The skeleton of a man.

Human Skeleton

The skeleton of a man.

The skeleton of a perch.

Skeleton of Perch

The skeleton of a perch.

The skeleton of a dugong, one of four living species in the order Sirenia.

Skeleton of the Dugong

The skeleton of a dugong, one of four living species in the order Sirenia.

"The overhead movement enables the swimmer to throw himself forward on the water, and to move his arms and legs in a nearly vertical instead of a horizontal plane; the extremities working, as it were, above and beneath the trunk, rather than on either side of it."—Pettigrew, 1874

Overhand Swimming

"The overhead movement enables the swimmer to throw himself forward on the water, and to move his arms…

"An improvement on the foregoing for long distances is the known as the side stroke. In this method, as the term indicates, the body is thrown more decidedly upon the side."—Pettigrew, 1874

Side-Stroke Swimming

"An improvement on the foregoing for long distances is the known as the side stroke. In this method,…

"Under surface of large beetle, with deeply concave and comparatively small wings, shows that the nervures of the wings of the beetle are arranged along the anterior margins and throughout the substance of the wings generally, very much as the bones of the arm, forearm, and hand, are in the wings of the bat, to which they bear a very marked resemblance, both in their shape and mode of action."—Pettigrew, 1874

Large Beetle

"Under surface of large beetle, with deeply concave and comparatively small wings, shows that the nervures…

"Right wing of the Kestrel, drawn from the specimen, while being held against the light."—Pettigrew, 1874

Right Wing of Kestrel

"Right wing of the Kestrel, drawn from the specimen, while being held against the light."—Pettigrew,…

Left wing of the albatross.

Left Wing of Albatross

Left wing of the albatross.

"The Lapwing with one wing fully extended, and forming a long lever; the other being in a flexed condition and forming a short lever."—Pettigrew, 1874

Northern Lapwing

"The Lapwing with one wing fully extended, and forming a long lever; the other being in a flexed condition…

A species of beetle found in tropical Africa.

Centaur Beetle

A species of beetle found in tropical Africa.

An insect characterized by large multifaceted eyes, two pairs of strong transparent wings, and an elongated body.


An insect characterized by large multifaceted eyes, two pairs of strong transparent wings, and an elongated…

"The Pigeon flying downwards and turning prior to alighting. The pigeon expands its tail both in ascending and descending."—Pettigrew, 1874

The Pigeon

"The Pigeon flying downwards and turning prior to alighting. The pigeon expands its tail both in ascending…

Image of a young plant. R are the root hairs, C is a seed leaf, and L is a true leaf.

Young Plant

Image of a young plant. R are the root hairs, C is a seed leaf, and L is a true leaf.

The labeled anatomy of a cherry blossom.

Cherry Blossom

The labeled anatomy of a cherry blossom.

The digestive system of a fowl. 1 is the tongue, 3 is the crop, 6 is the gizzard, 10 is the small intestine, 1 is the pancreas, 16 is the liver, 17 is the gall bladder, and 18 is the spleen. All other organs are analogous to organs of humans

Fowl Digestion

The digestive system of a fowl. 1 is the tongue, 3 is the crop, 6 is the gizzard, 10 is the small intestine,…

Human lungs. 1 and 2 make up the larynx, or voice box. 1 is thyroid cartilage, 2 is cricoid cartilage. A thin layer is held stretched from the top of the thyroid cartilage and extends to the hyoid bone, which is the only bone in the body that is not connected to another bone.

Human Lungs

Human lungs. 1 and 2 make up the larynx, or voice box. 1 is thyroid cartilage, 2 is cricoid cartilage.…

A hydraulic press which uses a hydraulic cylinder to generate force. The inventor of the device, Joseph Bramah, had also developed the flush toilet and studied the motion of the fluids in the toilet and developed the press to test it. O is a lever, which forces down piston a upon the water in cylinder A. The water goes through tube d into the cylinder where piston C works, causing it to rise which lifts platform K and compresses bales.

Hydraulic Press

A hydraulic press which uses a hydraulic cylinder to generate force. The inventor of the device, Joseph…

An air compressor. They come in many forms, most commonly in cylinder form - as shown. This image shows the inner workings of an air compressor

Air Compressor

An air compressor. They come in many forms, most commonly in cylinder form - as shown. This image shows…

This image is a centrifugal pump with one half of the casing removed. S is a hollow hub, a is a curved arm, also called a vane or wing, and are revolved with a high velocity of the arrow. The air between them is driven out by the discharge and pipe D. A centrifugal pump is a valuable instrument for raising water to enormous heights.

Centrifugal Pump

This image is a centrifugal pump with one half of the casing removed. S is a hollow hub, a is a curved…

A sectional view of a human molar. The roots, or fangs, are shown covered by a layer of bone called "cement", which is represented by letter c. The center of the tooth is the vascular pulp-cavity v, d is ivory or dentine, and e is the hardest tissue of the body - enamel.

