252 illustrations of trees including: cabbage palmetto, cabomba, cacao, calabash, California black oak, California juniper, camphor, Canadian hemlock, cannon ball tree, Caribbean pine, cashew, chapman Oak, cherimoya, cherry, chestnut, cinnamon, citron, clove tree, cocao, cocoanut palm, coffee tree, common Juniper, copaiva tree, copal, and corkwood.

The chrysalidocarpus lutescens palm grows thirty feet tall. It is native to Madagascar.

Chrysalidocarpus Lutescens

The chrysalidocarpus lutescens palm grows thirty feet tall. It is native to Madagascar.

"Cinchona is a genus of trees found exclusively on the Andes in Peru and adjacent countries, and recently introduced into India, producing a medicinal bark of great value known as Peruvian bark."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"Cinchona is a genus of trees found exclusively on the Andes in Peru and adjacent countries, and recently…

A plant or tree whose bark is harvested for the treatment of Malaria.


A plant or tree whose bark is harvested for the treatment of Malaria.

The Cinchona plant of South America.


The Cinchona plant of South America.

This perennial is commonly found in the mediterranean.

Senecio Cineraria

This perennial is commonly found in the mediterranean.

A cinnamon tree cultivated for its delicious bark.


A cinnamon tree cultivated for its delicious bark.

Cinnamon is a small evergreen tree, native to Sri Lanka and Southern India.


Cinnamon is a small evergreen tree, native to Sri Lanka and Southern India.

The cinnamon plant. It is the inner bark of a tree growing about twenty feet high, and being peeled off in thin strips curls as it is found in market.


The cinnamon plant. It is the inner bark of a tree growing about twenty feet high, and being peeled…

The cinnamon tree is a evergreen tree small in stature. The bark from the tree is used as a the spice, cinnamon.

Cinnamon Tree

The cinnamon tree is a evergreen tree small in stature. The bark from the tree is used as a the spice,…

Citrange is a hybrid between the common orange ad the trifoliate orange. The rusk variety has the smallest flowers and smallest, reddest fruits. The fruits are thin skinned, aromatic, juicy, and almost seedless.

Rusk Citrange

Citrange is a hybrid between the common orange ad the trifoliate orange. The rusk variety has the smallest…

"A tree cultivated in the south of Europe, and other warm, temperate, or sub-tropical countries for its fruit; a native of the forests of the north of India. By many botanists, it is regarded as a more variety (or perhaps the original type) of the species which produces also the lemon, sweet lemon, lime, and sweet lime; by others, these, or some of them, are regarded as distinct species." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"A tree cultivated in the south of Europe, and other warm, temperate, or sub-tropical countries for…

The common name of citropsis is African cherry orange. The schweinfurthii variety large flowers. The fruits are lime-like and sweet.

Citropsis Schweinfurthii

The common name of citropsis is African cherry orange. The schweinfurthii variety large flowers. The…

The common name of citrus medica is citron. It is a large, lemon like fruit with a thick peel. The peel is candied and used for culinary purposes.

Citrus Medica

The common name of citrus medica is citron. It is a large, lemon like fruit with a thick peel. The peel…

Sepals copiously pubescent; fruit a subglobose, valved capsule, leaves cuneate.


Sepals copiously pubescent; fruit a subglobose, valved capsule, leaves cuneate.

Flower clusters terminal, fruit winged.


Flower clusters terminal, fruit winged.

An evergreen tree 15 to 30 feet high with large elliptic smooth leaves. Its flower buds are commonly used as a spice in foods.

Clove Tree

An evergreen tree 15 to 30 feet high with large elliptic smooth leaves. Its flower buds are commonly…

Cloves trees are native to Indonesia. Flower buds from the tree, once dried, are used as a spice in food world wide.

