179 illustrations of birds including: accentor, adjutant, agami, albatross, alectrurus, anhinga, ani, apterynx, araçarl, auk, avocet, baloeniceps, barbet, batara, bee-eater, bird of paradise, bittern, blackbird, bluebird, boatbill, boblink, bowerbird, bulbul, bunting, bustard, butcher-bird, and buzzard

The head of a Golden-Crowned Accentor


The head of a Golden-Crowned Accentor

Much like the robin, the hedge accentor prefers to live in proximity with humans.

Hedge accentor

Much like the robin, the hedge accentor prefers to live in proximity with humans.

An adjutant is a very large species of stork, a native to India, also called the gigantic crane. It feeds on carrion and offal, and is also known for killing snakes.


An adjutant is a very large species of stork, a native to India, also called the gigantic crane. It…

"Adjutant-bird; Indian Stork."-Whitney, 1902


"Adjutant-bird; Indian Stork."-Whitney, 1902

"A grallatorial bird, a native of South America, often called the golden-breasted trumpeter."-Whitney, 1902


"A grallatorial bird, a native of South America, often called the golden-breasted trumpeter."-Whitney,…

"The Wandering Albatros of the Southern Oceans is white with narrow dusky undulations above and almost black wings." - A. H. Evens, 1900

Wandering Albatros

"The Wandering Albatros of the Southern Oceans is white with narrow dusky undulations above and almost…

The Albatross is the largest and most bulky of all the birds which fly over the surface of the sea.


The Albatross is the largest and most bulky of all the birds which fly over the surface of the sea.

A large marine swimming bird. The bill is straight and strong, the upper mandible hooked at the point and the lower one truncated; there are three webbed toes on each foot.


A large marine swimming bird. The bill is straight and strong, the upper mandible hooked at the point…

"Wandering Albatross. A web-footed sea-bird of the petrel family."-Whitney, 1902


"Wandering Albatross. A web-footed sea-bird of the petrel family."-Whitney, 1902

Albatrosses are amongst the largest of flying birds, they are highly eficient in the air, using dynamic soaring and slope soaring to cover great distances with little exertion.


Albatrosses are amongst the largest of flying birds, they are highly eficient in the air, using dynamic…

"Phoibetria fuliginosa. Sooty Albatross. Plumage ordinarily uniform sooty-brown; quills and tail blackish with white shafts; eyelids white; bill black, with long yellow (perhaps in life pink or red) groove; feet pale or flesh-color, drying yellow. In some cases the plumage lightens to a clearer more ashy-gray coloration on various prats. The head and neck frequently washed with rusty-yellow. Pacific ocean at large; off coast of N. Am." Elliot Coues, 1884

Sooty Albatross

"Phoibetria fuliginosa. Sooty Albatross. Plumage ordinarily uniform sooty-brown; quills and tail blackish…

The wandering albatross (Diomedea exulans) is a seabird with the largest wingspan of any living bird.

Wandering Albatross

The wandering albatross (Diomedea exulans) is a seabird with the largest wingspan of any living bird.

A group of albatrosses, a family of natatores.


A group of albatrosses, a family of natatores.

Native to South America, the tricolored alectrurus measures only six inches in length.

Tricolored Alectrurus

Native to South America, the tricolored alectrurus measures only six inches in length.

The head of the anhinga is slender and cylindrical, on a slim and excessively long neck, which makes it resemble a snake when in the water.


The head of the anhinga is slender and cylindrical, on a slim and excessively long neck, which makes…

The Anhinga, also known as the water turkey, is a constant resident of Florida.


The Anhinga, also known as the water turkey, is a constant resident of Florida.

Also known as the snake-bird, the anhinga inhabits the freshwater areas of the South Atlantic States; also in South America as far south as Brazil.


Also known as the snake-bird, the anhinga inhabits the freshwater areas of the South Atlantic States;…

"American Snake-Bird (Anhinga)"-Whitney, 1902


"American Snake-Bird (Anhinga)"-Whitney, 1902

"Groove-Billed Ani (Crotophaga sulcirostris)."-Whitney, 1902

Groove-billed Ani

"Groove-Billed Ani (Crotophaga sulcirostris)."-Whitney, 1902

"Crotophaga ani. Smooth-billed Ani. Black Witch. Savanna Blackbird. Bill smooth or with a few transverse; culmen regularly curved. Color black, with violet and steel-blue reflections, duller below, the lanceolate feathers of the head and neck with bronze borders. Iris brown." Elliot Coues, 1884

Smooth-billed Ani

"Crotophaga ani. Smooth-billed Ani. Black Witch. Savanna Blackbird. Bill smooth or with a few transverse;…

The Ferruginous Antbird (Drymophila ferruginea) is a bird in the Thamnophilidae family of antbirds. This species is also known by a former synonym: Ferruginous Ant-wren (Formicivora ferruginea).