Human Tooth

A sectional view of a human molar. The roots, or fangs, are shown covered by a layer of bone called…

A complex anatomical view of the heart. RA is the right atrium, or auricle, which receives the deoxygenated blood by way of two superior vena cava (SVC) and one inferior vena cava (IVC). The blood passes through the right ventricle (RV) and is pumped up to the lungs via the pulmonary arteries (PA). At the lungs, the blood is reoxygenated and returns via the pulmonary vein (PV) and left atrium/auricle (LA). From there, the blood is passed to the left ventricle (LV) where the blood is pumped up through the systematic arch (SA) to the body. The systematic arch gives off a right innominate artery (INN), where the blood is then passed to the right and left carotid (C) and subclavian (SCL), where the blood goes to the head and arms respectively. It continues dorsally to the dorsal aorta (DA), which is the main artery that distributes blood to the whole body. TR is the windpipe, or trachea, BR is the bronchial tube that carries air to the lungs, and BV is a blood vessel on the wall of the heart.

Anatomy of Heart

A complex anatomical view of the heart. RA is the right atrium, or auricle, which receives the deoxygenated…

Striped, or striated, muscle which quickly contracts causing the alternating black and white lines. It has very delicate fibers (M FL). It is stimulated by nerve fibers (N F), which divide into an endplate (N E) on the contracting surface. N are nuclei, which are a part of elongated cells that fused together to make the muscle. M stands for muscle and N, except for nuclei, stands for nerve.

Striated Muscle

Striped, or striated, muscle which quickly contracts causing the alternating black and white lines.…

The upper bicep of the right arm. Included are the tendons, blood vessels, and its nerve.

Bicep Muscle

The upper bicep of the right arm. Included are the tendons, blood vessels, and its nerve.

A simple nerve cell, or neuron. N is the nucleus of the cell, NC is the cytoplasm, D are dendrites which are fine protoplasmic branches that create synapses that connect to another nerve cell. The neuron is connected to muscle (MU) by a nerve fiber (NF). The fiber is covered by a sheath (SH) of fat to protect it. NE is the ending of the fiber that the muscle is connected to. LB is a lateral branch of the nerve fiber.

Nerve Cell

A simple nerve cell, or neuron. N is the nucleus of the cell, NC is the cytoplasm, D are dendrites which…

Illustration of the reflex action of an animal. SE is the sensory nerve-ending. A stimulus passes through the sensory nerve-fiber SF to a nerve-cell SC in the ganglion of a dorsal or afferent (convey towards the center) root (DR) of a spinal nerve. The fiber divides in the spinal cord (SP C) where the message is relayed to an internuncial nerve-cell (A). MO is motor nerve-cell, VR is ventral or efferent nerve, ME is nerve plate, and MU is muscle fiber.

Reflex Action

Illustration of the reflex action of an animal. SE is the sensory nerve-ending. A stimulus passes through…

Diagram of the retina, aka percipient layer of the eye. 1: inner limiting membrane, which is next to the vitreous humor in the eye cavity; 2: a branch of a divided optic nerve; 3: ganglion cell layer; 4: inner nerve-fiber layer; 5: layer of bipolar ("inner granular") cells; 6: outer layer of nerve-cells; 7: layer of visual (outer granular) cells; 8: outer limiting membrane; 9: long and thing rods and short and broad cones; 10: pigment layer; 11: tangential cells; 12: bipolar cells; 13: amacrine cell; 14: centripetal optic nerve fibers; 15: centrifugal optic nerve fibers; 16: Muller's supporting cells. I, II, III: three areas of nerve cells in the retina.

Eye Retina

Diagram of the retina, aka percipient layer of the eye. 1: inner limiting membrane, which is next to…

A diagram of the human ear. It is divided into the outer ear - A, middle ear - B, and inner ear - C. 1: ear trumpet or pinna, 2: outer ear passage with the drum that vibrates when sound waves hit it or the tympanum (3) across the inner ear, 4-5-6: the ear ossicles: hammer (malleus) anvil (incus) and stirrup (stapes) which transmit vibrations from the drum to the inner ear (they are also the smallest bones in the body), 7: the Eustachian tube, which connects to the mouth and through which air can indirectly enter, 8: largest chamber in the inner ear, called the utriculus, that has three semicircular canals, 9: the smallest chamber, called the sacculus, which is connected to the cochlea (10) which is the important hearing organ, 11: a "window" in the periotic bone, called the fenestra rotunda, 12: the endolymphatic duct.

