"Columba livia. Skull of young specimen. A, dorsal; B, ventral; C, left side. al. s, alisphenoid; au, angular; ar, articular; b. o, basi-occipital; d, dentary; e. o, ex-occipital; eu, aperture of Eustachian tube; f. m, foramen magnum; fr, frontal; i.o. s, inter-orbital septum; ju, jugal; lc, lachrymal; lb. s, lambdoidal suture; m. eth, mesethmoid; mx, maxilla; mx. p, maxillo-palatine process; na, na', na'', nasal; o. c, occipital condyle; or. fr, orbital plate of frontal; pa, parietal; pa. s, parasphenoid (rostrum); pl, palatine; p. mx, premaxilla; pt, pterygoid; qu, quadrate; s. an, supra-angular; s. o, supra-occipital; sq, squamosal; ty, tympanic cavity; IL-XII, foramina for cerebral nerves." -Parker, 1900

Rock Pigeon Skull

"Columba livia. Skull of young specimen. A, dorsal; B, ventral; C, left side. al. s, alisphenoid; au,…

"Columba livia. Left manus of a nestling. The cartilaginous parts are dotted. cp. 1, radiale; cp. 2, ulnare; mcp. 1, 2, 3, metacarpals; ph. 1, phalanx of first digit; ph. 2, ph. 2', phalanges of second digit; ph. 3, phalanx of third digit; ra, radius; ul, ulna." -Parker, 1900

Rock Pigeon Manus

"Columba livia. Left manus of a nestling. The cartilaginous parts are dotted. cp. 1, radiale; cp. 2,…

"Columba livia. Left innominate of a nestling. The cartilage is dotted. ac, acetabulum; a. tr, anti-trochanter; il, pre-acetabular; and il', post-acetabular portion of ilium; is, ischium; i s. f, ischiatic foramen; ob. f, obturator notch; pu, pubis." -Parker, 1900

Rock Pigeon Innominate

"Columba livia. Left innominate of a nestling. The cartilage is dotted. ac, acetabulum; a. tr, anti-trochanter;…

"Columba livia. Part of left foot of an unhatched embryo. The cartilage is dotted. mtl. 2, second; mtl. 3, third; and mtl. 4, fourth metatarsal; ti, tibia; tl. 1, proximal tarsal cartilage; tl. 2, distal tarsal cartilage." -Parker, 1900

Rock Pigeon Embryo Foot

"Columba livia. Part of left foot of an unhatched embryo. The cartilage is dotted. mtl. 2, second; mtl.…

"A, heart of the pigeon, dorsal aspect. a. ao, arch of aorta; br. a, brachial artery; br. v, bachial vein; c. c, common carotid; ju, jugular; l. au, left auricle; l. p. a, left pulmonary artery; l. vn, left ventricle; pc. v, left pre-caval; ptc, post-caval; p. v, pulmonary veins; r. au, r. au', right auricle; r. p. a, right pulmonary artery; r. prc, right pre-caval; r.r vn, right ventricle." -Parker, 1900

Pigeon Heart

"A, heart of the pigeon, dorsal aspect. a. ao, arch of aorta; br. a, brachial artery; br. v, bachial…

"Columba livia. The brain; A, from above; B, from below; C, from the left side. cb, cerebellum; c. h, cerebral hemispheres; f, flocculus; inf, infundibulum; m. o, medulla oblongata; o. l, optic lobes; o. t, optic tracts; pn, pineal body; II-XIII, cerebral nerves; sp. 1, first spinal nerve." -Parker, 1900

Rock Pigeon Brain

"Columba livia. The brain; A, from above; B, from below; C, from the left side. cb, cerebellum; c. h,…

"Columba livia. Male urino-genital organs. adr, adrenal; cl. 2, urodaeum; cl. 3, proctodaeum; k, kidney; ts, tetis, that of the right side displaced; ur, ureter; ur', aperture of ureter; vd, vas deferens; vd', its cloacal aperture; v. s, vesicula seminalis." -Parker, 1900

Male Rock Pigeon Genitalia

"Columba livia. Male urino-genital organs. adr, adrenal; cl. 2, urodaeum; cl. 3, proctodaeum; k, kidney;…

