"Columba livia. Skull of young specimen. A, dorsal; B, ventral; C, left side. al. s, alisphenoid; au,…
"Columba livia. Left manus of a nestling. The cartilaginous parts are dotted. cp. 1, radiale; cp. 2,…
"Columba livia. Left innominate of a nestling. The cartilage is dotted. ac, acetabulum; a. tr, anti-trochanter;…
"Columba livia. Part of left foot of an unhatched embryo. The cartilage is dotted. mtl. 2, second; mtl.…
"A, heart of the pigeon, dorsal aspect. a. ao, arch of aorta; br. a, brachial artery; br. v, bachial…
"Columba livia. The brain; A, from above; B, from below; C, from the left side. cb, cerebellum; c. h,…
"Columba livia. Male urino-genital organs. adr, adrenal; cl. 2, urodaeum; cl. 3, proctodaeum; k, kidney;…
"Columba livia. Female urino-genital organs. cl. 2, urodaeum; cl. 3, proctodaeum; k, kidney; l. od,…
"Casuarius (Cassowary). Feather, showing after-shaft and disconnected barbs." -Parker, 1900
The Bird of Paradise is the common name of a family of birds, Paradiseide of ornithologists, found chiefly…
"The Falcon is a famous bird of prey. It is characterized by a bill curved from the base."
"The American Blue Jay is a beautiful bird that is common near all sections of the United States, from…
"The Skylark is one of the best known British birds, and not withstanding the tameness of its brown…
" A genus of insessorial birds many of which are remarkable for the beauty of their plumage. They have…
"A bird of the grouse family (Tetraonidae) distinguished from the true grouse by having the toes as…
"The name for the marine diving birds of the genus Fratercula. The common puffin is a native of the…
A genus of rasorial birds, included in the family of partridges, to which they are nearly allied, but…
A most beautiful Central American bird of the Trogon family. It is about the size of a magpie and the…
A bird belonging to the family Sylviadae, nearly allied to the nearest, but having a more slender form…
A very beautiful bird of Australia, belonging to the family Meliphagidae or honey-eaters. The color…
The head of a Cuckoo, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds, popularly…
The foot of a Cuckoo, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds, popularly…
The head of a Green Woodpecker, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds,…
The foot of a Green Woodpecker, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds,…
The head of a Great Jacamar, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds,…
The foot of a Great Jacamar, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds,…
In birds the muscles system is remarkable for their marked line of attachment to their tendons. Labels:…
Birds usually have three cavities or stomachs. Labels: 1, The esophagus. 2, Ingluvies (crop). 2, Proventriculus…
In reptiles the alimentary canal differs much from that of mammals or birds. As a general rule, it is…
In birds the lungs are confined to the back wall of the chest. They are not separated into lobes, but…
In birds the lungs are confined to the back wall of the chest. They are not separated into lobes, but…
In birds the hemispheres are not united as in humans; the cerebellum is proportionately larger than…
A large running bird native to New Guinea and northeastern Australia. A relative of the ostrich.
"These Flying-fishes in their common element are harassed by the attacks of other inhabitants of the…
"Gadwall, a rather large fresh-water duck, common in the interior of the United States and breeding…
"The external air penetrates into every part of their body by the respiratory tubes, which ramify the…
"The external air penetrates into every part of their body by the respiratory tubes, which ramify the…
"The external air penetrates into every part of their body by the respiratory tubes, which ramify the…
"The more angular the wing of birds - that is to say, the longer the feathers on the edge of the wing…
"Besides flight, birds possess other means of locomotion, being formed for walking, swimming or flying,…