Clove Tree

Cloves trees are native to Indonesia. Flower buds from the tree, once dried, are used as a spice in…

"Cloves are a very pungent and aromatic spice, the dried flower-buds of a tree a native of the Molucca Islands, belonging to the myrtle tribe, now cultivated in Sumatra, Mauritius, Malacca, Jamaica, etc. Every part of the plant abounds in the volatile oil for which the flower-buds are prized."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"Cloves are a very pungent and aromatic spice, the dried flower-buds of a tree a native of the Molucca…

"Cloves are the flower-buds of the Clove-tree. The genus to which this tree belongs is of the natural order Myrtaceae; the calyx has a cylindrical tube and 4-cleft border; the corolla consists of four petals united by their tips; the stamens are in four clusters; and the fruit is an oblong dry berry with one or two cells and as many seeds." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"Cloves are the flower-buds of the Clove-tree. The genus to which this tree belongs is of the natural…

Also known as Quercus agrifolia. The branch of a Coast Live Oak, native to the California Floristic Province.

Branch of Coast Live Oak

Also known as Quercus agrifolia. The branch of a Coast Live Oak, native to the California Floristic…

Also known as Quercus dumosa. The branch of a Coastal Sage Scrub Oak tree, native to Mexico and California.

Branch of Coastal Sage Scrub Oak

Also known as Quercus dumosa. The branch of a Coastal Sage Scrub Oak tree, native to Mexico and California.

"Erythroxylon. 1. a flower; 2. one of the petals; 3. the pistil with 3 capitate stigmas; 4. a drupe; 5. the embryo." -Lindley, 1853


"Erythroxylon. 1. a flower; 2. one of the petals; 3. the pistil with 3 capitate stigmas; 4. a drupe;…

Coca is a plant in the family Erythroxylaceae, native to north-western South America. The plant plays a significant role in traditional Andean culture. Coca leaves contain cocaine alkaloids, a basis for the drug cocaine, which is a powerful stimulant. The flowers mature into red berries.

Coca Fruit

Coca is a plant in the family Erythroxylaceae, native to north-western South America. The plant plays…

"The different kinds of cocoa either consist of, or are prepared from, the seeds of trees of the genus Theobroma." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"The different kinds of cocoa either consist of, or are prepared from, the seeds of trees of the genus…

A branch of a Coccoloba laurifolia tree.

Branch of Coccoloba Laurifolia

A branch of a Coccoloba laurifolia tree.

The common names of coccoloba uvifera are sea grape, shore grape, and uvadel mar. The leaves are large, often five inches long and seven inches wide. The flowers are white and fragrant.

Coccoloba Uvifera

The common names of coccoloba uvifera are sea grape, shore grape, and uvadel mar. The leaves are large,…

A branch of the Coccothrinax jucunda, a species of palm tree.

Branch of Coccothrinax Jucunda

A branch of the Coccothrinax jucunda, a species of palm tree.

Also known as Crataegus crus-galli. The branch of a Cockspur Thorn shrub, native to eastern North America.

Branch of Cockspur Thorn

Also known as Crataegus crus-galli. The branch of a Cockspur Thorn shrub, native to eastern North America.

Leaves - simple; alternate; edge, sharply toothed above; entire below. Outline - reverse egg-shape. Apex - usually rounded, sometimes pointed. Base - tapering to a point, quite variable. Leaf/Stem - short. Leaf - one to two and a half inches long, half to three quarters as wide; dark green; thick, smooth, very shining above. Thorns - two to three inches long, rather slender and straight. Flowers - white; fragrant; in bunches of about fifteen blossoms, on very short side branchlets. June. Fruit - about one third inch in diameter; pear-shaped or round; red remaining on the three during the winter. Found - along the St. Lawrence and westward, and from Vermont, southward and westward; not common. General Information - A small, thick-branching tree, ten to twenty feet high. It is the best species of thorn for hedges. Var. pyracanthifolia has a somewhat narrower leaf and longer leaf stem. From a Greek word meaning strength.