Human Ear

A diagram of the human ear. It is divided into the outer ear - A, middle ear - B, and inner ear - C.…

A Hancock Coach cross-sectioned in order to display the engine and driving connections. (A) is the exhaust pipe that leads steam to screen (C) and up the flue (D) along with other exhaust from grate (B). (E) is the boiler, (H) is the out-take pipe, (K) is the engine cylinder, (J) is the water-feed pump, (G) is a rotary fan that creates forced drought, and (F) is the flue leading to the grate.

Hancock Coaches

A Hancock Coach cross-sectioned in order to display the engine and driving connections. (A) is the exhaust…

Two views of a cross-sectioned car, one from the side, one from above.

Car Cross-Section

Two views of a cross-sectioned car, one from the side, one from above.

The female locust anal characters, showing the horny valves.

Female Locust Anatomy

The female locust anal characters, showing the horny valves.

Enlarged end of the female, showing oviposition: the oviduct, the egg guide, and the egg issuing from horny valves.

Locust Anatomy

Enlarged end of the female, showing oviposition: the oviduct, the egg guide, and the egg issuing from…

Flabellifera are a tribe of isopods. Their bodies end in a tail fan, made by the last pair of appendages and the telson (end piece). While some species of this tribe are parasitic, this particular species, Limnoria Lignorum, is non-parasitic, and has a destructive action on submerged wood. It is commonly referred to as the 'gribble'.

Limnoria Lignorum (Flabellifera)

Flabellifera are a tribe of isopods. Their bodies end in a tail fan, made by the last pair of appendages…

Nerve Ganglia, or Knots (sing. Ganglion; Knot) occur as collections of nerve cells on the course of a nerve, forming and obvious swelling. In surgery, it is the swelling caused by the collection of fluid in the fibrous sheath which surrounds a tendon. It arises from inflammation of the tendon-sheath, and occurs most often at the back of the wrist. Sometimes the cyst may be broken by firm pressure or by a smart blow, and the fluid be thus dispersed; or a puncture may be made, with proper antiseptic precautions, and the fluid be pressed out. Sometimes counter-irritation with iodine causes absorption. In any case, firm pressure with pad and bandage must be used afterwards, to prevent refilling until the cyst walls have united. This illustration shows a cross-section of a spinal cord and spinal nerve cells (g being ganglia).

Nerve Ganglia (Spinal)

Nerve Ganglia, or Knots (sing. Ganglion; Knot) occur as collections of nerve cells on the course of…

This illustration shows a section of a human kidney (A, Cortical substance; B, Pyramids; C, Hilum; D, Pelvis; E, Ureter; F, Suprarenal capsule).
Kidneys are excretory organs whose function is to get rid of nitrogenous waste.

Section of Human Kidney

This illustration shows a section of a human kidney (A, Cortical substance; B, Pyramids; C, Hilum; D,…

This illustration shows a section on the knee (A, Femur; B, Tibia; C, Patella; D, Synovial sac; E, bursæ). The knee is a hinge-joint, and the bones entering into its formation are the lower end of the femur, the upper end of the tibia, and the posterior surface of the patella (knee-cap).

Section of the Knee

This illustration shows a section on the knee (A, Femur; B, Tibia; C, Patella; D, Synovial sac; E, bursæ).…

This illustration shows a lateral aspect of the larynx and its multiple parts (A. Thyroid Cartilage; B. Cricoid Cartilage; C. hyoid bone; D. Rings of trachea; E. Epiglottis; F. Arytenoid Cartilage; G. Thyro-arytenoid muscle; H. Adam's Apple; I. False Vocal Cords; J. True Vocal Cords; K. Ventricle; L. Rima Glottis).

Lateral Aspect of Larynx

This illustration shows a lateral aspect of the larynx and its multiple parts (A. Thyroid Cartilage;…

This illustration shows a vertical section of the larynx and its many parts (A. Thyroid Cartilage; B. Cricoid Cartilage; C. hyoid bone; D. Rings of trachea; E. Epiglottis; F. Arytenoid Cartilage; G. Thyro-arytenoid muscle; H. Adam's Apple; I. False Vocal Cords; J. True Vocal Cords; K. Ventricle; L. Rima Glottis).

Vertical Section of Larynx

This illustration shows a vertical section of the larynx and its many parts (A. Thyroid Cartilage; B.…

This illustration shows the vocal cords, seen from above during quiet breathing (A. Thyroid Cartilage; B. Cricoid Cartilage; C. hyoid bone; D. Rings of trachea; E. Epiglottis; F. Arytenoid Cartilage; G. Thyro-arytenoid muscle; H. Adam's Apple; I. False Vocal Cords; J. True Vocal Cords; K. Ventricle; L. Rima Glottis).

