161 illustrations of trees including: table mountain pine, tallow, tamarack pine, tamarind, torreya, Texas cedar elm, toothbrush tree, tree of heaven, tulip-tree, turkey oak, Virginia pine, walnut, wax myrtle, western hemlock, white pine, white ash, white oak, willow, and yucca
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge toothed (with the points of the teeth so incurved as to appear blunt),…
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge sharp-toothed. Outline - long oval to reverse egg-shape. Apex - taper-pointed.…
Leaves - simple; alternate, or alternate in pairs; edge finely and sharply toothed. Outline - narrow…
A class of shrubs or trees of the genus salix, varying in size from shrubs of only a few inches in height…
"Ament-A kind of inflorescence consisting of unisexual apetalous flowers growing in the axils of scales…
"Willlow (Salix). Leafy branch, bearing two pistillate catkins. Staminate flower above, at the left;…
Also known as Quercus phellos. The branch of a Willow Oak tree, native to eastern North America.
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge entire. Outline - long and narrow. Apex - pointed and bristle-tipped.…
Large willow tree of Eurasia and North Africa having greyish canescent leaves and grey bark
Also known as Ulmus alata. The branch of a Winged Elm tree, native to the southern United States.
Also known as Hamamelis virginiana. The branch of a Witch Hazel shrub, native to the eastern United…
A tree belonging to the East Indies and the Malayan and Polynesian islands, remarkable for its fragrance.…
This shows the erect strobile, or fruit, of the Yellow Birch, Betula lutea (Keeler, 1915).
Leaves - simple; alternate (often alternate in pairs); edge very sharply, unequally, and rather coarsely…
Also known as Betula lenta. The branch of a Yellow Birch tree, native to eastern North America.
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge evenly and sharply (or sometime bluntly) toothed. Outline - very narrow…
This shows the cluster of two leaves, sometimes three of four, of the Yellow Pine, Pinus echinata, (Keeler,…
Leaves - simple; indeterminate in position because of their closeness, but arranged along the branches…
Also known as Liriodendron tulipifera. A branch of a Yellow Poplar tree, native throughout North America.
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge sharp-toothed, with the teeth somewhat thickened. Outline - narrow…
"Taxus baccata loaded with male flowers; 1. a male flower; 2. an anther; 3. a female flower; 4. a vertical…
"Saxe-Gothea conspicua; 1. male spike; 2. anther; 3. scale of galbulus with ovule; 4. ripe galbulus."…
Also known as Salix taxifolia. The branch of a Yewleaf Willow, native to southern Mexico and the Pacific…
Illustrated is a young date palm with growing suckers or offshoots. It is native to North Africa and…
Shown is the beauty of young evergreens. The beauty lies in their symmetry and the preservation of the…
"A plant may be operated on wherever the stem has become firm and woody; the top will not fail to make…
"Zizyphus Baclei. 1. a flower seen from above; 2. a fruit; 3. the same cut vertically; 4. a seed divided…