"Draw three-inch square. Draw lines AB, BC, DE and EF at 30 degrees. Divide lower side into seven equal parts with the dividers. Draw the vertical lines, and mark divisions on AC with pencil as each line is drawn. Through the division points on top and bottom draw the converging lines using the triangle alone as a straight-edge." —French, 1911

Drawing Converging Lines

"Draw three-inch square. Draw lines AB, BC, DE and EF at 30 degrees. Divide lower side into seven equal…

"Through the center of the space draw the three construction lines, AB vertical, DE and FG at 30 degrees. Measure CA and CB 1 1/2" long. Draw AE, AF, DB and BG at 30 degrees. Complete hexagon by drawing DF and GE vertical. Set spacers to 3/32". Step off 3/32" on each side of the center lines, and 3/16" from each side of hexagon. Complete figure as shown with triangle against T-square." —French, 1911

Drawing Hexagonal Figure

"Through the center of the space draw the three construction lines, AB vertical, DE and FG at 30 degrees.…

"An exercise in starting and stopping short lines. Draw three-inch square. Draw diagonals with 45-degree triangle. With scale lay off 3/8" spaces along the diagonals, from their intersection. With 45-degree triangle complete figure, finishing one-quarter at a time." —French, 1911

Drawing Street Paving Intersection

"An exercise in starting and stopping short lines. Draw three-inch square. Draw diagonals with 45-degree…

"Draw three-inch square and one-inch square. From the corners of inner square draw lines to outer square at 15 degrees and 75 degrees, with the two triangles in combination. Mark points with spacers 3/16" inside of each line of this outside cross, and complete figure with triangles in combination." —French, 1911

Drawing Maltese Cross using T-square, Spacers, and Triangles

"Draw three-inch square and one-inch square. From the corners of inner square draw lines to outer square…

"On horizontal center line mark off eleven points 1/4" apart, beginning at left side of space. Draw horizontal limiting lines (in pencil only) 1 1/2" above and below center line." —French, 1911

Drawing Concentric Arcs with Compass

"On horizontal center line mark off eleven points 1/4" apart, beginning at left side of space. Draw…

"Draw a circle three inches in diameter. Divide the circumference into five equal parts by trial with dividers. From these points draw radial lines and divide each into four equal parts with spacers. With these points as centers draw the semicircles as shown The radial lines are not to be inked." —French, 1911

Drawing Tangent Arcs with Compass and Dividers

"Draw a circle three inches in diameter. Divide the circumference into five equal parts by trial with…

"On base AB, 3 1/2" long construct an equilateral triangle, using the 60-degree triangle. Bisect the angles with the 30-degree angle, extending the bisectors to the opposite sides. With these middle points of the sides as centers and radius equal to 1/2 the side, draw arcs cutting the bisectors. These intersection will be centers for the inscribed circles. With centers on the intersection of these circles and the bisectors, round off the points of the triangle as shown." —French, 1911

Drawing Tangent Circles and Lines with Compass and Triangles

"On base AB, 3 1/2" long construct an equilateral triangle, using the 60-degree triangle. Bisect the…

"Draw lines parallel to AB and CD at distant R from them. The intersection of these lines will be center of the required arc." —French, 1911

Draw Arc of Given radius R Tangent to Two Given Lines

"Draw lines parallel to AB and CD at distant R from them. The intersection of these lines will be center…

Make a perpendicular lines at point B and C, and join by a straight line. Create a desired curve by referencing the lines as a center and tangent.

Draw Reverse or Ogee Curve

Make a perpendicular lines at point B and C, and join by a straight line. Create a desired curve by…

Using C as a center, draw two circles with different diameters. The intersection of the diameter lines will determine the points on the curve.

Determining Points on Ellipse Using Circles

Using C as a center, draw two circles with different diameters. The intersection of the diameter lines…

"When the minor axis is at least two-thirds the major, the following method ma be used:Make CF and CG equal to AB-DE.Make CH and CI equal to 3/4 CFF, G, H, I will be centers for arcs E, D, B, and A." —French 1911

Approximate Ellipse using Lines

"When the minor axis is at least two-thirds the major, the following method ma be used: Make CF and…

"Any noncircular curve may be approximated by tangent circle arcs, selecting a center by trial, drawing as much of an arc as will practically coincide with the curve, then changing the center and radius for the next portion, remembering always that if arcs are to be tangent, their centers must lie on the common normal at the point of tangency." —French 1911

Curve Inked with Circle Arcs

"Any noncircular curve may be approximated by tangent circle arcs, selecting a center by trial, drawing…

"Let OA and OB be the asymptotes and P a point on the curve. Draw PC and PD. Mark any points on Pc; through these points draw ordinates parallel to OA and through the same points lines to O. At the intersection of these lines with PD draw abscissæ with the ordinates give points on the curve." —French, 1911

