A variety of dahlias of the Composite family.


A variety of dahlias of the Composite family.

"It is a very large tree, the trunk being sometimes three feet in diameter, although it is of little is as a timber tree, the wood being spongy." -Lupton

The Gutta-percha tree

"It is a very large tree, the trunk being sometimes three feet in diameter, although it is of little…

Cloves trees are native to Indonesia. Flower buds from the tree, once dried, are used as a spice in food world wide.

Clove Tree

Cloves trees are native to Indonesia. Flower buds from the tree, once dried, are used as a spice in…

" Our engraving represents a wonderfully singular and beautiful plant, which grows among the mountains of California. " -Lupton

Twining Hyacinth of California

" Our engraving represents a wonderfully singular and beautiful plant, which grows among the mountains…

"Flowers often grow out of the cacti in a very unexpected fashion and of very curious forms. We give illustration of a variety, whose flower very much resembles a starfish." -Lupton

The Starfish Cactus

"Flowers often grow out of the cacti in a very unexpected fashion and of very curious forms. We give…

In architecture, an opening or a panel dividing by cusps or foliations into four leaves, or more correctly the leaf-shaped figure formed by the cusps. It is an ornament which has been supposed to represents the four leaves of a cruciform flower, and is common in the tracery of Gothic windows.

Quatrefoil Architecture

In architecture, an opening or a panel dividing by cusps or foliations into four leaves, or more correctly…

This gigantic flower, one of the marvels of the vegetable world, was discovered in the interior Sumatra by Sir. T Raffles and Dr. Arnold. The whole plant seems to consist of little else beyond the flower and root.

Raffle'sia Flower

This gigantic flower, one of the marvels of the vegetable world, was discovered in the interior Sumatra…

The American lotus or Nelumbo lutea.

American Lotus

The American lotus or Nelumbo lutea.

The magnolia flower.


The magnolia flower.

A small cruciferous plant, growing in arid Arabia and Palestine. When full grown and ripe its leaves drop and it becomes rolled up like a ball in the dry season, but opens its branches and seed vessels when it comes in contact with moisture.

Illustration of Roots and Jericho Rose

A small cruciferous plant, growing in arid Arabia and Palestine. When full grown and ripe its leaves…

A circular window, divided into compartments by mullions and tracery radiating from a centre, also called Catharine-wheel, and marigold-window.

Rose Brickwork Window

A circular window, divided into compartments by mullions and tracery radiating from a centre, also called…

A strong-scented herbaceous plant of the genus Ruta, nat. order Rutacae, a native of S. Europe, but also cultivated in gardens in the United States.

Rue Plant

A strong-scented herbaceous plant of the genus Ruta, nat. order Rutacae, a native of S. Europe, but…

The fruit, flower, and branch of the avocado tree.


The fruit, flower, and branch of the avocado tree.

The branch, blossom, and fruit of the almond tree.


The branch, blossom, and fruit of the almond tree.

The larkspur (Consolida) is a flowering plant of the buttercup family.


The larkspur (Consolida) is a flowering plant of the buttercup family.

The honeysuckle is a flowering plant of the heath family.


The honeysuckle is a flowering plant of the heath family.

The rhododendron is a flowering plant of the heath family.


The rhododendron is a flowering plant of the heath family.

The bleeding heart is a flowering plant of the poppy family.

Bleeding Heart

The bleeding heart is a flowering plant of the poppy family.

The popular name given to a number of animals of the subkingdom Coelenterata and class Actinozoa, including the genus Actinia and other genera.

