252 illustrations of trees including: cabbage palmetto, cabomba, cacao, calabash, California black oak, California juniper, camphor, Canadian hemlock, cannon ball tree, Caribbean pine, cashew, chapman Oak, cherimoya, cherry, chestnut, cinnamon, citron, clove tree, cocao, cocoanut palm, coffee tree, common Juniper, copaiva tree, copal, and corkwood.
The common names of cordyline are dracena and dracena palm. The australis variety grows fifteen to forty…
Cordyline terminalis baptistii has broad, recurved, deep green leaves. The leaves have some pink and…
"1. Coriaria napalensis; 2. flower of Coriaria myrtifolia without its calyx; 3. its pistil; 4. a perpendicular…
Also known as Leitneria floridana. A shrub native to the southeastern United States.
Barringtonia speciosa or cornbeefwood is a species of flowering plants from the Lecythidaceae family.
"Cornel: a, a branch with leaves and fruit; b, a single flower." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875
Corsican pine is the common name of pinus laricio. The tree grows between one hundred and one hundred…
Corypha elata grows sixty to seventy feet tall. The trunk is two feet in diameter and spirally ridged.…
This shows the staminate aments of the cottonwood, Populus deltoides (Keeler, 1915).
This shows the pistillate aments of the cottonwood, Populus deltoides (Keeler, 1915).
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge somewhat irregularly toothed. Outline - broad egg-shape (approaching…
"A name given to a number of species of tree of different natural orders, the bland milky juice of which…
"A name given to a number of species of tree of different natural orders, the bland milky juice of which…
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge distinctly toothed when mature; sometimes near three-lobed Outline…
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge strongly and somewhat unevenly toothed, the teeth thickened and their…
Crataegus arnoldiana is a tree variety of hawthorn. It grows twenty feet tall with stout, ascending…
Crataegus coccinioides sometimes grows twenty feet tall. The branches are stout and spreading, forming…
The crataegus punctata tree grows twenty five feet tall with horizontally spreading branches. It is…
The common name of crescentia cujete is calabash. The fruit is eighteen to twenty inches through. It…
"Crown-grafting is preferable to cleft-grafting, inasmuch as it leaves no open spaces in the wood. The…
The Cuban pine, which occurs mostly in the West Indies and South America, as well as the Gulf States…
The Cuban pine, which occurs mostly in the West Indies and South America, as well as the Gulf States…
The Cuban pine, which occurs mostly in the West Indies and South America, as well as the Gulf States…
The Cuban pine, which occurs mostly in the West Indies and South America, as well as the Gulf States…
The Cuban pine, which occurs mostly in the West Indies and South America, as well as the Gulf States…
The Cuban pine, which occurs mostly in the West Indies and South America, as well as the Gulf States…
The Cuban pine, which occurs mostly in the West Indies and South America, as well as the Gulf States…
The Cuban pine, which occurs mostly in the West Indies and South America, as well as the Gulf States…
Also known as Magnolia acuminata. The branch of a Cucumber tree, native to the northeastern United States…
Leaves - simple, alternate, edge entire. Outline - long oval. Apex - pointed. Base - pointed. Leaf -…
Cudrania triloba is also know as malcura tricuspidata. Pictured is a branch of cudrania triloba in its…
Cudrania triloba is also known as malcura tricuspidata. The juvenile branch is in a non flowering state.
A type of palm tree that grows between 2 feet and 10 feet in length, and up to 60 feet in height. They…
A small genus of plants. They are small trees or shrubs with compound leaves and dense racemes of small…
Cupressus macnabiana is a small tree, growing twenty feet tall. The tree forms a dense, pyramidal head.…
Cupressus sempervirens is a variety of cypress. The tree grows eighty feet tall with erect, horizontal…
"The name commonly given in the West Indies and other tropical countries to the fruits of certain species…
Cycadaceae is an order with more or less woody plants. The stems are thick, unbranched, columnar, or…
Cycas pectinata is an evergreen, palm like tree. The tree grows ten feet tall. It is native to India.
The common name of cycas revoluta is sago palm. It is native to southern Japan. It is a graceful, palm…
The common name of cyphomandra betacea is tree tomato. The plant is native to Brazil. It is cultivated…
Pictured is an old, deciduous cypress located in Bartram's garden. The tree is standing although it's…
"Cupressus sempervirens; 1. a scale of a male cone with pollen; 2. a scale of a female cone with naked…
Also known as Picea engelmannii. A species of spruce tree native to western North America.
Common horse chestnut is the common name of Aesculus hippocastanum. The tree is large, between sixty…
"The Charter Oak. In Hartford the colonial government met to deliver up the charter. It was evening,…