Genus Crataegus, L. (Thorn)

Leaves - simple; alternate; edge, sharply toothed above; entire below. Outline - reverse egg-shape.…

An illustration of a portion of cocoanut palm's young spathe with enclosed inflorescence.

Cocoanut Palm

An illustration of a portion of cocoanut palm's young spathe with enclosed inflorescence.

An illustration of a cocoanut palm's flower.

Cocoanut Palm Flower

An illustration of a cocoanut palm's flower.

An illustration of a cocoanut palm's spadix. In botany, a spadix (pl. spadices) is a type of spike: an inflorescence with small flowers crowded on a thickened, fleshy axis. The term is applied to certain monocotyledons, especially members of the Family Araceae called arums or aroids. In these flower heads there is typically also a spathe (from Ancient Greek spathe "broad blade") present: a large, usually showy and solitary, bract that either subtends (lies just below) or partially encloses the spadix. The "flower" of the anthurium is a typical spadix with a large colorful spathe.

Cocoanut Palm Spadix

An illustration of a cocoanut palm's spadix. In botany, a spadix (pl. spadices) is a type of spike:…

Pictured is a coconut tree. The coconut is the most important of tropical nuts.


Pictured is a coconut tree. The coconut is the most important of tropical nuts.

Coconut palms are a tropical tree that grow large seeds. From the seed we get milk and oil.

Coconut Palm

Coconut palms are a tropical tree that grow large seeds. From the seed we get milk and oil.

"Crown of Coconut Palm, with Fruit." — Chambers, 1881

Coconut Palm

"Crown of Coconut Palm, with Fruit." — Chambers, 1881

Cocos weddeliana is a variety of palmae or palmaceae. The blade is divided partially with many segments.

Cocos Weddeliana

Cocos weddeliana is a variety of palmae or palmaceae. The blade is divided partially with many segments.

The cocos weddelliana tree grows four to seven feet tall. It is native to the tropical areas of Brazil.

Cocos Weddelliana

The cocos weddelliana tree grows four to seven feet tall. It is native to the tropical areas of Brazil.

These are the pistillate and staminate flowers of Kentucky coffee-tree, (Keeler, 1915).

Coffee-Tree Fowers

These are the pistillate and staminate flowers of Kentucky coffee-tree, (Keeler, 1915).

The Kentucky Coffeetree (Gymnocladus dioicus) is a tree in the Fabaceae family of legumes. It was also known as the synonym Gymnocladus Canadensis. "a, part of male flwer, showing stamens; b, fruit; c, seed." -Whitney, 1911

Kentucky Coffeetree

The Kentucky Coffeetree (Gymnocladus dioicus) is a tree in the Fabaceae family of legumes. It was also…

Also known as Pinus edulis. The pine cone of a Colorado Pinyon tree.

Pine Cone of Colorado Pinyon

Also known as Pinus edulis. The pine cone of a Colorado Pinyon tree.

Also known as Pinus sylvestris fastigiata. This tree is nearly identical to a regular Scots Pine, only that it is in the shape of a column.

Columnar Scots Pine

Also known as Pinus sylvestris fastigiata. This tree is nearly identical to a regular Scots Pine, only…

"A genus of trees belonging to the natural order Oleaceae, and distinguished by very imperfect flowers, in which the calyx is obsolete, and the corolla either wanting or 3-4 partite; the fruit is a samara, a seed-vessel foliaceous at the extremity." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875

Common Ash

"A genus of trees belonging to the natural order Oleaceae, and distinguished by very imperfect flowers,…

"Common Ash. a, a branch with leaves; b, flowers; c, fruit (on a considerably larger scale than the leaves and flowers)." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875

Common Ash

"Common Ash. a, a branch with leaves; b, flowers; c, fruit (on a considerably larger scale than the…

Common date palm is the common name of phoenix dactylifera. The fruit of the tree is generally reddish or yellowish-brown when ripe. The tree grows between one hundred and one hundred twenty feet tall.

