Clipvideo ETC

An online service of Florida's Educational Technology Clearinghouse

Aqueous Plane of Water Lilies

Aqueous Plane of Water Lilies

A steady view of numerous water lilies and distant trees rooted in the Hillsborough River. Audio includes the sounds of…

A Field of Water Lilies

A Field of Water Lilies

Countless water lilies float on the placid flow of the Hillsborough River. The blue sky is reflected crisply on the…

Foliage on the Hillsborough River

Foliage on the Hillsborough River

A steady view of numerous water lilies and distant trees rooted in the Hillsborough River. Audio includes the sounds of…

Numerous Water Lilies

Numerous Water Lilies

Numerous water lilies float on the placid flow of the Hillsborough River. In the distance cypress trees make shadows over…

Pan Over Wetlands

Pan Over Wetlands

A slow-panning shot of water flowing beneath grasses and water lilies near the Hillsborough River. Tall, leafy trees populate the…

Water Lilies and Wildflowers

Water Lilies and Wildflowers

A scenic view of wildflowers, grasses, and water lilies swaying in the breeze. The breeze causes ripples in the blue…

Water Through Grasses

Water Through Grasses

Slow-moving water flows beneath grasses and water lilies near the Hillsborough River. Tall, leafy trees occupy the background. No audio.