392 illustrations of flowers and shrubs including: pansy, papyrus, parsnip, passion flower, pea, peanut, pennyroyal, peony, pepper, periwinkle, petunia, phlox, pickerel, pigweed, pimento, pimpernel, pineapple, pinxter, pitcher plant, plantain, poison ivy, poison oak, pokeweed, pondweed, poplar, poppy, primrose, prunella, pulse, pumpkin, and pyrola
Of the poppy family (Papaveraceae): left, bloodroot (Sanguinaria Canadensis); right, celandine poppy…
"Poppy is a genus of plants, of which there are numerous species, mostly natives of Europe and Asia,…
"Romeria refracta. 1. its stamens and pistil; 2. a cross section of the ovary of Eschscholtzia californica;…
"Zannichellia palustris. 1. A flower; 2. a cluster of ripe ovaries; 3. an ovary opened to exhibit the…
Illustrated is tip burn of the potato leaf. It is a physiological difficulty or disease.
A species of Primula native to western and southern Europe, including the British Isles. It is one of…
"Scabious succisa, the primrose scabious, is a common European plant, which bears purplish-blue…
Of the Evening Primrose family (Onograceae), the common evening primrose (OEnothera biennis).
Of the Primrose family (Primulaceae), the dwarf Canadian primrose (Primula mistassinica).
There are several varieties of auricula that vary in color. There are five classes of auricula:green-edged,…
Part of stem and leaf of Prince's-Feather (Polygonum orientale) with the united sheathing stipules forming…
Illustrated is a common method of making privet hedge. Privet hedge is an ornamental woody plant grown…
Illustrated is a privet hedge at final transplanting. The plants may be set twelve to fifteen inches…
Proboscidea is a genus of flowering plant in the family Martyniaceae, some of whose species are known…
"The prunella, or self-heal, is a genus of hardy perennial, herbaceous plants belonging to the order…
Puccoon is the common name of lithospermum canescens. It is also known as redroot and Indian paint.…
Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), the flower of the beach pea or Lathyrus maritimus.
Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), the leaves of the beach pea or Lathyrus maritimus.
Of the pulse family (Leguminosae): left, blue false indigo (Baptisia australis); right, wild indigo…
Of the pulse family (Leguminosae), the Canadian tick trefoil or Desmodium Canadense.