Sea Anemones

The popular name given to a number of animals of the subkingdom Coelenterata and class Actinozoa, including…

"Diagram to show the essential parts of a "flowering" plant. t.r., tap-root; cot. seed-leaf (cotyledon); i, internode; a.l, leaf-axil; n, node; a.b, axillary buud; r, receptacle of floral organs; ca, calyx; per, perianth; co, corolla; st, stamens (androecium); pi, pistil (gynoecium)." -Gager, 1916

Flower Parts

"Diagram to show the essential parts of a "flowering" plant. t.r., tap-root; cot. seed-leaf (cotyledon);…

"Tulip bulb; longitudinal section. F, solid stem; B, flower bud; S, leaf-bases serving as bud-scales, and also for the storage of plant food." -Gager, 1916

Tulip Bulb

"Tulip bulb; longitudinal section. F, solid stem; B, flower bud; S, leaf-bases serving as bud-scales,…

"Roots of the water-hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes Solms), showing removable root-caps; b, root-cap removed from c." -Gager, 1916

Water Hyacinth Roots

"Roots of the water-hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes Solms), showing removable root-caps; b, root-cap removed…

"Portion of dandelion scape, showing "curls" resulting from longitudinal tissue-tension." -Gager, 1916

Dandelion Scape

"Portion of dandelion scape, showing "curls" resulting from longitudinal tissue-tension." -Gager, 1916

"Rosa rugosa, at left; Crataegus punctata, at right. The fruit is composed of the ripened ovary, reinforced by the enlarged receptacle." -Gager, 1916

Rose Family

"Rosa rugosa, at left; Crataegus punctata, at right. The fruit is composed of the ripened ovary, reinforced…

"Morphology of typical monocotyledonous plant. A, leaf, parallel-veined; B, portion of stem, showing irregular distribution of vascular bundles; C, ground plan of flower (the parts in 3's); D, top view of flower; E, seed, showing monocotyledonous embryo." -Gager, 1916

Monocotyledonous Morphology

"Morphology of typical monocotyledonous plant. A, leaf, parallel-veined; B, portion of stem, showing…

"Morphology of a typical dicotyledonous plant. A, leaf, pinnately-netted veined; B, portion of stem, showing concentric layers of wood; C, ground-plan of flower (the parts in 5's); D, perspective of flower; E, longitudinal section of seed, showing dicotyledonous embryo." -Gager, 1916

Dicotyledonous Morphology

"Morphology of a typical dicotyledonous plant. A, leaf, pinnately-netted veined; B, portion of stem,…

"Willlow (Salix). Leafy branch, bearing two pistillate catkins. Staminate flower above, at the left; pistillate flower below, at the right." -Gager, 1916

Willow Branch

"Willlow (Salix). Leafy branch, bearing two pistillate catkins. Staminate flower above, at the left;…

"Flower of a buttercup (Ranunculus sp.); a, b, normal, showing 5 petals; c, d, petalody of stamens; e, petal with nectary at its base; f-h ripened ovaries." -Gager, 1916

Buttercup Flowers

"Flower of a buttercup (Ranunculus sp.); a, b, normal, showing 5 petals; c, d, petalody of stamens;…

"Rue anemone (Anemonella thalictroides). 1, normal flower with 5 petals; 3, petalody of stamens; 4, coalescence of petals (c1); 2, coalescence (c), and petalody of stamens. At 2, s is shown a stamen partially transformed into a petal, but with a portion of the anther still remaining." -Gager, 1916

Buttercup Flowers

"Rue anemone (Anemonella thalictroides). 1, normal flower with 5 petals; 3, petalody of stamens; 4,…

"Black mustard (Brassica nigra)." -Gager, 1916

Black Mustard

"Black mustard (Brassica nigra)." -Gager, 1916

"Wild rose. A 'single' flower showing incipient doubling by the replacement of stamens by petals. Below, a series of transitional forms from stamen to fully formed petal; an., anther, or remnant of anther." -Gager, 1916

Wild Rose

"Wild rose. A 'single' flower showing incipient doubling by the replacement of stamens by petals. Below,…

"Heracleum lanatum (Parsley family). Individual flower from the margin of an umbel." -Gager, 1916

Cow Parsnip

"Heracleum lanatum (Parsley family). Individual flower from the margin of an umbel." -Gager, 1916

"Milkweed (Asclepias sp.). a, flower-bud; b, flower; c, very young pod; d, older pod in section, showing seeds; e, section of flower; f, top view of flower, showing the 5 hoods f the crown, each with a horn incurving to the stigma; between the horns are the cleft glands to which the pollinia are attached." -Gager, 1916

Milkweed Stages

"Milkweed (Asclepias sp.). a, flower-bud; b, flower; c, very young pod; d, older pod in section, showing…

The nightshade or bittersweet (Solanum Dulcamara).