Drawing Rectangular Hyperbola

"Let OA and OB be the asymptotes and P a point on the curve. Draw PC and PD. Mark any points on Pc;…

"For the first practice draw in pencil top and bottom guide lines for 3/16" letters and with a 516 F or similar pen make directly in ink a series of vertical lines, drawing the pen down with a finger movement. This one stroke must be practised until the beginner can get lines vertical and of equal weight." —French, 1911

Top View of Position for Lettering Using Pen

"For the first practice draw in pencil top and bottom guide lines for 3/16" letters and with a 516 F…

An automatic lubrication system often referred to as a centralized lubricator comprises a controller, pump, reservoir, metering valves, fittings and feed lines. It typically delivers a controlled amount of lubricant in the forms of grease or oil to multiple, specific locations on a machine while the machine is operating at specific times from a central location.

Automatic Feeder for Lubricating Materials

An automatic lubrication system often referred to as a centralized lubricator comprises a controller,…

A T-square is a technical drawing instrument, primarily a guide for drawing horizontal lines on a drafting table. It is used by draftsmen. It is also used to guide the triangle that draws the vertical lines.

Architects Drafting Square

A T-square is a technical drawing instrument, primarily a guide for drawing horizontal lines on a drafting…

The hydraulic brake is an arrangement of braking mechanism which uses brake fluid, typically containing ethylene glycol, to transfer pressure from the controlling unit, which is usually near the operator of the vehicle, to the actual brake mechanism, which is usually at or near the wheel of the vehicle. Within a hydraulic brake system, as the brake pedal is pressed/ brake lever is squeezed, a push rod exerts force on the piston(s) in the master cylinder causing fluid from the brake fluid reservoir to flow into a pressure chamber through a compensating port which results in an increase in the pressure of the entire hydraulic system. This forces fluid through the hydraulic lines toward one or more calipers where it acts upon one or two additional caliper pistons secured by one or more seated O-rings which prevent the escape of any fluid from around the piston.

Fluid Pressure Brake Apparatus

The hydraulic brake is an arrangement of braking mechanism which uses brake fluid, typically containing…

"In the inclined style the 2 to 5 direction lines should be drawn until one has become very proficient in keeping the lines to a uniform slant. The snap and swing of professional work is due largely to two things; keeping the letters full, and close together, and of uniform slope. beinners" — French, 1911

Inclined Capitals Practice Strokes

"In the inclined style the 2 to 5 direction lines should be drawn until one has become very proficient…

In the electrical distribution utility industry a cutout is a combination fuse and switch used in primary overhead feeder lines and taps to protect step down transformers from current surges and overloads.

Electric Cut Out

In the electrical distribution utility industry a cutout is a combination fuse and switch used in primary…

This is a hay lifting device composed of one mast or pole which is hinged freely at the bottom. It is controlled by about four lines powered by some means such as man hauling, so that the pole can move in all four directions. A line runs up it and over its top with a hook on the end, like with a crane.

Hinged Hay Derrick

This is a hay lifting device composed of one mast or pole which is hinged freely at the bottom. It is…

Vertical line is drawn downward with the pencil held with freedom, not close to the point.

Sketching Vertical Line

Vertical line is drawn downward with the pencil held with freedom, not close to the point.

Horizontal line can be drawn left to right by holding the pencil away from the point.

Sketching Horizontal Line

Horizontal line can be drawn left to right by holding the pencil away from the point.

"Holding the pencil in a plane perpendicular to the line of sight, marking with the thumb the length of pencil which covers a line of the model rotating the arm, with the thumb held in position, until the pencil coincides with another line, and estimating the proportion of this measurement to the second line." —French, 1911

Estimating Lines using Pencil

"Holding the pencil in a plane perpendicular to the line of sight, marking with the thumb the length…

A perspective view of the shoreline illustrated by using contour lines.

Perspective View of Shoreline

A perspective view of the shoreline illustrated by using contour lines.

A map of a shoreline created by using contour lines creating hills.

Shoreline Contour Map

A map of a shoreline created by using contour lines creating hills.

"In water—lining a stream of varying width, the lines are not to be crowded so as to be carried through the narrow portions, but corresponding lines should be brought together in the middle of the stream as illustrated. Care should be taken to avoid any spots of sudden increase or decrease." —French, 1911

Water Lining Map Topography

"In water—lining a stream of varying width, the lines are not to be crowded so as to be carried…

An illustration of even line shading using ruled lines. Lined shading is commonly used in patents.

Even Line Shading Tint

An illustration of even line shading using ruled lines. Lined shading is commonly used in patents.

