152 illustrations of birds including: tailor bird, tamatia, tanager, teal, tern, thasher, thrush, titmouse, tock, tody, toucan, touraco, trogon, turkey, turnstone, umbrella bird, versicolor, vireo, and vulture
The Warbling Vireo, Vireo gilvus, is a small songbird. Adults are 12 cm long and weigh 12 g. They are…
"Similar to V. gilvus, but smaller; colors paler; bill more depressed; upper mandible almost black;…
The Yellow-throated Vireo, Vireo flavifrons, is a small American songbird. Adults are mainly olive on…
The Yellow-throated Vireo, Vireo flavifrons, is a small American songbird. Adults are mainly olive on…
In vultures, the head and neck are bare, the beak is long and curved at the tip, legs are powerful,…
Vultures are the scavengers of the Amazon, and are never killed by the people. They are quite tame,…
The Bearded Vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) is a large bird in the Accipitridae family of birds of prey.
Genus Coragyps, about the size of a small turkey. This one is feeding on a cow's head.
Black vulture (or carrion crow), genus Coragyps, about the size of a small turkey. This group…
"Catharista atrata. Black Vulture. Carrion Crow. Adult: Entire plumage, including skin of head, and…
V. cinercus, native to the mountainous regions of Europe. It feeds exclusively on carrion.
C. Californianus, a large species of vulture, found only on the western side of the Rocky Mountains,…
N. percnopterus, common to Africa, sometimes found in Southern Europe and in Asia. Males and…
"One of the smaller Vulturidae, of a genus differing from the true vultures in the slender bill, which…
"When pressed by hunger it shows no fear in attacking live animals, which makes it dreaded by the shepherds…
Genus sarcoramphus, a large vulture found in the tropical regions of the Americas, sometimes…
"A Vulture is any member of the family Vulturidæ included among the birds of prey. In all the…
"The King-vulture is distinguished from the condor by the collar-ruff which surrounds the neck being…
The Palm-Nut Vulture (Gypohierax angolensis) is a large bird in the Accipitridae family of birds of…
G. serpentarius, known as the serpent vulture because it feeds on snakes. It has a distinctive…
The Turkey vulture is found over the whole United States, but is more numerous in the southern region…
Vultures are carrion eaters. The head and neck are usually bare, and the bill and claws weaker than…
Genus Vulture, posess keen eyesight and a sense of smell for locating carcasses. Vultures feed…
A group of vultures, three on the ground, eat their prey. Several vultures are approaching those already…