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  Maps > United States > Maine
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A collection of historic and contemporary political and physical maps of Maine, including early exploration and settlement maps, and automobile route maps, for use in the K-12 classroom.

Bridgton, 1919
A road map of Bridgton, Maine, from the Official Automobile Blue Book (1919), showing the Stevens Brook, major roads, bridges, railroads and stations, Upper and Lower villages, and major landmarks....

Auburn and Lewiston, 1919
A road map of Auburn and Lewiston, Maine, from the Official Automobile Blue Book (1919), showing the Androscoggin River, major roads, bridges, railroads and stations, parks, cemeteries, college grounds, and major landmarks....

Augusta, 1919
A road map of Augusta, Maine, from the Official Automobile Blue Book (1919), showing the Kennebec River, major roads, bridges, railroads and stations, parks, cemeteries, and major landmarks....

Skowhegan, 1919
A road map of Skowhegan, Maine, from the Official Automobile Blue Book (1919), showing the Kennebunk River, major roads, bridges, railroads, and landmarks....

Waterville, 1919
A road map of Waterville, Maine, from the Official Automobile Blue Book (1919), showing the Kennebec River, major roads, bridges, railroads, and landmarks....

Bangor and Brewer, 1919
A road map of Bangor and Brewer, Maine, from the Official Automobile Blue Book (1919), showing the Penobscot River and Kenduskeag Stream, major roads, bridges, railroads and stations, parks, cemeteries, and major landmarks....

Sieur de Monts, 1919
A road map of the Sieur de Monts National Monument in Maine, from the Official Automobile Blue Book (1919), showing the roads on Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, and the coastal features of Frenchman's Bay and Blue Hill Bay....

Rumford, 1919
A road map of Rumford, Maine, from the Official Automobile Blue Book (1919), showing the Androscoggin and Swift rivers, major roads, bridges, railroads and stations, parks, and major landmarks....

Southeastern Maine, 1919
A road map of southeastern Maine in the vicinity of Kennebunkport from the Official Automobile Blue Book (1919), keyed to show the best auto routes, other auto routes, unreported roads, railroads, and canals....

Eastern Maine, 1919
A road map of coastal eastern Maine in the vicinity of Portland from the Official Automobile Blue Book (1919), keyed to show the best auto routes, other auto routes, unreported roads, railroads, and canals....

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  Maps > United States > Maine
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