The nightshade or bittersweet (Solanum Dulcamara).

"Sections of flowers of the toad-flax (Linaria vulgaris). A, front view; a, anthers; s, stigma; n, nectar-gland. B, side view; o, ovary." -Gager, 1916

Common Toadflax

"Sections of flowers of the toad-flax (Linaria vulgaris). A, front view; a, anthers; s, stigma; n, nectar-gland.…

"Toad-flax (Linaria vulgaris). Inflorescence, showing normal (spurred) flowers, and several abnormal flowers without spurs." -Gager, 1916

Common Toadflax

"Toad-flax (Linaria vulgaris). Inflorescence, showing normal (spurred) flowers, and several abnormal…

"Toad-flax (Linaria vulgaris). Abnormal flowers (pelories), having five or more spurs. Normal, one-spurred buds are shown in A." -Gager, 1916

Common Toadflax

"Toad-flax (Linaria vulgaris). Abnormal flowers (pelories), having five or more spurs. Normal, one-spurred…

"Toad-flax (Linaria vulgaris). Flowers being visited by an insect for nectar. B, longitudinal section, showing the insect's proboscis extended down the spur toward the nectar-gland; C, insect with a mass of pollen (p), rubbed off from anthers onto the dorsal hairs of the thorax, during successive visits." -Gager, 1916

Common Toadflax with Insect

"Toad-flax (Linaria vulgaris). Flowers being visited by an insect for nectar. B, longitudinal section,…

"Inflorescence and flowers of the burdock (Arctium minus). a, Inflorescences; b, longitudinal section of the same; c, bud of individual flower; d, mature flower; sty, stigma; stig, style; a, ring of syngenesius anthers; c, corolla; p, pappus (calyx); ov, ovary; e, mature seed." -Gager, 1916

Lesser Burdock

"Inflorescence and flowers of the burdock (Arctium minus). a, Inflorescences; b, longitudinal section…

"Chicory (Cichorium Intybus). A, portion of flowering branch; B, basal leaf (runcinate-pinnatifid); C, median longitudinal section through a head, showing the insertion of the flowers; D, individual flower; E, fruit (ripened ovary), showing the persistent pappus (calyx) of short scales." -Gager, 1916

Common Chicory

"Chicory (Cichorium Intybus). A, portion of flowering branch; B, basal leaf (runcinate-pinnatifid);…

"A composite (Coreopsis sp.). A, B, E, views of the inflorescence or head; C, a ray-flower; D, section through the head; F, a disc-flower in bud; G, disc-flower just opened; H, older disc-flower, the stigmas reflexed; I, disc-flower with corolla removed." -Gager, 1916


"A composite (Coreopsis sp.). A, B, E, views of the inflorescence or head; C, a ray-flower; D, section…

"Staminate flower of the broad-leaved cat-tail (Typha latifolia)." -Gager, 1916

Cattail Flower

"Staminate flower of the broad-leaved cat-tail (Typha latifolia)." -Gager, 1916

"Floral organs of an orchid (Cattleya sp.). A, the entire flower; sep, sepal; pet, petal; B, column, showing s, stigma and r, the rostellum (beak), with the small glands at the tip; to the glands are attached the four strap-shaped caudicles of the pollinia; C, pollinia, with the four caudicles; below, the gland; D, longitudinal section of the column; p, pollinium; E, the same, enlarged." -Gager, 1916

Orchid Organs

"Floral organs of an orchid (Cattleya sp.). A, the entire flower; sep, sepal; pet, petal; B, column,…