Ferruginous Antbird

The Ferruginous Antbird (Drymophila ferruginea) is a bird in the Thamnophilidae family of antbirds.…

"Grallaria rex. GRALLARIA. A genus of formicarian passerine birds, a leading group of South American ant-thrushes." -Whitney, 1911


"Grallaria rex. GRALLARIA. A genus of formicarian passerine birds, a leading group of South American…

The Black-Faced Antthrush (Formicarius analis) is a bird in the Formicariidae family of ground antbirds. This species is also known by a former synonym: Mexican Ant-thrush (Formicarius moniliger).

Black-Faced Antthrush

The Black-Faced Antthrush (Formicarius analis) is a bird in the Formicariidae family of ground antbirds.…

Only found in New Zealand.


Only found in New Zealand.

The Apteryx is characterized by the rudimentary condition of the wings, which are useless as organs of flight.


The Apteryx is characterized by the rudimentary condition of the wings, which are useless as organs…

"Apteryx is a genus of birds, the typical one of the family apterygidæ. Two species are known- the A. australis and A. mantelli, both from New Zealand. The natives call the former, and probably also the latter, Kiwikiwi, which is an imitation of their peculiar cry. The A. austalis is somewhat less in size than an ordinary goose. It runs when pursued, shelters itself in holes, and defends itself with its long bill; but unable as it is to fly, its fate, it is to be feared, will soon be that of the dodo- it is now almost extinct."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"Apteryx is a genus of birds, the typical one of the family apterygidæ. Two species are known-…

A flightless bird of New Zealand


A flightless bird of New Zealand

"The Curl-Crested Aracari is deserving of notice on account of its beautiful, variegated plumage."

Curl-Crested Aracari

"The Curl-Crested Aracari is deserving of notice on account of its beautiful, variegated plumage."

A native of Brazil, Humboldt's araçarl averages approximately seventeen inches in length

Humboldt's Araçarl

A native of Brazil, Humboldt's araçarl averages approximately seventeen inches in length

"Archaeopteryx lithographica, an early reptilian Bird." -Galloway, 1915


"Archaeopteryx lithographica, an early reptilian Bird." -Galloway, 1915

"Archaeopteryx (restored), from the Oolitic limestone of Solenhofen." -Taylor, 1904


"Archaeopteryx (restored), from the Oolitic limestone of Solenhofen." -Taylor, 1904

Archaeopteryx, sometimes referred to by its German name Urvogel ("original bird" or "first bird"), is the earliest and most primitive bird known. Archaeopteryx lived in the late Jurassic Period around 155–150 million years ago, in what is now southern Germany during a time when Europe was an archipelago of islands in a shallow warm tropical sea, much closer to the equator than it is now.


Archaeopteryx, sometimes referred to by its German name Urvogel ("original bird" or "first bird"), is…

An illustration of the skeletal fossil of Archaeopteryx, the earliest and most primitive bird known. Archaeopteryx lived in the late Jurassic Period around 155–150 million years ago, in what is now southern Germany during a time when Europe was an archipelago of islands in a shallow warm tropical sea, much closer to the equator than it is now.

Archaeopteryx Fossil

An illustration of the skeletal fossil of Archaeopteryx, the earliest and most primitive bird known.…

Athene maculta, which derive their name from the Greek goddess of wisdom, supposedly for their meditative air and mysterious habits. They are found throughout the world.

Athene Maculta

Athene maculta, which derive their name from the Greek goddess of wisdom, supposedly for their meditative…

"Once common off the coast of Scotland, but a present scarce in arctic seas. It resembles the penguin in its habits and mode of life."


"Once common off the coast of Scotland, but a present scarce in arctic seas. It resembles the penguin…

"Ceratorhina monocerata. Unicorn Auk. Horn-bill Auk. Adults in summer: Bill orange-yellow. Culmen and base of upper mandible dusky; feet some yellow color, the tarsi behind and the soles blackish; claws black. The sharp feathers of the head white, about an inch long. Entire upper parts glossy blue-black; a line of white along edge of forearm. Sides of head and neck, of body along under the wings, with chin, throat, and fore-breast, clear grayish-ash, or pale bluish-gray; under parts from breast pure white, shading insensibly into the color of the sides and flanks. Inner webs of wing- and tail-feathers grayish-brown, paler toward base, the shafts of the primaries dull whitish at base." Elliot Coues, 1884