"Columba livia. Female urino-genital organs. cl. 2, urodaeum; cl. 3, proctodaeum; k, kidney; l. od, left oviduct; l. od', its cloacal aperture; l. od'', its coelomic funnel; l. od''', its coelomic aperture; ov, ovarty; r. od, right oviduct; r. od', its cloacal aperture; ur, ureter; ur', its cloacal aperture." -Parker, 1900

Female Rock Pigeon Genitalia

"Columba livia. Female urino-genital organs. cl. 2, urodaeum; cl. 3, proctodaeum; k, kidney; l. od,…

"Casuarius (Cassowary). Feather, showing after-shaft and disconnected barbs." -Parker, 1900

Cassowary Feather

"Casuarius (Cassowary). Feather, showing after-shaft and disconnected barbs." -Parker, 1900

Of the Parsley family (Umbelliferae), the wild carrot (Daucus Carota).

Wild Carrot

Of the Parsley family (Umbelliferae), the wild carrot (Daucus Carota).

Of the Pyrola family (Pyrolaceae), the false beech-drops (Monotropa Hypopitys).

False Beech-Drops

Of the Pyrola family (Pyrolaceae), the false beech-drops (Monotropa Hypopitys).

"Archaeopteryx (restored), from the Oolitic limestone of Solenhofen." -Taylor, 1904


"Archaeopteryx (restored), from the Oolitic limestone of Solenhofen." -Taylor, 1904

The solitaire is a wingless bird of the dodo family .

The Solitaire

The solitaire is a wingless bird of the dodo family .

The Bird of Paradise is the common name of a family of birds, Paradiseide of ornithologists, found chiefly n New Guinea and neighboring islands, and remarkable for splendor of plumage.

The Bird of Paradise

The Bird of Paradise is the common name of a family of birds, Paradiseide of ornithologists, found chiefly…

"The Falcon is a famous bird of prey. It is characterized by a bill curved from the base."

The Falcon

"The Falcon is a famous bird of prey. It is characterized by a bill curved from the base."

"The American Blue Jay is a beautiful bird that is common near all sections of the United States, from the Gulf of Mexico to Canada."

American Blue Jay

"The American Blue Jay is a beautiful bird that is common near all sections of the United States, from…

"The Skylark is one of the best known British birds, and not withstanding the tameness of its brown plumage, is universal favorite, on account of the sweetness of its cheerful song, which it pours forth while soaring and floating in the air.

The Skylark

"The Skylark is one of the best known British birds, and not withstanding the tameness of its brown…

"Assur, the chief Assyrian deity." -Foster, 1921


"Assur, the chief Assyrian deity." -Foster, 1921

The double-crested cormorant, a diving water bird.


The double-crested cormorant, a diving water bird.

" A genus of insessorial birds many of which are remarkable for the beauty of their plumage. They have a longish bill, an extensible tongue, and feed upon insects, soft fruits, and the saccharine juices of plants." -Marshall

Promerops Superba Bird

" A genus of insessorial birds many of which are remarkable for the beauty of their plumage. They have…

"A bird of the grouse family (Tetraonidae) distinguished from the true grouse by having the toes as well as the tarsi feathered. The willow-ptarmigan or willow-grouse occurs in great abundance in the arctic regions of America and in Norway, whence regions numbers are brought to the London market." -Marshall

Ptarmigan Bird

"A bird of the grouse family (Tetraonidae) distinguished from the true grouse by having the toes as…

"The name for the marine diving birds of the genus Fratercula. The common puffin is a native of the arctic and northern temperate regions. It can fly with great rapidity when once upon the wing." -Marshall

Common Puffin

"The name for the marine diving birds of the genus Fratercula. The common puffin is a native of the…

A genus of rasorial birds, included in the family of partridges, to which they are nearly allied, but from which they differ in being smaller, in having a relatively shorter tail, no red space above the eye, longer wings, and no spur on the legs. The common quail is a migratory bird, and is found in every country of Europe, and in many spaces of Asia and Africa.

Common Quail

A genus of rasorial birds, included in the family of partridges, to which they are nearly allied, but…

A most beautiful Central American bird of the Trogon family. It is about the size of a magpie and the male is adorned with tail-fathers from three to three and a half feet in length, and of a gorgeous emerald colour.