"Cauliflower (flower-buds used)." -Gager, 1916


"Cauliflower (flower-buds used)." -Gager, 1916

"Cycadeoidea dacotensis. Semi-diagrammatic sketch of a flower (bisporangiate cone), cut longitudinally; one sporophyll folded, and one (at the right) arbitrarily expanded. At the center is the apical, cone-shaped receptacle, invested by a zone of short-stalked ovules and inter-seminal scales. The pinnules of the sporophylls bear the compound sporangia (Synangia). Exterior to the flower are several hairy bracts." -Gager, 1916


"Cycadeoidea dacotensis. Semi-diagrammatic sketch of a flower (bisporangiate cone), cut longitudinally;…

"Cycadeoidea Wielandi. Longitudinal section through the axis of a female inflorescence, or cone. l, old leaf-base; d, insertion of disc; s, erect seed, borne at summit of seed-pedicle inserted on convex receptacle; b, hair covered bract." -Gager, 1916


"Cycadeoidea Wielandi. Longitudinal section through the axis of a female inflorescence, or cone. l,…

The seed, flower, and leaf of a dandelion.


The seed, flower, and leaf of a dandelion.

"A flowering plant belonging to the Heath family, closely related to the rhododendron."


"A flowering plant belonging to the Heath family, closely related to the rhododendron."

"It is a delicate, modest little flower, a great favorite for both its beauty and fragrance." Also called fairy-cups, marigolds, buttercups.


"It is a delicate, modest little flower, a great favorite for both its beauty and fragrance." Also called…

The Florida state flower, the orange blossom.

Orange Blossom

The Florida state flower, the orange blossom.

An illustration of the story, Picciola by X. B. Saintine. Count Charney was imprisoned by the Emperor of France for allegedly planning to assassinate him. In this image, he is begging the guard to send a letter the the emperor to save a little flower that is growing in the stone. A girl delivers this letter and the emperor realizes that this man could not have him killed and releases him.


An illustration of the story, Picciola by X. B. Saintine. Count Charney was imprisoned by the Emperor…

A bunch of daisies.


A bunch of daisies.

"Morning-glory modeled out of tissue-paper.' -Beard 1906

Tissue paper morning-glory

"Morning-glory modeled out of tissue-paper.' -Beard 1906

An example of how to model a morning-glory out of tissue paper.

Tissue paper morning-glory

An example of how to model a morning-glory out of tissue paper.

"Daffodils modeled from tissue-paper." -Beard, 1906

Tissue paper daffodil

"Daffodils modeled from tissue-paper." -Beard, 1906

The trunk is "directed downward and plunged into the flower. The insect draws it partly out, and perhaps curves it a little, and then plunges it into the flower again. It repeats the same maneuver seven or eight times, and then flies onto another flower."

Section of a Butterfly's Trunk, after Reaumur

The trunk is "directed downward and plunged into the flower. The insect draws it partly out, and perhaps…

"In passing from one flower to another, it has brisk, rapid movements; but it remains suspended in the air before it; it does not alight upon any."

Humming-bird Hawk-moth (Macroglossa Stellatarum)

"In passing from one flower to another, it has brisk, rapid movements; but it remains suspended in the…

"Nature, pervades the air, where grow the modest blue-eyed violets, the fragrant trailing arbutus, spicy and sweet, the funny Jack-in-the-pulpit, without which no collection of wild flowers would be complete, and there also maybe found the rare and beautiful bloodroot, whose stay is so short one can scarce catch a glimpse of its pure, white blossoms ere they vanish." -Beard, 1906

Bloodroot flower

"Nature, pervades the air, where grow the modest blue-eyed violets, the fragrant trailing arbutus, spicy…

"Water-proof paper flower-pot May-basket." -Beard, 1906

Mayflower basket

"Water-proof paper flower-pot May-basket." -Beard, 1906

This picture is of a young woman arranging flowers.

Flower Arranging

This picture is of a young woman arranging flowers.