An illustration of creating a line shading from dark to light. The lines are gradually become thin. The pen is slightly changed throughout the drawing.

Line Shading Dark to Light Tint

An illustration of creating a line shading from dark to light. The lines are gradually become thin.…

An example of the cylinder shaded by lines. The area without lines are where the light hit the cylinder. The line become darker when it is away from the light source.

Cylinder Line Shading

An example of the cylinder shaded by lines. The area without lines are where the light hit the cylinder.…

"A row of cylinders of different sizes. The effect of polish is given by leaving several brilliant lines, as might occur if light came in through several windows." —French, 1911

Series of Cylinder Line Shading

"A row of cylinders of different sizes. The effect of polish is given by leaving several brilliant lines,…

Shading wheel using lines by estimating how the light hit the surface.

Wheel Shading

Shading wheel using lines by estimating how the light hit the surface.

The illustration showing the centrifugal governor metal ball removed from the lathe to draw 180 degree lines. These lines are used to guide the machinists to create the balls in a lathe.

Metal Centrifugal Governor Ball Height Gage

The illustration showing the centrifugal governor metal ball removed from the lathe to draw 180 degree…

A front and side view of a t square with rectangular head. The t square is used draw straight lines using the blade in mechanical drawing.

Fixed Rectangular Head T Square

A front and side view of a t square with rectangular head. The t square is used draw straight lines…

An illustration of Axonometric Projection, or object related by plane of projection, of a cube. The cube is drawn by having the cube resting on one side, then projecting each horizontal and vertical lines from A.

Axonometric Projection of a Cube

An illustration of Axonometric Projection, or object related by plane of projection, of a cube. The…

The illustration of constructing a circle or ellipse using isometric drawing. The inscribed circle is transferred to the top part of the cube by creating diagonal lines through the center and series of squares.

Isometric Drawing of Circle using Square

The illustration of constructing a circle or ellipse using isometric drawing. The inscribed circle is…

The illustration of an irregular curves for solid. The isometric projection of the curve can be drawn by the series of perpendicular lines parallel to the axis.

Drawing Irregular Isometric Curves of Solid

The illustration of an irregular curves for solid. The isometric projection of the curve can be drawn…

A development, or rolled out, triangle pyramid. The image is created by making an arc at the bottom of each triangles to guide the straight lines. The triangle ABC is the base of the pyramid. When folded, the pyramid will form from the image.

Development of Triangle Pyramid

A development, or rolled out, triangle pyramid. The image is created by making an arc at the bottom…

An outside view of two cylinders intersecting in an auxiliary plane. The dotted lines is the center of each cylinders.

Outside View of Auxiliary Planes of Two Intersecting Cylinder

An outside view of two cylinders intersecting in an auxiliary plane. The dotted lines is the center…

A double thread screw drawn by drawing diagonal lines in between the pitch. The double thread screw is a screw with threads bunched together between the pitch.

Double Thread Screw

A double thread screw drawn by drawing diagonal lines in between the pitch. The double thread screw…

An exercise of creating a series of repeating and alternating vertical and horizontal lines in an equally divided squares. The exercise is done by judging the spaces of the squares.

Inscribed Alternating Horizontal and Vertical Lines Repeating Patterns

An exercise of creating a series of repeating and alternating vertical and horizontal lines in an equally…

A problem exercise using a t square and 45 degree triangle to divide the paper into half inch squares. Then, divide the squares with diagonal lines both sides of the paper.

Squares Diagonal Lines Repeating Patterns

A problem exercise using a t square and 45 degree triangle to divide the paper into half inch squares.…

An exercise problem to create a vanishing point using lines. The line is drawn by placing a dot into the middle of the paper, then draw the lines angled into the middle. This creates an illusion that the lines are continuing for a long distance.

Vanishing Point Using Lines

An exercise problem to create a vanishing point using lines. The line is drawn by placing a dot into…

"Divide the square as indicated by the dotted lines, drawing these as full lines in pencil, but do not ink them...The intermediate or section lines must not be drawn with a pencil, but are to be drawn only in ink, the spacing being done by the eye." —Anthony, 1904

Constructing Stars Using Different Shapes

"Divide the square as indicated by the dotted lines, drawing these as full lines in pencil, but do not…

"Use the T square and 45 degree triangle to divide the square as indicated, the size of the small squares being ½". This is an excellent test of precision in measurement and lining. Care must be observed in the inking of this figure to allow each line to dry before inking the next one." —Anthony, 1904

Drawing Diagonal Lines with T Squares and Triangle

"Use the T square and 45 degree triangle to divide the square as indicated, the size of the small squares…

A diagonal line pattern drawing exercise in for T square and triangle. The image is constructed by dividing the paper into squares with the T square, and the diagonal lines are drawn using a 45 degree triangle.

