"Recurvirostra. Avocets. Bell slender, more or less recurved, then the upper mandible hooked at the…
This Old World bird's plumage is gray or brown. They have a long tail, strong legs, and a slim body.
"Numenius longirostris. Long-billed Curlew. Sickle-bill. Plumage very similar to that of the Godwit,…
"Adult, in summer: Slaty-plumbeous, paler below, inclining on the head to sooty-brown. Quills and tail-feathers…
"Myiarchus cinerescens. Ash-throated Crested Flycatcher. Rather olivaceous-brown above, quite brown…
"Pitangus derbianus. Derby Flycatcher. Under parts light wood-brown, with an olive tinge; wings and…
"Milvulus forficatus. Swallow-tailed Flycatcher. Scissor-tail. Crown patch orange or scarlet. General…
"Pyrocephalus rubineus mexicanus. Vermilion Flycatcher, Adult male: Pure dark brown, including stripe…
"Limosa fedoa. Great Marbled Godwit. Marlin. Feathers not extending on side of lower mandible to a point…
"Chordediles poptue. Night-hawk. Bull-bat. Above, mottled with black, brown, gray and tawny, the former…
"Chordediles poptue. Night-hawk. Bull-bat. Above, mottled with black, brown, gray and tawny, the former…
"Haematopus ostrilegus. European Oyster-catcher. (oyster-opener would b a better name, as oysters do…
"Contopus virens. Wood Pewee. Olivaceous-brown, rather darker on head; with sides washed with a paler…
"Steganopus wilsoni. Wilson's Phalarope. Bill and feet black. Crown of head pale ash, passing into white…
"Our Ruticilla phoenicurus,the Redstart, is grey, with brown wings, chestnut breast, rump, and lateral…
"Machetes pugnax. Ruff. Reeve. Combatant. Gambetta. Varied above with black, brown, buff and chestnut,…
"Calidris arenaria. Sanderling. Ruddy "Plover". Adult in summer: Entire upper parts and neck all round…
"Tryngites rufescens. Buff-breasted Sandpiper. Above, brownish-black with a greenish gloss, every feather…
"Rhyacophilus solitarius. Solitary Tattler. American Green Sandpiper. Solitary Sandpiper. Above, dark…
"Tringoides macularius. Spotted Sandpiper. Above, silken ashen-olive (quaker-color- as in our cuckoos)…
"Micropalama himantopus. Stilt Sandpiper. In summer: blackish, each feather edged and tipped with white…
"Macrorhamphus griseus. Red-breasted Snipe. Gray Snipe. Brown-back. Dowitcher. In summer:Under parts…
"Our familiar Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) being iridescent black, with buff markings above, and, after…
"Himantopus. Stilts. Bill extremely slender, but not flattened, nor turned up, nor hooked; longer than…
"Stilt. Long-shanks. Lawyer. Adult. Mantle, constituted by the interscapulars, scapulars, and wings…
"Hirundo rustica, the Swallow, is metallic black, with a variable amount of chestnut or rufous on the…
"Chaetura pelasgica. Chimney Swift. Chimney "Swallow". Sooty-brown, with a faint greenish gloss above;…
"Timelia maculata, the Babbling Thrush, sexes are commonly alike, the plain rufous coloration being…
"Strepsilas interpres. Turnstone. Brant Bird. Calico-back. Pied above with black, white, brown, and…
"Motacilla raii, the Yellow Wagtails, are generally black and white, grey and white, grey with a yellow…
A (Motacilla alba) or White Wagtail (upper) and a (Motacilla flava) Yellow Wagtail (lower) sitting on…
"The Yellow Wagtail or Motilla flava has characters of the Motacilla alva; tail shorter, not exceeding…
"Black-poll Warbler or Dendroica striata. Back, rump, tail-coverts grayish-olive, heavily streaked with…
"Black-throated Gray Warbler or Dendroica nigrescens. Above, bluish-ash, the interscapular region, and…
"Blue Golden-Winged Warbler or Helminthophila chrysoptera. Upper parts slaty-blue, or or fine bluish-gray;…
"Myiodioctes canadensis. Canadian Fly-catching Warbler. Canada Warbler. Bluish-ash; crown speckled with…
"Chestnut-sided Warbler, Dendroica pensylvanica. Back streaked with black and pale yellow (sometimes…
"Myiodioctes mitratus. Hooded Fly-catching Warbler. Hooded Warbler. Clear yellow-olive above; below,…
"Kentucky Warbler. Oporornis formosus. Clear olive-green; entire under parts bright yellow, olive-shaded…
"Black -and-Yellow Warbler. Magnolia Warbler. Back black, usually quite pure and uninterrupted in the…
"Yellow-rumped Warbler or Dendroica coronata. Yellow-crowned Warbler. Myrtle Bird. Slaty-blue, streaked…
"Antrostomus vociferus. Whippoorwill. Night-jar. Upper parts variegated with gray, black, whitish, and…
"Antrostomus vociferus. Whippoorwill. Night-jar. Upper parts variegated with gray, black, whitish, and…
"Symphemia semipalmata. Semipalmated Tattler. Willet. Adult in summer: Upper parts ashy, confoundedly…
"Symphemia semipalmata. Semipalmated Tattler. Willet. Adult in summer: Upper parts ashy, confoundedly…
"European Wren. Feet strictly laminiplanter, as usual in Oscines. Tail thin, with narrow parallel-edged…
"Upper parts pale brownish-gray, minutely dotted with blackish and whitish points together, and usually…
"Totanus melanoleucus. Greater Tell-tale. Greater Yellow-shanks. Long-legged Tattler. Stone-snipe. Bill…
"Geothlypis trichas. Common Yellowthroat. Yellow-throated Ground Warbler. Maryland Yellow-throat. Upper…