Plant of ranunculus bulbosus, showing determinate inflorescence


Plant of ranunculus bulbosus, showing determinate inflorescence

Upper part of Flax plant in blossom.


Upper part of Flax plant in blossom.

Hairy plants of the legume family with pinnate leaves that produce red or purple flowers.


Hairy plants of the legume family with pinnate leaves that produce red or purple flowers.

Sweet-Potato plant forming thickened roots. Some in the middle are just beginning to thicken; one at the left has grown more; one at the right is still larger.


Sweet-Potato plant forming thickened roots. Some in the middle are just beginning to thicken; one at…

Epidendrum conopseum, a small Orchid, and Tillandsia usneoides, the so-called Long Moss or Black Moss, which is no moss, but a flowering plant.

Epiphytes of Florida and Georgia

Epidendrum conopseum, a small Orchid, and Tillandsia usneoides, the so-called Long Moss or Black Moss,…

A young Agave Americana, or Century-plant: Fleshly-leaved.


A young Agave Americana, or Century-plant: Fleshly-leaved.

A young plant of the Houseleek, with the leaves (not yet expanded) numbered, and exhibiting the 13-ranked arrangement; and sowing secondary spirals.


A young plant of the Houseleek, with the leaves (not yet expanded) numbered, and exhibiting the 13-ranked…

Unisexual flowers of Castor-oil plant: <em>s</em>, staminate flower; <em>p</em>, pistillate flower.

Castor-oil plant

Unisexual flowers of Castor-oil plant: s, staminate flower; p, pistillate flower.

Staminate flower of Moonseed.

Staminate Moonseed

Staminate flower of Moonseed.

Pistillate flower of Moonseed.

Pistillate Moonseed

Pistillate flower of Moonseed.

Flower of Ranunculus bulbosus, or buttercup, insection.


Flower of Ranunculus bulbosus, or buttercup, insection.

Polypetalous corolla of Soapwort, of five petals with long claws or stalk-like bases.


Polypetalous corolla of Soapwort, of five petals with long claws or stalk-like bases.

Flower of Standing Cypress (Gilia coronopifolia); gamopetalous: the tube answering to the long claws of the Soapwort, except that they are coalescent: the limb or border (the spreading part above) is <em>five-parted</em>, that is, the petals not there united except at very base.

Standing Cypress

Flower of Standing Cypress (Gilia coronopifolia); gamopetalous: the tube answering to the long claws…

The flower of the Cypress-vine.


The flower of the Cypress-vine.

Flower of Ipomoea coccinea; limb almost <em>entire</em>.

Ipomoea Coccinea

Flower of Ipomoea coccinea; limb almost entire.

Wheel-shaped or rotate and five-parted corolla of Bittersweet, Solanum Dulcamara.


Wheel-shaped or rotate and five-parted corolla of Bittersweet, Solanum Dulcamara.

Wheel-shaped and five-lobed corolla of Potato.


Wheel-shaped and five-lobed corolla of Potato.

Flower of a Camanula or Harebell, with a campanulate or bell-shaped corolla.


Flower of a Camanula or Harebell, with a campanulate or bell-shaped corolla.

Corolla of a Phlox, with salver-shaped corolla.


Corolla of a Phlox, with salver-shaped corolla.

Dead-Nettle (Lamium), with labiate.


Dead-Nettle (Lamium), with labiate.

Corolla of Snapdragon, with labiate <em>personate</em> corolla.


Corolla of Snapdragon, with labiate personate corolla.

Corolla of Toad-Flax, with similar corolla spurred at the base.


Corolla of Toad-Flax, with similar corolla spurred at the base.

Unguiculate (clawed) petal of a Silene; with a two parted crown.


Unguiculate (clawed) petal of a Silene; with a two parted crown.

A small Passion-flower, with crown of slender threads.


A small Passion-flower, with crown of slender threads.

Corolla of a purple Gerardia laid open, showing the four stamens; the cross shows where the fifth stamen would be, if present.


Corolla of a purple Gerardia laid open, showing the four stamens; the cross shows where the fifth stamen…

Corolla, laid open, and stamens of Pentstemon grandiflorus, with a sterile filament in the place of the fifth stamen, and representing it.

Pentstemon Grandiflorus

Corolla, laid open, and stamens of Pentstemon grandiflorus, with a sterile filament in the place of…

Corolla of Catalpa laid open, displaying two good stamens and three abortive ones or vestiges.


Corolla of Catalpa laid open, displaying two good stamens and three abortive ones or vestiges.

A Chicory flower half cut away, better showing some of the flower.


A Chicory flower half cut away, better showing some of the flower.

Head of flowers of a Coreopsis, divided lengthwise.


Head of flowers of a Coreopsis, divided lengthwise.

Flax-flower in section; the parts all free,-hypogenous.


Flax-flower in section; the parts all free,-hypogenous.

Cherry-flower in section; petals and stamens andante to tube of calyx-perigynous.


Cherry-flower in section; petals and stamens andante to tube of calyx-perigynous.

Purslane-flower in section; calyx, petals, stamens adnate to lower half of ovary,-perigynous.