Vocal Cords Seen from above During Quiet Breathing

This illustration shows the vocal cords, seen from above during quiet breathing (A. Thyroid Cartilage;…

This illustration shows a human leg (front view), and comparative diagrams showing modifications of the leg:
1. Human, 2. Ox, 3. Horse, 4. Bird, 5. Frog, 6. Crocodile, 7. Seal, 8. Dog, 9. Bear
P. Pelvis, FE. Femur, TI. Tibia, FI. Fibula, TA. Tarsus, MT. Metatarsus, PH. Phalanges, OC. Os Calcis.

Human Leg (Front View), and Comparative Diagrams showing Modifications of the Leg

This illustration shows a human leg (front view), and comparative diagrams showing modifications of…

This illustration shows the leg of an Ox.
P. Pelvis, FE. Femur, TI. Tibia, FI. Fibula, TA. Tarsus, MT. Metatarsus, PH. Phalanges, OC. Os Calcis.

Leg of Ox

This illustration shows the leg of an Ox. P. Pelvis, FE. Femur, TI. Tibia, FI. Fibula, TA. Tarsus, MT.…

This illustration shows the leg of a horse.

Leg of Horse

This illustration shows the leg of a horse.

This illustration shows the leg of a bird.
P. Pelvis, FE. Femur, TI. Tibia, FI. Fibula, TA. Tarsus, MT. Metatarsus, PH. Phalanges, OC. Os Calcis.

Leg of Bird

This illustration shows the leg of a bird. P. Pelvis, FE. Femur, TI. Tibia, FI. Fibula, TA. Tarsus,…

This illustration shows the leg of a frog.
P. Pelvis, FE. Femur, TI. Tibia, FI. Fibula, TA. Tarsus, MT. Metatarsus, PH. Phalanges, OC. Os Calcis.

Leg of Frog

This illustration shows the leg of a frog. P. Pelvis, FE. Femur, TI. Tibia, FI. Fibula, TA. Tarsus,…

This illustration shows the leg of a crocodile.
P. Pelvis, FE. Femur, TI. Tibia, FI. Fibula, TA. Tarsus, MT. Metatarsus, PH. Phalanges, OC. Os Calcis.

Leg of Crocodile

This illustration shows the leg of a crocodile. P. Pelvis, FE. Femur, TI. Tibia, FI. Fibula, TA. Tarsus,…

This illustration shows the leg of a seal.
P. Pelvis, FE. Femur, TI. Tibia, FI. Fibula, TA. Tarsus, MT. Metatarsus, PH. Phalanges, OC. Os Calcis

Leg of Seal

This illustration shows the leg of a seal. P. Pelvis, FE. Femur, TI. Tibia, FI. Fibula, TA. Tarsus,…

This illustration shows the leg of a dog. This leg is digitigrade. Animals with digitigrade legs walk on their toes (digits).
P. Pelvis, FE. Femur, TI. Tibia, FI. Fibula, TA. Tarsus, MT. Metatarsus, PH. Phalanges, OC. Os Calcis

Leg of Dog

This illustration shows the leg of a dog. This leg is digitigrade. Animals with digitigrade legs walk…

This illustration shows the plantigrade leg of a bear. Plantigrade means that the animal walks flat on its foot.
P. Pelvis, FE. Femur, TI. Tibia, FI. Fibula, TA. Tarsus, MT. Metatarsus, PH. Phalanges, OC. Os Calcis

Leg of Bear

This illustration shows the plantigrade leg of a bear. Plantigrade means that the animal walks flat…

Vertical section through flower.

Flower Anatomy

Vertical section through flower.

Vertical section of the wild rose, or dog-rose.


Vertical section of the wild rose, or dog-rose.

Common mushroom (agaricus campestris).  A, young fructification on mycelium, in section; b, c, later stages, also in section; d, mature form.

Common Mushroom

Common mushroom (agaricus campestris). A, young fructification on mycelium, in section; b, c, later…

The cherry. 1. flower, petals and part of calyx; 2. fruit.


The cherry. 1. flower, petals and part of calyx; 2. fruit.

Bashforth Chronograph. A, flywheel turning cylinder B on which the record is marked; C, toothed wheel driving drum D, which unwinds the spring E and allows the platform F to slide down the groove G; H, H, electromagnets connected with the first and second screen respectively (shown in small upper diagram)

Bashforth Chronograph

Bashforth Chronograph. A, flywheel turning cylinder B on which the record is marked; C, toothed wheel…

The claws of a brown bear.


The claws of a brown bear.

Wolf claws.


Wolf claws.

Alligator claws.


Alligator claws.

Golden eagle claws.

Golden Eagle

Golden eagle claws.

The claws of a skylark.


The claws of a skylark.

Water monitor claws.

Water Monitor

Water monitor claws.

Macaw claws.


Macaw claws.

An ostrich claw.

Ostrich Claw

An ostrich claw.