Clipvideo ETC

An online service of Florida's Educational Technology Clearinghouse

Creek in Yosemite Valley

Creek in Yosemite Valley

This video shows a creek in Yosemite Valley.

Creek in Yosemite Valley

Creek in Yosemite Valley

This video shows a creek and was recorded in Yosemite Valley. The water is passing through rocks and trees.

Creek in Yosemite Valley

Creek in Yosemite Valley

This video shows a creek and was recorded in Yosemite Valley. The water is passing through rocks and trees.

Ground-Level View of a Creek in Yosemite Valley

Ground-Level View of a Creek in Yosemite Valley

This video gives a ground-level view of a creek in Yosemite Valley.

A Splashing Creek

A Splashing Creek

A tiny waterfall gushes between stones rubbed smooth by the constant erosion. Small rivulets of water pop upwards and make…

Sweeping Veiw of the Creek

Sweeping Veiw of the Creek

A sweeping pan of Colt Creek and the surrounding forest. Three ducks swim impassively on the water. Pines stretch upwards…