Quezal Bird

A most beautiful Central American bird of the Trogon family. It is about the size of a magpie and the…

A bird belonging to the family Sylviadae, nearly allied to the nearest, but having a more slender form and a more slender bill. It is found in almost all parts of Britain as a summer bird of passage, and has a soft sweet song.

Redstart Bird

A bird belonging to the family Sylviadae, nearly allied to the nearest, but having a more slender form…

A very beautiful bird of Australia, belonging to the family Meliphagidae or honey-eaters. The color of the plumage is golden yellow and deep velvety black. It was discovered during the regency of George IV., and was named in compliment to him.

Regent Bird

A very beautiful bird of Australia, belonging to the family Meliphagidae or honey-eaters. The color…

A flock of geese flying over a town.


A flock of geese flying over a town.

A bird belonging to the grallatores or waders.

Ruff Fowl

A bird belonging to the grallatores or waders.

A wading bird found in warm climates.


A wading bird found in warm climates.

One type of birdhouse with the opening at the bottom.


One type of birdhouse with the opening at the bottom.

One type of birdhouse with the opening at the top.


One type of birdhouse with the opening at the top.

One type of birdhouse modeled to look like an actual house.


One type of birdhouse modeled to look like an actual house.

The head of a Cuckoo, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds, popularly known as climbing birds. The most important of the families are the cuckoos, the woodpeckers and wry-necks, the parrots, the toucans, the trogons, the barbets, and the plantain-eaters.

Head of Cuckoo

The head of a Cuckoo, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds, popularly…

The foot of a Cuckoo, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds, popularly known as climbing birds. The most important of the families are the cuckoos, the woodpeckers and wry-necks, the parrots, the toucans, the trogons, the barbets, and the plantain-eaters.

Foot of a Cuckoo

The foot of a Cuckoo, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds, popularly…

The head of a Green Woodpecker, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds, popularly known as climbing birds. The most important of the families are the cuckoos, the woodpeckers and wry-necks, the parrots, the toucans, the trogons, the barbets, and the plantain-eaters.

Head of a Green Woodpecker

The head of a Green Woodpecker, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds,…

The foot of a Green Woodpecker, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds, popularly known as climbing birds. The most important of the families are the cuckoos, the woodpeckers and wry-necks, the parrots, the toucans, the trogons, the barbets, and the plantain-eaters.

Foot of a Green Woodpecker

The foot of a Green Woodpecker, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds,…

The head of a Great Jacamar, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds, popularly known as climbing birds. The most important of the families are the cuckoos, the woodpeckers and wry-necks, the parrots, the toucans, the trogons, the barbets, and the plantain-eaters.

Head of a Great Jacamar

The head of a Great Jacamar, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds,…

The foot of a Great Jacamar, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds, popularly known as climbing birds. The most important of the families are the cuckoos, the woodpeckers and wry-necks, the parrots, the toucans, the trogons, the barbets, and the plantain-eaters.

Foot of a Great Jacamar

The foot of a Great Jacamar, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds,…

The skeleton of a bird.

The Skeleton of a Bird

The skeleton of a bird.

In birds the muscles system is remarkable for their marked line of attachment to their tendons. Labels: 1, Occipito-Frontalis. 2, Orbicularis Palpaebrarum. 3, Temporal. 4, Masseter. 5, Sterno-cleido-Mastoid. 6, Trapezius. 7, Latissimus Dorsi. 8, Pectoralis. 9, Deltoid. 10, Biceps. 11, Triceps. 12, Gluteii. 13, Levator Caudae. 14, Rectus Femoris. 15, Gastrocnemius muscle.

The Superficial Muscles of a Hawk

In birds the muscles system is remarkable for their marked line of attachment to their tendons. Labels:…

Birds usually have three cavities or stomachs. Labels: 1, The esophagus. 2, Ingluvies (crop). 2, Proventriculus (secreting stomach). 4. Triturating stomach (gizzard). 5, Intestine. 6, Two caeca.

The Alimentary Canal of a Fowl

Birds usually have three cavities or stomachs. Labels: 1, The esophagus. 2, Ingluvies (crop). 2, Proventriculus…

In reptiles the alimentary canal differs much from that of mammals or birds. As a general rule, it is shorter in proportion to the trunk than in warm-blooded vertebrates. Labels: 1, esophagus; 2, stomach; 3, small intestine; 4,large intestine.

