The Community Businesses ClipArt collection offers 67 illustrations of local businesses such as markets and hotels. For illustrations of specific commercial practices and processes, please see the more extensive Business and Industry ClipArt collection.

The Inns and Hotels ClipArt gallery offers 19 views of local lodging establishments.

Inns and Hotels

The Inns and Hotels ClipArt gallery offers 19 views of local lodging establishments.

The Restaurants and Taverns ClipArt gallery offers 7 views of local eating establishments.

Restaurants and Taverns

The Restaurants and Taverns ClipArt gallery offers 7 views of local eating establishments.

The Stores and Markets ClipArt gallery offers 41 views of community based shops and local marketplaces.

Stores and Markets

The Stores and Markets ClipArt gallery offers 41 views of community based shops and local marketplaces.