The Clamps and Vices ClipArt gallery provides 18 examples of devices used to hold materials while they are boing worked on or to hold two materials together while adhesive is setting.

Pair of v blocks. V-Blocks are precision metalworking jigs typically used to hold round metal rods or pipes for performing drilling or milling operations.

V Blocks

Pair of v blocks. V-Blocks are precision metalworking jigs typically used to hold round metal rods or…

A cabinet makers' clamp.


A cabinet makers' clamp.

A piece of timber or iron, used to fasten work together.


A piece of timber or iron, used to fasten work together.

A hand-screw clamp has two wooden jaws joined by a pair of opposite threaded screws that maintain a parallel orientation of the jaws when the screw handles are turned in the same direction.

Screw Clamp

A hand-screw clamp has two wooden jaws joined by a pair of opposite threaded screws that maintain a…

"Cross-section of bowling bed showing steel clamp." -Hill, 1921

Steel Clamp

"Cross-section of bowling bed showing steel clamp." -Hill, 1921

An accessory used on a woodworking workbench to allow clamping of wooden items whilst being worked.

Bench Dog

An accessory used on a woodworking workbench to allow clamping of wooden items whilst being worked.

A camp in which serves as a connection between a piece which is to be turned and the faceplate or spindle of a lathe.

Clamp Dog

A camp in which serves as a connection between a piece which is to be turned and the faceplate or spindle…

The clamp has two horizontal arms at the side, the lower arm carrying a screw that, by means of the handle, can be screwed up tight against the under side of the bench. The vise is of steel and has two jaws having roughened faces to give a good bite or hold on the work when placed between the jaws.

Hand Vise, Clamped to Bench

The clamp has two horizontal arms at the side, the lower arm carrying a screw that, by means of the…

"Hand-vices are used in the manner implied by their name, without being attached to a bench like the foregoing." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"Hand-vices are used in the manner implied by their name, without being attached to a bench like the…

"The English parallel vice is little used except for small work." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Parallel Vice

"The English parallel vice is little used except for small work." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Hand reaming thin work held in reaming jig.

Hand Reaming

Hand reaming thin work held in reaming jig.

A tool used by joiners to hold work to the table or to secure two pieces together.

Clamp Screw

A tool used by joiners to hold work to the table or to secure two pieces together.

A tool used by joiners to hold work to the table or to secure two pieces together.

Clamp Screw

A tool used by joiners to hold work to the table or to secure two pieces together.

Compound screws commonly used as clamps.

Compound Screw

Compound screws commonly used as clamps.

A combination vise, anvil, and drill tool.

Combination Tool

A combination vise, anvil, and drill tool.

"Grasp one end of a straight spring made of hickory or steel in one end of a vise, as shown. Pluck the free end of the spring so as to produce a vibratory motion. If the spring is long enough, the vibrations may be seen. Lower the spring in the vise to shorten the vibrating part of the rod, and pluck it again. The vibrations are reduced in amplitude, and increased in rapidity. Continued shortening of the spring will render the vibrations invisible and audible; the are lost to the eye, but revealed to the ear." -Avery 1895

Sound due to Vibrations

"Grasp one end of a straight spring made of hickory or steel in one end of a vise, as shown. Pluck the…

A vice used to hold wood in place.


A vice used to hold wood in place.

A convenient bench vise used to hold a plate or an object in place while working, attached to a table or work bench. The object being work on is put in place by adjusting the hand screw.

Convenient Bench Vise

A convenient bench vise used to hold a plate or an object in place while working, attached to a table…