Common Date Palm

Common date palm is the common name of phoenix dactylifera. The fruit of the tree is generally reddish…

Also known as Celtis occidentalis. A branch of a Common Hackberry tree, native among the central United States.

Branch of Common Hackberry

Also known as Celtis occidentalis. A branch of a Common Hackberry tree, native among the central United…

Also known as Juniperus communis. It is generally found throughout the Northern Hemisphere.

Branch of Common Juniper

Also known as Juniperus communis. It is generally found throughout the Northern Hemisphere.

Common medlar is the common name of mespilus germanica. The flowers are white. The leaves are lance shaped and downy underneath.

Fruiting Branch of Common Medlar

Common medlar is the common name of mespilus germanica. The flowers are white. The leaves are lance…

Orange trees have very fragrant blossoms.

Flowering Branchlet of Common Orange

Orange trees have very fragrant blossoms.

Also known as Asimina triloba. A branch of a Common Pawpaw tree, native throughout eastern North America.

Branch of Common Pawpaw

Also known as Asimina triloba. A branch of a Common Pawpaw tree, native throughout eastern North America.

Leaves - simple; alternate; edge unevenly sharp-toothed above the middle; sometimes, toward the apex deeply cut. Outline - reverse egg-shape. Apex - usually slightly pointed. Base - strongly wedge-shape, tapering from above the middle of the leaf and along the leaf-stem to a point. Leaf/Stem - one half to one inch long, slender, and winged by a tapering leaf. Leaf - one and a half to two and a half inches long; about as wide; light green; rather thick; downy when young; when mature, smooth and dull, or sometimes hairy below, especially of the ribs. Ribs, very straight below; above, marked by deep furrows. Thorns - one to two inches long, stout and curved, or often wanting. Bark - rough. Flowers - white; eight to fifteen in somewhat leafy bunches. May. Fruit - about one half inch in diameter, or more; usually dull red or yellow, with whitish dots; round; somewhat edible. September.Found - from New Brunswick and Vermont southward and westward. General Information - A thick, wide spreading tree, twelve to twenty-five feet high. From a Greek word meaning strength.

Genus Crataegus, L. (Thorn)

Leaves - simple; alternate; edge unevenly sharp-toothed above the middle; sometimes, toward the apex…

Each scale of the pine cone is a whole pistillate flower. (Gray, 1858).


Each scale of the pine cone is a whole pistillate flower. (Gray, 1858).

"Cone.--A particular kind of compound fruit, such as that of the pine tribe." -Newman, 1850


"Cone.--A particular kind of compound fruit, such as that of the pine tribe." -Newman, 1850

Seeds falling from a cone

Cone Seeds

Seeds falling from a cone

A cone of seeds from a pine tree.

Pine Cone

A cone of seeds from a pine tree.

This tree is native to east Australia.

Tristania Conferta

This tree is native to east Australia.

Pictured are conifer forms: pine and spruces.

Conifer Tree

Pictured are conifer forms: pine and spruces.

A genus of leguminous shrubs and trees, natives of tropical America and Africa. 1


A genus of leguminous shrubs and trees, natives of tropical America and Africa. 1

"A valuable medicinal substance, consisting chiefly of a resin (Resin of Copaiva) and a volatile oil (Oil of Copaiva). It flows from incisions made in the stems of trees of the genus Copaifera, trees with pinnate leaves, of the natural order Leguminosae, sub-order Caesalpinisae, natives of the topical parts of America." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875

Copaiva Tree

"A valuable medicinal substance, consisting chiefly of a resin (Resin of Copaiva) and a volatile oil…

A tree that produces the resin copal that is used in various varnishes.


A tree that produces the resin copal that is used in various varnishes.

Illustrated is a stem cutting of cordyline. The common names are dracena and dracena palm.


Illustrated is a stem cutting of cordyline. The common names are dracena and dracena palm.