This gallery includes 949 illustrations of other orders of insects.
The bean fly is found on many herbaceous plants. This fly is harmful to beans but is not easy to exterminate.
Thrips tabaci is a pest to onion crops. "a, adult; b, antenna of same; c, young larva; d, full grown…
Thrips are very small insects that live in flowers. Thrips gnaw the surface of petals.
"The Buffalo Tree-Hopper and its work: a, Adult; b, Fresh egg slits; c, Eggs in slits, natural size;…
It is common all through the United States, from Missouri northwards into Canada, and is sometimes the…
"The larva makes a small tunnel in the sand, having a conical mouth, where it waits, like the spider,…
Because they resemble the humblebee, they introduce their eggs into humblebee nests. When the larvae…
"The Phasmina includes some curious insects, one species of which is the Walking-leaf, Phyllium…
Walking sticks lead a sluggish life among the branches of shrubs, living on the young shoots. Their…
"In Germany and Sweden, the peasants use it as a cure for warts. They make this insect bite the warts…
"The Nepa cinerea is a European example of this family, which may be met with there in every…
Woolly aphis is a plant lice. Eggs are attached to twigs during the winter. In the spring soft-bodied,…
"The caterpillar of which, commonly known as the tobacco-worm in the Middle States, is very destructive…
"The females alone excavate the domiciles, which consist either of branching galleries, as in the gallery…
The galleries of the Xyloterus retusus tend to be built rather deeply into the wood, with the branches…