Acquia Creek

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“The attack upon the batteries at the entrance of Acquia Creek, Potomac River, by the United States vessels Pawnee, Yankee, Thomas Freeborn, Anacosta, and Resolute, June 1st, 1861. On May 31st Captain Ward, in command on board of the Thomas Freeborn, and assisted by two more of his gunboats, the Resolute and the Anacosta, began the attack on the Confederate batteries, and after a two hours’ fight, succeeded in silencing the batteries at the landing; but, for want of long-range ammunition, could not effectually respond to the heavy fire from the heights, and so had to withdraw. The following day, however, with aditional aid from the Pawnee and Yankee, the attack was resumed, and the batteries were at last silenced and the Confederates compelled to retreat."— Frank Leslie, 1896


Frank Leslie Famous Leaders and Battle Scenes of the Civil War (New York, NY: Mrs. Frank Leslie, 1896)


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