392 illustrations of flowers and shrubs including: pansy, papyrus, parsnip, passion flower, pea, peanut, pennyroyal, peony, pepper, periwinkle, petunia, phlox, pickerel, pigweed, pimento, pimpernel, pineapple, pinxter, pitcher plant, plantain, poison ivy, poison oak, pokeweed, pondweed, poplar, poppy, primrose, prunella, pulse, pumpkin, and pyrola
The common names of phytolacca decandra are Virginian poke weed, pigeon-berry and red-ink plant. The…
Two species of the pickerel weed family: right, pickerel weed (Pontederia cordata); left, mud plantain…
Also known as Pontederia cordata. A blue plant with numerous spikes of blue flowers. It generally is…
Picotee flowers are similar to carnations. They are distinguished by their ground color and are edged…
A wide-creeping fern with squarrose scales. Fertile fronds are narrow and long, whereas the barren ones…
The common name of pimelea is rice flower. The ligustrina hypericina variety has white flowers in round…
"Brunonia sericea. 1. a complete flower; 2. the pistil; 3. a ripe fruit; 4. embryo." -Lindley, 1853
1, Flowering plant of the pine sap (Hypopitys multiflora); 2, plant with fruits. a, a, flower; b, fruit.
The common names of pinguicula vulgaris are bog violet and butter root. The flowers are violet and bloom…
An extensive genus of plants, of which many species have long been cultivated in gardens. they include…
Of the pink family (Caryophyllaceae): left, the bladder campion (Silene latifolia); right, starry campion…
Of the pink family (Caryophyllaceae): left, chickweed (Stellaria media); middle, mountain sandwort (Arenaria…
The fimbriate petals of the flower of the Clove Pink (Dianthus caryophyllus), from the Caryophyllaceae…
Of the pink family (Caryophyllaceae): left, Deptford pink (Dianthus Armeria); right, maiden pink (Dianthus…
The pitcher plant is remarkable for having the end of its leaf turned up so as to form a complete pitcher,…
The pitcher plant is remarkable for having the end of its leaf turned up so as to form a complete pitcher,…
Of the pitcher plant family (Sarraceniaceae), the pitcher plant or Sarracenia purpurea.
"Nepenthes distillatoria. 1. male; 2. female; 3. ripe fruit; 4. a section of a seed very highly magnified."…
Illustrated is an example of how pitcher plants change their shape. The earliest, and best, are mug…
"Common Pitcher-Plant (Sarracenia purpurea). At the right one of the pitcher-like leaves is shown in…
"Heliamphora nutans. 1. the stamens and pistil; 2. the latter separate; 3. a cross section of the ovary;…
A group of plants remarkable for having leaves or petioles formed like pitchers, and in which more or…
"Morphology of Pitchers. A, ordinary leaf of Cephalotus; B, monstrous leaf with spoon-shaped depression;…
"Pyxidanthera barbulata. 1. corolla cut open; 2. perpendicular section of the ovary; 3. anther; 4. seed;…
A genus of plants distributed abundantly in all parts of the world. They inclue about one hundred species,…
An illustration of a plantain plant. The plantain is a crop in the genus Musa and is generally used…
An illustration of a plantain plant flower and bract. In botany, a bract is a modified or specialized…
Earlier stage, pistil mature, stamens not yet appearing outside the corolla of a plantain flower.