574 illustrations of flowers and shrubs including: acacia, acanthus, adder's tongue, agave, alfalfa, alisma, allspice, aloe, anacharis, aristolochia, arnica, arrowhead, arrowroot, artichoke, asparagus, aster, azalea, and azolla
"A genus of plants of the natural order Umbelliferae, by some botanists divided into two: A., and Archangelica.…
The flowers of Archangelica officinalis, or the Garden Angelica, a flowering plant in the Apiaceae family.
This illustration shows the flower and sporophylls of Angiosperms: 1, flower of Sedum with leaf-like…
The stems of Angraecum superbum are four feet or more tall. The flowers are green and spreading with…
The flower of anigozanthus flavisdus is a yellowish green color. There is also a scarlet and green flowered…
A chinese flower. It abounds in a volitale oil which gives it an aromatic flavor and odor. Used as a…
"Anona furfuracea. 1. an expanded flower; 2. a vertical section of male and female apparatus, which…
The orders of Annonaceae, Myristicaceae, Monimiaceae, and Lauraceae are pictured. The flowers of these…
Annual Honesty (Lunaria annua) is a tall (height about 1 m), hairy-stemmed biennial plant found throughout…
A commonly cultivated species of flowers with purple flowers native to Europe and Iran.
Anoetochilus regalis flowers are some of the most attractive of the anoetochilus. The leaves are oval,…
"An epiphytic ant plant (Myrmecodia pentasperma) of the Bismarck Archipelago. The large pseudobulb is…
The flowers of antennaria margaritacea are white and grow in clusters. Each head of flowers is encircled…
The common names of Anthemis cotula are may-weed and dog fennel. The weed grows one to two feet high.…
The common name of Anthemis tinctoria is golden marguerite. The plant grows two to three feet tall.…
The common name of Anthericum liliago is St. Bernard's Lily. The stem is simple and two to three feet…
The common name of Anthericum liliago is St. Bernard's Lily. Pictured is the stolon of the flower.
Anthericum Liliastrum is commonly known as St. Bruno's Lily. The flowers are a transparent white with…
"Image: Branch of Fucus. The organ cryptogamic plants which answers to the anther in the phanerogamic…
Antheridium of Chara: a, The four upper shields; b, interior; c, antheridial filament; d, two antherozoids.
"Anthodiscus trifoliatus. 1. a flower bud; 2. a flower; 3. a perpendicular section of the pistil." -Lindley,…
The leaf blades of Anthurium andraeanum are drooping. The flower spike is three to four inches long…
The anthurium andreanum flower grows on a long yellowish spike called a spadix. The outer portion, called…
Anthurium Crystallinum has large, heart shaped leaves. The leaves are a rich, velvety green and the…
The flowers of anthurium scherzerianum rest on bright red stalks. The spadix, or the cluster of flowers…
Anthurium scherzerianum grows one or two feet high. The flowers are slender, curled, and yellow.
The flowers of anthurium scherzerianum are gigantic, about nine inches long and four inches broad. The…
The leaves of anthurium splendidum are heart shaped. The stem is short and thick. This plant grows in…
Pictured is a young leaf, not yet showing the arched depressions, of Anthurium veitchii. The leaf blade…
The leaves are Anthurium warocqueanum are oblong and long tapering. The leaves hang two to four feet…
The albus variety of Antigonon Leptopus has flowers that are nearly or quite white. Pictured is a plant…
The petals of antirrhinum asarina was one and a half inches long. The petals are white, sometimes tinged…
Antirrhinum is commonly known as Snapdragon. The capsules are two celled. The upper cell bursting by…
Antirrhinum Majus is commonly known as Greater Snapdragon or Common Snapdragon. This flower grows in…
The common name of Antirrhinum majus is common or large snapdragon. The flowers are large and come in…
The flowers of Antirrhinum maurandioides are one inch or more long. The flowers are violet or purple.…
Antirrhinum Orontium has rose or white colored petals. The petals are also striped with purple. This…
The common name of Antirrhinum orontium is small snapdragon. The flowers are small and purple or white.…
Aphelandra cristata is a flowering plant shown potted here because it is often used as a houseplant.
The leopoldii variety of Aphelandra squarrosa is showy with yellow flowers.
Aphyllon uniflorum has white or violet flowers. Each stem has one flower and is leafless. The plant…
Apicra pentagona has an erect stem that is six to twelve inches tall. The flowers are a greenish color.…
Apios Tuberosa grows the edible tuber known as ground nut. The flowers are brownish-purple. The habit…
The common names of Apios tuberosa are groundnut and wild bean. The plant grows between four and eight…
The common names ofAplectrum hyemale are putty root and Adam-and-Eve. The pods are oblong and pointed.…
Apocynum is more commonly known as Dog's Bane. The flowers of the androsaemifolium variety are pale…
Aponogeton Distachyon is commonly known as Cape Pond Weed or Winter Hawthorn. It is an aquatic plant…
A genus of plants, with angular toothed leaves, large funnel shaped flowers, and a prickly, globular,…
The flowers of the apricot are pink-white. The flowers grow singly and precede the leaves.
The orders pictured are aquifoliaceae, celastraceae, stackhousiaceae, and staphyleaceae. The flowers…