The head of a Kentucky Warbler.

Kentucky Warbler

The head of a Kentucky Warbler.

The head of a Maryland Yellow-Throat.


The head of a Maryland Yellow-Throat.

The head of a Yellow-Breasted Chat.


The head of a Yellow-Breasted Chat.

The head of a Hooded Warbler.

Hooded Warbler

The head of a Hooded Warbler.

The head of a Green Black-Capped Warbler.


The head of a Green Black-Capped Warbler.

The head of a Canadian Flycatching Warbler.


The head of a Canadian Flycatching Warbler.

The head of a White-Bellied Swallow.


The head of a White-Bellied Swallow.

The head of a Cliff or Eave Swallow.

Eave Swallow

The head of a Cliff or Eave Swallow.

The head of a Great Northern Shrike.


The head of a Great Northern Shrike.

This design dates back to Solomon's time. It is one of the Chinese Buddhist ornaments and is therefore quite commonly found in the Samarkand, Yarkand, Kashgar, and the various Chinese products. Also used more or less throughout the Caucasus and especially in the Shemakha; in fact, it is present somewhere in most rugs of the latter class, as a talismanic design. In some of the Persian fabrics it partakes of a floral character.

Knot of Destiny Design

This design dates back to Solomon's time. It is one of the Chinese Buddhist ornaments and is therefore…

This design dates back to Solomon's time. It is one of the Chinese Buddhist ornaments and is therefore quite commonly found in the Samarkand, Yarkand, Kashgar, and the various Chinese products. Also used more or less throughout the Caucasus and especially in the Shemakha; in fact, it is present somewhere in most rugs of the latter class, as a talismanic design. In some of the Persian fabrics it partakes of a floral character.

Knot of Destiny Design

This design dates back to Solomon's time. It is one of the Chinese Buddhist ornaments and is therefore…

This design dates back to Solomon's time. It is one of the Chinese Buddhist ornaments and is therefore quite commonly found in the Samarkand, Yarkand, Kashgar, and the various Chinese products. Also used more or less throughout the Caucasus and especially in the Shemakha; in fact, it is present somewhere in most rugs of the latter class, as a talismanic design. In some of the Persian fabrics it partakes of a floral character.

Knot of Destiny Design

This design dates back to Solomon's time. It is one of the Chinese Buddhist ornaments and is therefore…

The tortoise or turtle border design is a design in which the figure of the tortoise is arrayed in a manner similar to that of the Herati border design. In China the tortoise stands for longevity and immortality. In India it is also auspicious inasmuch as it represents the second incarnation of Vishnu where it supports the earth on its back.

Turtle Design

The tortoise or turtle border design is a design in which the figure of the tortoise is arrayed in a…

Ladder bracket on the back of a ladder. These are made in various styles. Some fasten to rungs. This one attaches to the siderails. It is not, therefore, likely to depend upon a defective rung and so it is safer. They are used as shown on the outside of the ladder to hold a plank at the top of two extension ladders in painting roof cornices. It is possible to swing these brackets to a position on the under side of the ladders. There they make an excellent scaffold from which to work on a wall or window frame.

Ladder Bracket

Ladder bracket on the back of a ladder. These are made in various styles. Some fasten to rungs. This…

A class of marsupial mammals native to America. They include a large number of species, ranging in size from that of a house-mouse to that of a large cat. The hair is soft and wool-like, and the color generally whitish-gray with several stripes down the back.


A class of marsupial mammals native to America. They include a large number of species, ranging in size…

A large group of birds of prey, including fully 150 species, about forty of which inhabit America. They are distinguished chiefly on account of their nocturnl habits. The different species have a short head, a circular or triangular facial disc, large eyes and ears, the outer toe reversible, aand, owing to the soft plumage, a noiseless flight.


A large group of birds of prey, including fully 150 species, about forty of which inhabit America. They…

A large group of birds of prey, including fully 150 species, about forty of which inhabit America. They are distinguished chiefly on account of their nocturnl habits. The different species have a short head, a circular or triangular facial disc, large eyes and ears, the outer toe reversible, aand, owing to the soft plumage, a noiseless flight.


