79 illustrations of fish including: carp, catfish, charr, chub, cigarfish, coalfish, cobia, cod, corsair, cottus, cowfish, crappie, croaker, cunner, dab, dace, darter, dealfish, dogfish, dragonet, and drum
"Is eight to ten inches long, feeds on crustacea, small fish, and marine insects, is often caught with…
"Feeds on worms and other soft substances; spawns in June; is six to nine inches long; is used as bait…
"Four to six feet long, breadth eight inches, thickness one inch; found in the North Atlantic, and has…
"Lateral view of dogfish (Scyllium catulus). Note ventral mouth with naso-buccal groove, heterocercal…
"Two to three feet long, haunts deep water, and feeds on small fish and crustacea. Found on the British…
"Average weight five pounds; found on the European coasts, and celebrated for the delicacy of its flesh.…
"From one to two feet long, varies greatly in color; is common in the Baltic; also found occasionally…
It is found in the seas of Europe, and is esteemed very delicate eating. It seldom exceeds 18 inches…
"Dragonet is a genus of fishes remarkable for having the gill openings reduced to a small hole on each…
"Ten to fourteen inches long; it has a smotoh skin, brilliantly striped and spotted with blue on a yellow…
The maigre or shad-fish (Argyrosomus regius) is a solitary carnivorous drum in the Sciaenidae family.
Pogonias chromis, a name of several fish so called from the drumming noise they make, said to be due,…
"Drumfish, or Drum, and other species of the same genus, fishes found on the Atlantic coasts of North…