Clipvideo ETC

An online service of Florida's Educational Technology Clearinghouse

Ascending Cable Car

Ascending Cable Car

A view from an ascending cable car at the Monongahela Incline in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. One can hear a mechanical rattling…

Ascent and Passing

Ascent and Passing

A view from an ascending cable car at the Monongahela Incline in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The cable car passes by another.…

Cable Car Approaching

Cable Car Approaching

A red, boxy cable car moves ponderously down the slope towards the camera. Sunlight and shadow rest divided on the…

Cable Car Cables

Cable Car Cables

A view of twin cables as seen from the inside of a moving cable car on Monongahela Incline, Pittsburgh. One…

Cable Car Climbing

Cable Car Climbing

A cable car begins its ponderous climb up the Monongahela Incline in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. One can hear the rumbling of…

Cable Car Descending

Cable Car Descending

A bright red and yellow cable car descends from the top of the Monongahela Incline, moving towards the red, ground-level…

Cable Car through Fence

Cable Car through Fence

A bright red cable car descends from the top of the Monongahela Incline, moving towards the red, ground-level station. One…

Cars Upslope

Cars Upslope

Two cable cars pass by each other a distance upslope, as seen through the windows of a cable car. One…

View Through Iron Lattice

View Through Iron Lattice

A view of a Pittsburgh street as seen through the iron lattice of a cable car window. One can hear…

Who Goes There?

Who Goes There?

A kids-oriented slideshow which gives information about several kinds of wildlife tracks commonly found in the Grand Teton National Park.