A large group of birds of prey, including fully 150 species, about forty of which inhabit America. They…

A wading bird closely allied to the plover. it is easily known from its red feet and bill, the latter being twice as long as the head. The plumage is black and white and the wings are long and pointed. Its bill is truncated at the end and has the shape of a wedge. The bird measures about sixteen inches in length.


A wading bird closely allied to the plover. it is easily known from its red feet and bill, the latter…

"The proportions of the human figure. As handed down to us by Vitruvius and described by Joseph Bonomi." —D'Anvers, 1895

Proportions of human figure

"The proportions of the human figure. As handed down to us by Vitruvius and described by Joseph Bonomi."…

A genus of sea-birds. They include many species, all of which have webbed feet and long and strong wings. The nasal tubes are united, the beak is as long as the head, and the upper mandible is hooked. They live almost constantly on the ocean.


A genus of sea-birds. They include many species, all of which have webbed feet and long and strong wings.…

A genus of fishes found in the freshwater bodies of America and Eurasia. Most species have a long body and flat back, and taper toward the tail with more than ordinary abruptness. Cycloid scales cover the body. The mouth is large, with the lower jaw projecting, and there is a large and powerful array of teeth.


A genus of fishes found in the freshwater bodies of America and Eurasia. Most species have a long body…

A class of sporting dogs allied to the true hounds, and remarkable for their habit of pointing with the head toward the game. The habit is instinctive, since it may be noticed in puppies, but it can be improved materially by training.


A class of sporting dogs allied to the true hounds, and remarkable for their habit of pointing with…

The teeth of a carnivorous animal that lives on flesh alone. The front teeth are tearing ones, while the back teeth have sharp edges for cutting. The flesh is first torn by the front teeth, and then it is cut up by the back ones.

Carnivorous Skeleton

The teeth of a carnivorous animal that lives on flesh alone. The front teeth are tearing ones, while…

A mother greeting her son, back from the navy.


A mother greeting her son, back from the navy.

An American quadruped mammal of the bear family, which is found from Canada to the tropics. The head is broad behind with the muzzle narrow, the ears short, and the tail ringed and moderately long.


An American quadruped mammal of the bear family, which is found from Canada to the tropics. The head…

The back of an English crown coin.

Crown Coin

The back of an English crown coin.

An extensive division of insects, which includes the scorpions and mites. The spiders differ from most insects in that the body consists of only two segments instead of three, the head and chest being united to form one segment.


An extensive division of insects, which includes the scorpions and mites. The spiders differ from most…

A group of quadruped mammals of the northern hemisphere, which includes a number of widely diffused species. The body is slender, usually about eight inches long and three inches high, and the back generally is much arched.


A group of quadruped mammals of the northern hemisphere, which includes a number of widely diffused…

An Australian marsupial, which somewhat resembles a small bear in appearance. The legs are short and strong, the head large and flat, the body broad and depressed, and the tail rudimentary.


An Australian marsupial, which somewhat resembles a small bear in appearance. The legs are short and…

A head protector used by ancient tribes in Africa.

Head Protector

A head protector used by ancient tribes in Africa.

The wigs and head ornaments used by ancient tribes in Africa.


The wigs and head ornaments used by ancient tribes in Africa.

Three children playing with a cheerful man.

Cheerful Man

Three children playing with a cheerful man.

Venomous snakes belonging to the Viperidae family. They are characterised by long erectile fangs, which are folded back when not in use.


Venomous snakes belonging to the Viperidae family. They are characterised by long erectile fangs, which…

Reptiles that have tall, flat plates coming out of their back like spines, when adults. A common pet in the United States. They can easily grow up to six feet long, even in captivity.


Reptiles that have tall, flat plates coming out of their back like spines, when adults. A common pet…

The eight species of hammerhead range from 2-6m long, and all species have projections on both sides of the head that give it a resemblance to a flattened hammer.

Hammerhead Shark

The eight species of hammerhead range from 2-6m long, and all species have projections on both sides…

This diagram shows waters transition from rain, to ground water, and back up to rain again.

Water Circulation

This diagram shows waters transition from rain, to ground water, and back up to rain again.