Horn-billed Auk in Summer

"Ceratorhina monocerata. Unicorn Auk. Horn-bill Auk. Adults in summer: Bill orange-yellow. Culmen and…

"Ceratorhina monocerata. Unicorn Auk. Horn-bill Auk. In winter: Bill orange-yellow. Culmen and base of upper mandible dusky; feet some yellow color, the tarsi behind and the soles blackish; claws black. The sharp feathers of the head white, about an inch long. Entire upper parts glossy blue-black; a line of white along edge of forearm. Sides of head and neck, of body along under the wings, with chin, throat, and fore-breast, clear grayish-ash, or pale bluish-gray; under parts from breast pure white, shading insensibly into the color of the sides and flanks. Inner webs of wing- and tail-feathers grayish-brown, paler toward base, the shafts of the primaries dull whitish at base." Elliot Coues, 1884

Horn-billed Auk in Winter

"Ceratorhina monocerata. Unicorn Auk. Horn-bill Auk. In winter: Bill orange-yellow. Culmen and base…

"Simorhynchus cristatellus. Crested Auk. Snub-nosed Auk. The whole plumage otherwise sooty - more brownish-black above, more brownish-gray below. Feet bluish, with dark webs. Aside the transformation of the bill, the young differ in lacking the crest and white filaments; but both are early acquired; there is a white spot below eye. The summer and winter plumages are alike. Iris said to be in winter white, in summer with a blackish outer and bluish inner ring; in the young, brown." Elliot Coues, 1884

Crested Auk

"Simorhynchus cristatellus. Crested Auk. Snub-nosed Auk. The whole plumage otherwise sooty - more brownish-black…

"Great Auk (Alca impennis)"-Whitney, 1902

Great Auk

"Great Auk (Alca impennis)"-Whitney, 1902

"This species (Alca impennis or Great Auk), extirpated chiefly by the persecution of fisherman, but subsequently by collectors, resembles a flightless Razorbill, though double the size; it had no white stripes on the head or bill, but shewed a large white patch before each eye. A. impennis, the extinct Great Auk or Garefowl, inhabited the North Atlantic, chiefly in the neighborhood of Ice A. H. Evans, 1900

Great Auk

"This species (Alca impennis or Great Auk), extirpated chiefly by the persecution of fisherman, but…

"Alca Impennis. The Great Auk. A great white oval spot between eye and bill. Hood and mantle dark; under parts white, extending in a point on the throat; ends of secondaries white. Bill black, with white grooves; feet dark." Elliot Coues, 1884

Great Auk

"Alca Impennis. The Great Auk. A great white oval spot between eye and bill. Hood and mantle dark; under…

A scene depicting a great auk, as well as razor-bills and puffins. The great auk is now extinct.

Great auk, razor-bills, and puffins

A scene depicting a great auk, as well as razor-bills and puffins. The great auk is now extinct.

"Simorhynchus psittaculus. Parroquet Auk. Pug-nosed Auk. Adult in summer with the nasal saddle, moulted in one piece in winter; shape of bill not materially altered, however, the piece being small and flattish. Bill vermillion or coral-red, usually enamel-yellow at tip and along edges. No curly crest on forehead, but a series of long white filamentous feathers from the eye downward and backward. Entire upper parts, with chin, throat, breast, and flanks sooty brownish-black, grayer below than above; other under parts white; lining of wings dark. Feet dull greenish or yellowish, darker behind and below." Elliot Coues, 1884

Parroquet Auk

"Simorhynchus psittaculus. Parroquet Auk. Pug-nosed Auk. Adult in summer with the nasal saddle, moulted…

A brd characterized by its bill. The bill is feathered for about half its length, in the rest of its extent being vertically furrowed, and hooked at the tip.

Razorbill Auk

A brd characterized by its bill. The bill is feathered for about half its length, in the rest of its…

A bird with a small horn on its beak.

Rhinoceros Auk

A bird with a small horn on its beak.