Purslane-flower in section; calyx, petals, stamens adnate to lower half of ovary,-perigynous.

Hawthorn-blossom in section; parts adnate to whole face of ovary. and with each other beyond; another grade of perigynous.

Hawthorn Blossom

Hawthorn-blossom in section; parts adnate to whole face of ovary. and with each other beyond; another…

Cranberry-blossom in section; parts epigynous.


Cranberry-blossom in section; parts epigynous.

Diagram of papilionaceous flower, with bract below; axis of inflorescence above.

Papilionaceous Flower

Diagram of papilionaceous flower, with bract below; axis of inflorescence above.

Diagram of Violet-flower; showing the relation of parts to bract and axis.


Diagram of Violet-flower; showing the relation of parts to bract and axis.

Corolla of Morning Glory laid open, to show the five stamens inserted on it, near the base.

Morning Glory

Corolla of Morning Glory laid open, to show the five stamens inserted on it, near the base.

Style of a Lady's Slipper (Cypripedium), and stamens united with it; the anther of the two good stamens; an abortive stamen, what should be its anther changed into a petal-like body; the stigma.

Lady's Slipper

Style of a Lady's Slipper (Cypripedium), and stamens united with it; the anther of the two good stamens;…

Flower of Lobelia cardinalis, Cardinal flower; corolla making approach to the ligulate form; filaments (<em>st</em>) monadelphous, and anthers (<em>a</em>) syngenesious.

Lobelia cardinalis

Flower of Lobelia cardinalis, Cardinal flower; corolla making approach to the ligulate form; filaments…

Flower of a Mallow, with calyx and corolla cut away; showing monadelphous stamens.


Flower of a Mallow, with calyx and corolla cut away; showing monadelphous stamens.

Monadelphous stamens of Lupine.


Monadelphous stamens of Lupine.

Diadelphous stamens of a pea-blossom.


Diadelphous stamens of a pea-blossom.

One of five stamen-clusters of the flower of American Linden, with accompanying scale.

American Linden

One of five stamen-clusters of the flower of American Linden, with accompanying scale.

Five syngenesious stamens of a Coreopsis.


Five syngenesious stamens of a Coreopsis.

Stamen of Isopyrum, with innate anther.


Stamen of Isopyrum, with innate anther.

Of Tulip-tree, with adnate (and extrorse) anther.


Of Tulip-tree, with adnate (and extrorse) anther.

Of Evening Primrose, with versatile anther.

Evening Primrose

Of Evening Primrose, with versatile anther.

Stamen of Moonseed, with anther cut across; this 4-celled, or rather 4-locellate.

Stamen of Moonseed

Stamen of Moonseed, with anther cut across; this 4-celled, or rather 4-locellate.

Stamen of Pentstemon pubescens; the two-anther-cells diverging, and almost confluent.

Stamen of Pentstemon

Stamen of Pentstemon pubescens; the two-anther-cells diverging, and almost confluent.

Stamen of Mallow; the anther supposed to answer to that of Pentstemon pubescens, but the cells completely confluent into one.

Stamen of Mallow

Stamen of Mallow; the anther supposed to answer to that of Pentstemon pubescens, but the cells completely…

Very short filament bearing a single anther-cell; it is open from top to bottom, showing the pollen within.

Stamen of Globe Amaranth

Very short filament bearing a single anther-cell; it is open from top to bottom, showing the pollen…

Stamens of the mint family. Of a Monarda: the two anther-cells with bases divergent so that they are transverse to the filament, and their contiguous tips confluent, so as to form one cell opening by a continuous line. Fig 301; Of a Calamintha: the broad connective separating the two cells. Fig 302; Of a Sage (Salvia Texana; with long and slender connective resembling forks of the filament, one bearing a good anther-cell wholly wanting. Fig 304; Of a White Sage, Audibertia grandiflora; the lower fork of connective a mere vestige. Fig. 305; Of another White Sage (A. stachyoides), the lower fork of connective suppressed.


Stamens of the mint family. Of a Monarda: the two anther-cells with bases divergent so that they are…

Cells opening by a terminal hole.

Stamens of Pyrola

Cells opening by a terminal hole.

Cells of anther each opening by an uplifted valve.

Stamen of Barberry

Cells of anther each opening by an uplifted valve.

Magnified pollen of a Lily, smooth and oval.


Magnified pollen of a Lily, smooth and oval.

Pollen of Echinocystis, grooved lengthwise.


Pollen of Echinocystis, grooved lengthwise.

Pollen of Sicyos, with bristly points and smooth bands.


Pollen of Sicyos, with bristly points and smooth bands.

Pollen of Musk Plant (Mimulus), with spiral grooves.


Pollen of Musk Plant (Mimulus), with spiral grooves.

Pollen of Succory, twelve-sided and dotted.


Pollen of Succory, twelve-sided and dotted.

Magnified pollen of Hibiscus and other Mallow plants, beset with prickly projections.

Hibiscus pollen

Magnified pollen of Hibiscus and other Mallow plants, beset with prickly projections.