In the Roman Republic, and later the Empire, the curule seat was the chair upon which senior magistrates were entitled to sit, including dictators, masters of the horse, consuls, praetors, censors, and the curule aediles. he curule chair was traditionally made of or veneered with ivory, with curved legs forming a wide X; it had no back, and low arms. The chair could be folded, and thus an easily transportable seat, originally for magisterial and promagisterial commanders in the field, developed a hieratic significance, expressed in fictive curule seats on funerary monuments, a symbol of power which was never entirely lost in post-Roman European tradition. Sixth-century consular ivory diptychs of Orestes and of Constantinus each depict the consul seated on an elaborate curule seat with crossed animal legs.

Curule Chair

In the Roman Republic, and later the Empire, the curule seat was the chair upon which senior magistrates…

This diagram shows some stages in the life history of the tapeworm. A, Cysticercus or Bladderworm stage, before the "head" protrudes from the bladder; B, same, later stage; C, Strobila, or chain of proglottides, many being omitted; D, embryo such as fill the uterus of the mature proglottides. It is protected by a shell. b, bladder; ex., excretory canals; g, genital pore; h, head or scolex provided with hooks and suckers (s); u, uterus in a mature posterior proglottis; z, one of budding or segment formation. The numerals show the approximate number of segments, reckoning from the front.


This diagram shows some stages in the life history of the tapeworm. A, Cysticercus or Bladderworm stage,…

This is a diagram of a trunk vertebra in a mammal. c, centrum; ch., position originally occupied by the notochord; h., head of the rib; h.c., haemal cavity; n.a., neural arch; n.c., neural canal; n.s., neural spine; r., rib; st., sternum; s.c., sternal cartilage uniting ribs and sternum; t.p., transverse process of vertebra; tu., tuberole of rib.

Mammal Vertebrae

This is a diagram of a trunk vertebra in a mammal. c, centrum; ch., position originally occupied by…

This diagram shows the lumphatics of the head and neck. It shows the glands, and B, the thoracic duct as it empties into the left innominate vein at the junction of the left jugular and subclavian veins.


This diagram shows the lumphatics of the head and neck. It shows the glands, and B, the thoracic duct…

This illustration shows the head of a cow surrounded by a floral arrangement.

Cow Head

This illustration shows the head of a cow surrounded by a floral arrangement.

This illustration shows the head of a goat looking out a window.

Goat Head

This illustration shows the head of a goat looking out a window.

Has a stout bill; crested head; a very short tail that almost retracts.


Has a stout bill; crested head; a very short tail that almost retracts.

This illustration shows the different methods of girdling trees: a, back girdled; b, girdled to heartwood; c, hack girdled and peeled; d, belt girdled.

Girdling Tree

This illustration shows the different methods of girdling trees: a, back girdled; b, girdled to heartwood;…

This illustration shows a Blastophaga grossorum: a, adult female with wings extended, seen from above; b, female not yet entirely issued from pupal skin and still contained in gall; c, antenna of female; d, head of female from below; e, adult male; f, the same-all greatly enlarged.


This illustration shows a Blastophaga grossorum: a, adult female with wings extended, seen from above;…

This illustration shows the special development of tongues of woodpeckers; a, skull of flicker, showing root of tongue extending to tip of bill; b, head of hairy woodpecker, showing root of tongue curving around eye.

Woodpecker Tongue

This illustration shows the special development of tongues of woodpeckers; a, skull of flicker, showing…

One of the Mustelinae, akin to the marten, but with a broader head, a blunter snout, and a much shorter tail. It has a shorter neck and a stouter body than the weasel.


One of the Mustelinae, akin to the marten, but with a broader head, a blunter snout, and a much shorter…

They have circular nostrils with a central tubercle; the plumage of the adult is black with a white basal bar on the tail; the produced cere and naked sides of the head are reddish.

South American Hawk

They have circular nostrils with a central tubercle; the plumage of the adult is black with a white…

An instrument by which a current of air or gas is driven through the flame of a lamp, candle, or gas jet, and that flame directed upon a mineral substance, to fure or vitrify it, an instense head being created by the rapid supply of oxygen and the concentration of the flame upon a small area.


