392 illustrations of flowers and shrubs including: pansy, papyrus, parsnip, passion flower, pea, peanut, pennyroyal, peony, pepper, periwinkle, petunia, phlox, pickerel, pigweed, pimento, pimpernel, pineapple, pinxter, pitcher plant, plantain, poison ivy, poison oak, pokeweed, pondweed, poplar, poppy, primrose, prunella, pulse, pumpkin, and pyrola

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), the leaf of the common vetch or Vicia sativa.

Common Vetch

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), the leaf of the common vetch or Vicia sativa.

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), the cow vetch or Vicia Cracca.

Cow Vetch

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), the cow vetch or Vicia Cracca.

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), the leaf and seed pod of Desmodium Dellenii.

D. Deillenii

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), the leaf and seed pod of Desmodium Dellenii.

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), the seed pod of Desmodium grandiflorum.

D. Grandiflorum

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), the seed pod of Desmodium grandiflorum.

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), the leaf and seed pod of Desmodium paniculatum.

D. Paniculatum

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), the leaf and seed pod of Desmodium paniculatum.

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), the ground nut or Apios tuberosa.

Ground Nut

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), the ground nut or Apios tuberosa.

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae): left, hog peanut (Amphicarpaea monoica); right, wild bean (Phaseolus polystachyus).

Hog Peanut and Wild Bean

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae): left, hog peanut (Amphicarpaea monoica); right, wild bean (Phaseolus…

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), the hop clover or Trifolium agrarium.

Hop Clover

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), the hop clover or Trifolium agrarium.

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), the leaf of Lespedeza hirta.

L. Hirta

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), the leaf of Lespedeza hirta.

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), Lespedeza virginica.

L. Virginica

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), Lespedeza virginica.

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), the milk vetch or Astragalus canadensis.

Milk Vetch

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), the milk vetch or Astragalus canadensis.

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), the leaf of the nonesuch or black medick (Medicago lupulina).

Nonesuch or Black Medick

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), the leaf of the nonesuch or black medick (Medicago lupulina).

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae): large image, the partridge pea with pods (Cassia Chamaecrista); leaves on left side, Strophostyles helvola.

Partridge Pea

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae): large image, the partridge pea with pods (Cassia Chamaecrista); leaves…

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), the rabbit-foot clover or Trifolium arvense.

Rabbit-Foot Clover

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), the rabbit-foot clover or Trifolium arvense.

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), the tick trefoil or Desmodium nudiflorum.

Tick Trefoil

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), the tick trefoil or Desmodium nudiflorum.

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), the leaf of the trailing bush clover or Lespedeza procumbens.

Trailing Bush Clover

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), the leaf of the trailing bush clover or Lespedeza procumbens.

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), the leaf of Vicia americana.

V. Americana

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), the leaf of Vicia americana.

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), the yellow melilot or Melilotus officinalis.

Yellow Melilot

Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), the yellow melilot or Melilotus officinalis.

A flowering plant belonging to the Ericaceae family.

Zenobia Pulverulenta

A flowering plant belonging to the Ericaceae family.

Woody evergreen commonly seen in eastern Asia, seen throughout as a typical houseplant.

Ficus Pumila

Woody evergreen commonly seen in eastern Asia, seen throughout as a typical houseplant.

Illustrated is the stem of an early sugar pumpkin. It is the common name of curcurbita pepo.

Pumpkin Stem

Illustrated is the stem of an early sugar pumpkin. It is the common name of curcurbita pepo.

Illustrated is the stem of the large cheese pumpkin, or curcurbita moschata.

Large Cheese Pumpkin

Illustrated is the stem of the large cheese pumpkin, or curcurbita moschata.

Embryo of Pumpkin-seed, partly open.


Embryo of Pumpkin-seed, partly open.

Pyxis of Purslane, the lid detaching.


Pyxis of Purslane, the lid detaching.

Of the purslane family (Portulacaceae): left, the Purslane (Portulaca oleracea); right, spring beauty (Claytonia Virginica).

Purslane and Spring Beauty

Of the purslane family (Portulacaceae): left, the Purslane (Portulaca oleracea); right, spring beauty…

Of the Evening Primrose family (Onograceae), the water purslane (Ludwigia palustris).

Water Purslane

Of the Evening Primrose family (Onograceae), the water purslane (Ludwigia palustris).

Purslane-flower in section; calyx, petals, stamens adnate to lower half of ovary,-perigynous.


Purslane-flower in section; calyx, petals, stamens adnate to lower half of ovary,-perigynous.

A woody fern with numerous branches and dark brown, squarrose scales. They are commonly found in New Zealand and Australia.

Polypodium Pustulatum

A woody fern with numerous branches and dark brown, squarrose scales. They are commonly found in New…

Of the Pyrola family (Pyrolaceae): 1, Pipsissewa Prince's Pine (Chimaphila umbellata); 2, Spotted Wintergreen (Chimaphila maculata).


Of the Pyrola family (Pyrolaceae): 1, Pipsissewa Prince's Pine (Chimaphila umbellata); 2, Spotted Wintergreen…

Of the Pyrola family (Pyrolaceae), Pyrola asarifolia.

Pyrola Asarifolia

Of the Pyrola family (Pyrolaceae), Pyrola asarifolia.

Of the Pyrola family (Pyrolaceae), the one-flowered pyrola (Moneses uniflora).

One-Flowered Pyrola

Of the Pyrola family (Pyrolaceae), the one-flowered pyrola (Moneses uniflora).

<i>Salsola kali</i>. This plant is also called a Russian Thistle, Prickly Glasswort, Tumbleweed, and Glasswort. It is a member of the amaranth family and is an annually growing herb. It has a bushy stem with many branches. It produces a small, white flower. It is native on sea beaches in Europe, western Asia, North and South America, and Australia.

Prickly Saltwort

Salsola kali. This plant is also called a Russian Thistle, Prickly Glasswort, Tumbleweed, and Glasswort.…