392 illustrations of flowers and shrubs including: pansy, papyrus, parsnip, passion flower, pea, peanut, pennyroyal, peony, pepper, periwinkle, petunia, phlox, pickerel, pigweed, pimento, pimpernel, pineapple, pinxter, pitcher plant, plantain, poison ivy, poison oak, pokeweed, pondweed, poplar, poppy, primrose, prunella, pulse, pumpkin, and pyrola
The common name of passiflora is passion flower. The caerulea variety has flowers that are purple at…
The common names of passiflora are passion flower and passion fruit. The racemosa variety has deep red…
The common names of passiflora are passion flower and passion fruit. The raddiana variety has deep red…
"Pasiflora is the passion-flower. Generally climbing herbs or shrubs. Fruit succulent, seeds many. Found…
"A genus of plants almost exclusively native to the warm parts of America, and belonging to the natural…
Paulownia imperialis flowers are pale violet with dark spots inside. The flowers are one and a half…
The common names of pavia are buckeye and smooth-fruited horse chestnut. The californica variety has…
The common name of pavia rubra is red buckeye. The flowers are bright red and bloom in May. The plant…
"Flower of the Pea (Pisum sativum), showing a papillionaceous corolla, with one petal superior, st,…
A trailing plant of the bean family, bearing a hairy stem, small yellow flowers, and two-paired primate…
A vine of the pea family, the peanut plant is native to Brazil but the fruit of the plant has become…
"A, a pear leaf-bud in autumn; B, a leafy shoot derived from A, as seen in the middle of the following…
A typical peat-bog sedge, characteristic of the peat-bogs of the northeastern United States.
The common name of pelargonium is stork's bill. The endlicherianum variety has large, deep rose colored…
Pelargonium inquinans flowers vary from intense scarlet, to rose colored, to white. The flowers bloom…
The common name of pelargonium peltatum is ivy-leaved pelargonium. The flowers vary from white to red…
The two upper petals of pelargonium tricolor flowers are very dark red and the three lower petals are…
The common name of pelargonium zonale is horseshoe geranium. Sometimes the seedlings only develop proliferous…
The common name of pelargonium zonale is horseshoe geranium. The flowers vary from all shades of red…
Leaves usually with sharp lobes; flowers individually inconspicuous, on a fleshy axis snclosed in a…
Pentas carnea flowers are disposed in numerous, large heads. The flowers bloom almost all year round.…
The common name of pentstemon is beard tongue. The barbatus variety has light pink or light red flowers.…
The flowers of pentstemon diffusus are showy and purple. The flowers bloom in September. The plant grows…
The flowers of pentstemon hartwegi are scarlet or blood colored. The flowers are tubular and funnel…
Paeonia) is the only genus in the flowering plant family Paeoniaceae. They are native to Asia, southern…
The common name of peperomia is pepper elder. The marmorata variety has erect flowers in a tail-like…
Peperomia saundersii leaves are thick and fleshy, about five inches long. The plant grows between eight…
"The Pepo is an inferior fruit, with a thick and fleshy rind, with two or more fleshy parietal placentas,…
A class of plants native to the East Indies, but now extensively naturalized and cultivated. There are…
"Serronia Jaborandi. 1. a cluster of flowers magnified; 2. a ripe fruit; 3. a vertical section of the…
An evergreen vine which attaches itself to the ground like ivy. The betel pepper has larger berries…
Black pepper is a flowering vine, which is usually dried and used as a spice and seasoning.
A piece of the running rootstock of the Peppermint, with its node or joint, and an axillary bud ready…
"The upper part of Peppermint (Mentha piperita), with flowers. a, flower; b, calyx." -Century, 1889