“Chordediles poptue. Night-hawk. Bull-bat. Above, mottled with black, brown, gray and tawny, the former in excess; below from the breast transversely barred with blackish and white or pale fulvous; throat with a large white (male) or tawny (female cross-bars tail blackish, with distant pale marbled cross-bars and a large white spot (wanting in the female) on one or both webs of nearly all the feathers toward the end; primaries dusky, unmarked except by one large white spot on outer five, about midway between their base and tip; secondaries like primaries, bit with whitish tips and imperfect cross-bars. Sexes nearly alike: Female with the white spaces on the quills, but that on the tail replaced by tawny or not evident.” Elliot Coues, 1884
Elliot Coues Key to North American Birds (Boston, MA: Estes and Lauriat, 1884)
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