An instrument by which a current of air or gas is driven through the flame of a lamp, candle, or gas…

A moth with markings on the back of its thorax very closely resembling a skull. Usually measures 4 to 5 inches.

Death's Head Moth

A moth with markings on the back of its thorax very closely resembling a skull. Usually measures 4 to…

Muscles of the back. 1, trapezius; 2, its origin; 3, spine of scapula; 4, latissimus dorsi; 5, delltoid; 6, infra-spinatus; 7, external oblique; 8, gluteus medius; 9, gluteus maximus; 10, levator scapulae; 11, rhomboideus minor; 12, rhomboideus major; 13, splenius capitus; 14, splenius colli; 15, origin latissimus dorsi; 16, serratus inferior posticus; 17, supra-rpinatus; 18, infra-pinatus; 19, teres minor; 20, teres major; 21, long head triceps; 22, serratus major anticus; 23, internal oblique.

Back Muscles

Muscles of the back. 1, trapezius; 2, its origin; 3, spine of scapula; 4, latissimus dorsi; 5, delltoid;…

The muscles of the back forearm. 1, biceps; 2, brachialis internus; 3, triceps; 4, pronator radii teres; 5, flexor carpi radialis; 6, palmaris longus; 7, flexor sublimus digitorum; 8, flexor carpi ulnaris; 9, palmar fascia; 10, palmaris brevis; 11, abductor pollicis; 12, flexor brevis pollicis; 13, supinator longus; 14, extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis.

Back Forearm Muscles

The muscles of the back forearm. 1, biceps; 2, brachialis internus; 3, triceps; 4, pronator radii teres;…

The muscles of the back forearm. 1, biceps; 2, brachialis internus; 3, biceps; 4, supinator longus; 5, extensor carpl radialis longior; 6, extensor carpi radialis brevior; 7, insertion of these mscles; 8, extensor communis digitorum; 9, extensor communis digitorum; 10, extensor carpi ulnaris; 11, anconeus; 12, flexor carpi ulnaris; 13, extensor minor pollicis; 14, extensor major pollicis; 15, posterior annular ligament.

Front Forearm Muscles

The muscles of the back forearm. 1, biceps; 2, brachialis internus; 3, biceps; 4, supinator longus;…

The muscles of the rear thigh. 1, fifth lumbar vertebra; 2, ilio-lumbar ligament; 3, crest of ilium; 4, anterior superior spinous process; 5, origin of fascia femoris; 6, gluteus medino; 7, its lower and anterior portion; 8, pyriformis; 9, gemini; 10, trochanter major; 11, insertion gluteus medius; 12, quadratus femoris; 13, adductor magnus; 14, insertion gluteus maximus; 15, vastus extensus; 16, long head biceps; 17, semimembranous; 18, semitendinosus; 19, tuber ischii; 20, obturator internus; 21, point of coccyx; 22, posterior coccygeal ligament; 23, 24, great sacro-sciatic ligament; 25, posterior superior spinous process; 26, posterior sacro-iliiac ligaments.

Rear Thigh Muscles

The muscles of the rear thigh. 1, fifth lumbar vertebra; 2, ilio-lumbar ligament; 3, crest of ilium;…

An artistic gymnastics aparatus, used by both males and female gymnasts.


An artistic gymnastics aparatus, used by both males and female gymnasts.

Applied to various parts. To adjust it to the head make several turns around the head, then pass the bandage backward and forward over the scalp until the parts are covered. Secure the turns with pins or strips of adhesive plaster.

Recurrent Bandage

Applied to various parts. To adjust it to the head make several turns around the head, then pass the…

A duck with a bill longer than its head and curved downward. Its legs are long and fitted with bird like feet adapted for perching.

Australian Tree Duck

A duck with a bill longer than its head and curved downward. Its legs are long and fitted with bird…

This illustration shows a method of applying a bandage to the face to cover an eye.

Facial Bandage

This illustration shows a method of applying a bandage to the face to cover an eye.

This illustration shows a method of applying a bandage to the face to cover both eyes.

Facial Bandage

This illustration shows a method of applying a bandage to the face to cover both eyes.

This illustration shows a method of applying a bandage to the head.

Head Bandage

This illustration shows a method of applying a bandage to the head.