"Simorhynchus pygmaeus. Whiskered Auk. Red-nosed Auk. Bill (dry) orange-red, more salmon color or yellow enamel at end. feet (dry) undefinably dark." Elliot Coues, 1884

Whiskered Auk

"Simorhynchus pygmaeus. Whiskered Auk. Red-nosed Auk. Bill (dry) orange-red, more salmon color or yellow…

"Ceratorhina monocerata. Unicorn Auk. Horn-bill Auk. Young: Bill like that of adults in winter, lacking horn, but every way weaker, hardly more than half as large. Mostly dark-colored. No white feathers on side of head. White under parts overlaid and marbled with dark-gray ends of the feathers; black of upper parts brownish. The first spring the horn grows, the accessory piece develops, and the plumage clears up. Nestlings are covered with smoky-brown down." Elliot Coues, 1884

Young Horn-billed Auk

"Ceratorhina monocerata. Unicorn Auk. Horn-bill Auk. Young: Bill like that of adults in winter, lacking…

"Simorhynchus pygmaeus. Whiskered Auk. Red-nosed Auk. Bill very small and weak, much compressed. No sign of crest nor of white feathers on head. Above blackish-cinereous, quite black on head, wings, and tail; under parts lighter and more grayish-plumbeous, bleaching on the belly and crissum. Bill reddish-dusky; tarsi behind and soles black; eye black and white." Elliot Coues, 1884

Young Whiskered Auk

"Simorhynchus pygmaeus. Whiskered Auk. Red-nosed Auk. Bill very small and weak, much compressed. No…

"Crested Auklet (Simorhynchus cristatellus)."-Whitney, 1902.

Crested Auklet

"Crested Auklet (Simorhynchus cristatellus)."-Whitney, 1902.

" A needle rock tenanted by Cormorants, Auks, etc." Elliot Coues, 1884 The rock is protruding from the ocean as the birds fly through the air in the sunshine

Auks and Cormorants

" A needle rock tenanted by Cormorants, Auks, etc." Elliot Coues, 1884 The rock is protruding from the…

"Simorhynchus pusillus. Least Auk. Knob-nosed Auk. Bill small and simple, but stout for its length, scarcely higher than wide at base, rather obtuse at tip. A small knob or tubercle at the base of the culmen, which is deciduous. No crest; but front, and sides of head more or less thickly lined with delicate white thready feathers; a similar series, exceedingly fine, from the eye along sides of hind head and nape. Excepting these filaments, the entire upper parts glossy black; region about under mandible, and a few feathers along the sides of body and flanks, blackish; under parts white, more or less extensively mottles or clouded with blackish. Lining of wings white, with dark feathers along edge. Bill red, the know and base of upper mandible dark. Legs (dry) undefinably dark, the front of tarsus and tops of toes lighter." Elliot Coues, 1884

Least Auks

"Simorhynchus pusillus. Least Auk. Knob-nosed Auk. Bill small and simple, but stout for its length,…

The avocet has a very long, slender bill that curves upward.


The avocet has a very long, slender bill that curves upward.

The avocet averages about eighteen inches in length, feeding on worms, aquatic insects, and thin-skinned crustacea.


The avocet averages about eighteen inches in length, feeding on worms, aquatic insects, and thin-skinned…

A wader bird native to warm and hot climates. Commonly 15 to 18 inches tall and has a chestnut color on its head.


A wader bird native to warm and hot climates. Commonly 15 to 18 inches tall and has a chestnut color…

A wading bird found in warm climates.


A wading bird found in warm climates.

The Pied Avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta) is a large wader in the avocet and stilt family, Recurvirostridae (bill curved upwards).

Pied Avocet

The Pied Avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta) is a large wader in the avocet and stilt family, Recurvirostridae…

"Recurvirostra. Avocets. Bell slender, more or less recurved, then the upper mandible hooked at the extreme tip; much longer than head, more or less nearly equalling tail and tarsus; flattened on top, without culminal ridge. Wings short (for a wader). Tail very short, square, less than half the wing. Legs exceedingly long and slender; tibiae long-denuded; tarsus nearly twice as long as middle toe and claw; covering of legs skinny. Feet 4-toed; the front toes full-webbed, hind toe short, free. Body remarkably depressed and feathered underneath with thick duck-like plumage; altogether, as in swimming rather than as in wading birds. Altogether, as in swimming rather than as in wading birds. It is a modification like that seen in the lobe-footed phalaropes. Sexes and young alike; winter and summer plumage different." Elliot Coues, 1884


"Recurvirostra. Avocets. Bell slender, more or less recurved, then the upper mandible hooked at the…

About three feet, nine inches in height, the balœniceps is native along the banks of the White Nile, in East Africa.


About three feet, nine inches in height, the balœniceps is native along the banks of the White…

Cuckoos have elegant shapes; beaks almost as long as the head, compressed, and slightly curved; the tail rather long and rounded.(Figuier, 1869).


Cuckoos have elegant shapes; beaks almost as long as the head, compressed, and slightly curved; the…

Taking its name from the Azara people of South America, the batara is the largest of the shrikes.


Taking its name from the Azara people of South America, the batara is the largest of the shrikes.