.

How do I cite videos from ClipVideo ETC in my projects?

If you are including ClipVideo ETC footage in your school project, you should cite the source footage, as you would do for any other source. Your teacher may specify a particular format for citing videos from the Web. Most citation formats will include the videographer's name, the title of the video, the date the video was shot, the name of the online collection in which you found the video, the date you downloaded the video, and the URL of the ClipVideo ETC webpage where you found the video. The name of the video and the name of the collection (ClipVideo ETC ) should both be underlined or in italics.

Here's an example:

Winkelman, Roy. Ape with Red Fur at the Miami Metro Zoo. 17 April, 2009. ClipVideo ETC. Retrieved 1 January 2014, from

Note: It is preferred to include the URL of the ClipVideo ETC webpage that describes the video and links to the various sizes and versions, rather than the URL of the video file itself, so that others can view the additional information that is available on that webpage.