The Alimentary Canal of the Flying Lizard

In reptiles the alimentary canal differs much from that of mammals or birds. As a general rule, it is…

In birds the lungs are confined to the back wall of the chest. They are not separated into lobes, but are oblong and flattened in shape, and connected with a series of air-receptacles scattered through various parts of the body. Shown is the right lung of a goose. Labels: 1, A bronchial tube which divides into two tubes that open into the abdominal air-receptacles (2).

The Right Lung of a Goose

In birds the lungs are confined to the back wall of the chest. They are not separated into lobes, but…

In birds the lungs are confined to the back wall of the chest. They are not separated into lobes, but are oblong and flattened in shape, and connected with a series of air-receptacles scattered through various parts of the body. Shown is a section of a bird lung, magnified. Labels: 1, A bronchial tube that ends in a sac (caeca). 2, Division of the bronchial tubes that branch out among lobules. B, A plexus of capillary vessels.

Section of the Lung of a Bird

In birds the lungs are confined to the back wall of the chest. They are not separated into lobes, but…

In birds the hemispheres are not united as in humans; the cerebellum is proportionately larger than the medulla oblongata, and the comparative weight of the brain to the body is less than in mammals. Labels: 1, Cerebrum. 2, Optic ganglion. 3, Cerebellum. 4, Medulla oblongata.

Brain of a Bird

In birds the hemispheres are not united as in humans; the cerebellum is proportionately larger than…

The loon or great northern diver is a water bird related to the grebe.


The loon or great northern diver is a water bird related to the grebe.

The head of the bald eagle.

Bald Eagle Head

The head of the bald eagle.

A large running bird native to New Guinea and northeastern Australia. A relative of the ostrich.


A large running bird native to New Guinea and northeastern Australia. A relative of the ostrich.

A very large bird of prey found in South America, usually among the peaks of the Andes.


A very large bird of prey found in South America, usually among the peaks of the Andes.

The gyrfalcon or Greenland Falcon is the largest of the falcon species.


The gyrfalcon or Greenland Falcon is the largest of the falcon species.

The osprey is a diurnal bird of prey.


The osprey is a diurnal bird of prey.

A large water bird notable for its pink color.


A large water bird notable for its pink color.

"These Flying-fishes in their common element are harassed by the attacks of other inhabitants of the ocean, and when under the excitement of fear they take to the air. Their flight does not usually exceed thirty seconds. They fly from two to three feet above the water."

The Flying Fish (E. Volitans)

"These Flying-fishes in their common element are harassed by the attacks of other inhabitants of the…

A seabird or petrel, the northern species being most common.


A seabird or petrel, the northern species being most common.

"Gadwall, a rather large fresh-water duck, common in the interior of the United States and breeding north of the latitude of Kentucky. It is a black and white duck, marked with brown, and is one of the favorite game birds." -Foster, 1921


"Gadwall, a rather large fresh-water duck, common in the interior of the United States and breeding…

"The external air penetrates into every part of their body by the respiratory tubes, which ramify the whole cellular tissue. Wings alone would fail to support the bird."

Skeleton of the Swan

"The external air penetrates into every part of their body by the respiratory tubes, which ramify the…

"The external air penetrates into every part of their body by the respiratory tubes, which ramify the whole cellular tissue. Wings alone would fail to support the bird."

Respiratory Organs of a Pigeon

"The external air penetrates into every part of their body by the respiratory tubes, which ramify the…

"The external air penetrates into every part of their body by the respiratory tubes, which ramify the whole cellular tissue. Wings alone would fail to support the bird."

Lungs of a Pigeon

"The external air penetrates into every part of their body by the respiratory tubes, which ramify the…

"The more angular the wing of birds - that is to say, the longer the feathers on the edge of the wing - the more rapidly does it propel itself through the air."

Wing of an Eagle

"The more angular the wing of birds - that is to say, the longer the feathers on the edge of the wing…

"Besides flight, birds possess other means of locomotion, being formed for walking, swimming or flying, according as their habits are aerial, terrestrial or aquatic."

Wing of a Penguin

"Besides flight, birds possess other means of locomotion, being formed for walking, swimming or flying,…