Drawing Exercise for Drawing Diagonal Line Pattern using T Square and Triangle

A diagonal line pattern drawing exercise in for T square and triangle. The image is constructed by dividing…

The construction of a star with square overlapping each other using a triangle and T square. This image is drawn by dividing the paper with dashed lines using T square. Using the 45 degree triangle, draw diagonal lines to create the star and the star.

Constructing Star and Box Overlap Pattern using T Square and Triangle

The construction of a star with square overlapping each other using a triangle and T square. This image…

A problem exercise to construct a star overlapping square using a triangle and T square. The image is drawn by dividing the paper with dashed lines using T square. Using the 45 degree triangle, draw diagonal lines to create the star and the star.

Constructing 4 Point Star Overlapping Box Pattern using T Square and Triangle

A problem exercise to construct a star overlapping square using a triangle and T square. The image is…

An exercise problem drawing a series of horizontal lines using a straight edge or triangle without using a T square.

Horizontal Solid Line Drawing Exercise

An exercise problem drawing a series of horizontal lines using a straight edge or triangle without using…

An exercise for mechanical drawing to construct a series of horizontal lines. The solid lines are drawn without using a T square, while the dashed lines are produced using a T square.

Horizontal Solid and Dashed Line Drawing Exercise

An exercise for mechanical drawing to construct a series of horizontal lines. The solid lines are drawn…

This folding square is also known as a t-square which is a technical instrument, primarily a guide for drawing horizontal lines on a drafting table.

Folding Square

This folding square is also known as a t-square which is a technical instrument, primarily a guide for…

A drawing exercise for drawing eight concentric circles by dividing the paper in quarters as shown. When doing the exercise, the center cannot be enlarged as the circle gets smaller. The exercise is done in ink with fine lines.

Drawing Exercise Eight Concentric Circles using Ink

A drawing exercise for drawing eight concentric circles by dividing the paper in quarters as shown.…

Mechanical drawing exercise of drawing dotted lined concentric circles. The circles are first drawn by dividing the paper into quarters, then draw the circles in pencil. Ink dotted lines on the penciled circles.

Dotted Lined Eight Concentric Circles using Ink and Pencil Drawing Exercise

Mechanical drawing exercise of drawing dotted lined concentric circles. The circles are first drawn…

A mechanical drawing exercise of a circle with curved wavy lines. The image is drawn by dividing horizontal lines into half inches, and draw smaller half circles within the large circle.

Mechanical Drawing Exercise Circle with Wavy Curved Lines Inside

A mechanical drawing exercise of a circle with curved wavy lines. The image is drawn by dividing horizontal…

A mechanical drawing exercise of drawing a curved line with circle in the middle. The image is drawn by drawing a small circle in the middle. The curved lines around the circle is drawn by using the ticked line as the radius.

Curved Line with Circle Mechanical Drawing Exercise

A mechanical drawing exercise of drawing a curved line with circle in the middle. The image is drawn…

"With a 45 degree triangle draw lines AC and BD through the center and construct three squares. Set the bow—pencil to a radius of 3∕8' and describe a circular arc in the corner of each square just touching, but not intersecting, the sides of the square. Ink the circular arcs first." —Anthony, 1904

Mechanical Drawing Exercise Three Inscribed Squares with Rounded Corners using Triangle and Bow

"With a 45 degree triangle draw lines AC and BD through the center and construct three squares. Set…

A practice exercise for mechanical drawing to line shade the plate with elliptic holes. The plate is drawn by creating the ellipsoid shapes. Then carefully draw diagonal lines onto the background of the ellipses with pen.

Mechanical Drawing Exercise Line Shading Plates with Holes in Ink

A practice exercise for mechanical drawing to line shade the plate with elliptic holes. The plate is…

This clothes pin serves several purposes, initially used to grab onto clothing garments which hung from drying lines.

Clothes Pin

This clothes pin serves several purposes, initially used to grab onto clothing garments which hung from…

This is an architectural tool, which facilitates the use of drawing straight lines and right angles, similar to modern T-squares.

Drafting Appliance

This is an architectural tool, which facilitates the use of drawing straight lines and right angles,…

A straightedged strip, as of wood or metal, for drawing straight lines and measuring lengths.

Drawing Ruler

A straightedged strip, as of wood or metal, for drawing straight lines and measuring lengths.

"As the eccentric turns in the strap, the point O moves in the dotted circle around O', and the point A also moves in a circle. When half a revolution is accomplished the point O will be at O", the Point A will be at A", and the eccentric strap and valve rod will be in the position indicated by the dotted lines." —Derr, 1911

Shaft in an Eccentric Motion from Steam Engine

"As the eccentric turns in the strap, the point O moves in the dotted circle around O', and the point…