Song Grosbeak Bill
“Zamelodia. Song Grosbeak. Bill extremely heavy, with the lower mandible as deep as the upper or deeper, the commissural angle strong, far in advance of the feathered base of the bill, the rictus overhung with a few long stiff bristles. Wing with outer 4 primaries abruptly longer than 5th. Tail shorter than wing, even or scarcely rounded. Feet short and stout. Embracing two larger species, of beautiful and striking colors, the sexes dissimilar. Male black and white, with carmine-red or orange-brown; Female otherwise, but with lining of wings yellow. Brilliant songsters; nest in trees and bushes; eggs spotted.” Elliot Coues, 1884
birds, ornithology, bird anatomy, bill, songbirds, North American birds, passerine birds, external parts of birds, Zamelodia, Song Grosbeak, large beaked birdsGalleries
Bird AnatomySource
Elliot Coues Key to North American Birds (Boston, MA: Estes and Lauriat, 1884)
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