Smoke-Jack Used for Roasting Meat
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“A machine for turning a roasting-spit by means of a fly-wheel or -wheels, set in motion by the current of ascending air in a chimney. a,a, the chimney, contracted in a circular form; b, strong bar placed over the fireplace, to support the jack; c, wheel with vanes radiating from its center, set in motion by the ascent of the heated air, and communicating by the pinion d and the crown-wheel e, with the pulley f, from which motion is transmitted to the spit by the chain passing over it.” —Whitney, 1889
pulley, fireplace, steam, fire, cook, cooking, meat, jack, roast, Pinion, spit, steam-powered, barbecue, cooking over fire, heated air, roasting, spit engine, steam jack, turnspitSource
William Dwight Whitney, PhD, LLD The Century Dictionary: An Encyclopedic Lexicon of the English Language (New York, NY: The Century Co., 1895) 5719
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