A machine which separated the seeds from raw cotton more rapidly than could be done by hand.

Whitney's Cotton Gin

A machine which separated the seeds from raw cotton more rapidly than could be done by hand.

"Grinding with a hand-mill in the fourteenth century, as pictured in an old manuscript."—Gordy, 1912

Grinding with a Handmill

"Grinding with a hand-mill in the fourteenth century, as pictured in an old manuscript."—Gordy, 1912

"There are instances mentioned, however, where even women performed the wager of battle; in which case, to equalize the conditions, the man was placed in a pit waist-deep, with his left hand tied behind his back."—Myers, 1905

Wager of Battle Between a Man and Woman

"There are instances mentioned, however, where even women performed the wager of battle; in which case,…

"Cosmas lived in the sixth Christian century. In the cut here reproduced from his Topography, he ridicules the idea of a round earth with people on the under side whose heads hand downwards. The views of Cosmas as to the existence of an antipodal people had defenders throughout the medieval centuries."—Myers, 1905

The Antipodes in Derision

"Cosmas lived in the sixth Christian century. In the cut here reproduced from his Topography, he ridicules…

"The king, a rude heroic figure, stands upright before the god. He holds a club in the left hand, in the right a sickle or crook, emblematic of the shepherd of his people. The right arm is bare; the left is covered by a richly fringed mantle, thrown twice round the body."—Webster, 1913

An Assyrian Statue

"The king, a rude heroic figure, stands upright before the god. He holds a club in the left hand, in…

"From a monument of the imperial age. The soldier wears a metal helmet, a leather doublet with shoulder-pieces, a metal-plated belt, and a sword hanging from a strap thrown over the left shoulder. His left hand holds a large shield, his right, a heavy javelin."—Webster, 1913

A Roman Legionary

"From a monument of the imperial age. The soldier wears a metal helmet, a leather doublet with shoulder-pieces,…

A portable hand drill.

Ratchet Drill

A portable hand drill.

"Shows how the bones of the arm (a), forearm (b), and hand (c), are twisted, and form a conical screw."—Pettigrew, 1874

Wing of Bird

"Shows how the bones of the arm (a), forearm (b), and hand (c), are twisted, and form a conical screw."—Pettigrew,…

"Under surface of large beetle, with deeply concave and comparatively small wings, shows that the nervures of the wings of the beetle are arranged along the anterior margins and throughout the substance of the wings generally, very much as the bones of the arm, forearm, and hand, are in the wings of the bat, to which they bear a very marked resemblance, both in their shape and mode of action."—Pettigrew, 1874

Large Beetle

"Under surface of large beetle, with deeply concave and comparatively small wings, shows that the nervures…

This early model washing machine was used to washing individual garments.

Machine, Washing

This early model washing machine was used to washing individual garments.

A cartoon of an older man carrying a large hourglass in one hand, and a knapsack in the other hand.

Man Carrying Hourglass

A cartoon of an older man carrying a large hourglass in one hand, and a knapsack in the other hand.

A cartoon of a woman holding a welcome mat in one hand, and a key in the other hand.

Cartoon of Woman Holding Welcome Mat

A cartoon of a woman holding a welcome mat in one hand, and a key in the other hand.

A cartoon of a judge sitting behind a podium with a handkerchief in one hand, a prosecutor standing on the opposite side of the podium.

Cartoon of Judge and Prosecutor

A cartoon of a judge sitting behind a podium with a handkerchief in one hand, a prosecutor standing…

A cartoon of a man holding an envelope in one hand and a steaming tea kettle in the other hand. A cat sits at his feet.

Cartoon of Man, Cat, and Tea Kettle

A cartoon of a man holding an envelope in one hand and a steaming tea kettle in the other hand. A cat…

A cartoon of two men at a desk. One man is sitting behind the desk, while the other is standing on the other side with a hat in one hand.

Cartoon of Two Men at a Desk

A cartoon of two men at a desk. One man is sitting behind the desk, while the other is standing on the…

Hand glasses are used as temporary coverings for plants that are too tender for being fully exposed.

Hand Glass

Hand glasses are used as temporary coverings for plants that are too tender for being fully exposed.

Illustrated is a hand of the fig banana. The fig banana is a variety of plantain. It is commonly found in Trinidad.

Fig Banana

Illustrated is a hand of the fig banana. The fig banana is a variety of plantain. It is commonly found…

Hand flower is the common name of chiranthodendron platanoides. The bright red stamens resemble the fingers of a human hand. The other common names are mano de mico, monkey's hand, and devil's hand.

Hand Flower

Hand flower is the common name of chiranthodendron platanoides. The bright red stamens resemble the…

Illustrated is a hand seed sower.

Seed Sower

Illustrated is a hand seed sower.

Illustrated is a wheel hoe to be used by hand.

Wheel Hoe

Illustrated is a wheel hoe to be used by hand.

Illustrated are various forms of hand hoes. At the top is a weeder and one form of scuffle hoe. The bottom left shows a common scuffle hoe; below it is a hand cultivator. Other special hoes are also pictured.

Hand Hoes

Illustrated are various forms of hand hoes. At the top is a weeder and one form of scuffle hoe. The…

A hand slicer used to cut large items used in the chemistry classroom. This slicer is similar to smaller ones used in cutting tobacco.

Draw Knife Slicer

A hand slicer used to cut large items used in the chemistry classroom. This slicer is similar to smaller…

A hand-generated rock crusher. Generally used to reduce rock to grainy substance in order to analyze it with greater accuracy.

Rock Crusher

A hand-generated rock crusher. Generally used to reduce rock to grainy substance in order to analyze…

An image of a right-hand frog, or overhead switch. Switches are used when a wire needs to branch off and merge into another wire.

Right-hand Frog

An image of a right-hand frog, or overhead switch. Switches are used when a wire needs to branch off…

A left-hand frog, or overhead switch. Switches are used when trolley wires branch off with another wire, like at intersections.

Left-hand Frog

A left-hand frog, or overhead switch. Switches are used when trolley wires branch off with another wire,…

The tea leaves are steamed until they reach a desirable fragrance.  They are then rolled or kneaded by hand into balls.

Tea Balls

The tea leaves are steamed until they reach a desirable fragrance. They are then rolled or kneaded by…

A kuo basket is placed above a furnace to be hand-stirred by a worker in order to regulate the leaf temperature. Two other workers stoke the flames.

Tea Leaf Treatment

A kuo basket is placed above a furnace to be hand-stirred by a worker in order to regulate the leaf…

Hand cymbals, finger cymbals, and a tambourine.

Musical Instruments

Hand cymbals, finger cymbals, and a tambourine.

A gabion is an open cylinder made of brushwood, canvas, wire-netting, or iron bands used in fortification. Filled with loose earth, gabions are placed on end, in tiers, to form a wall behind which earth can be piled. They are usually constructed on location and made up of whatever materials are on hand.


A gabion is an open cylinder made of brushwood, canvas, wire-netting, or iron bands used in fortification.…

A frontlet that is tied to the head during weekday morning prayers.
<p>"That thou mightest fear The Lord thy God, to keep all His statutes and His commandments, which I command thee, thou, and thy son, and thy son's son, all the days of thy life; and that thy days may be prolonged ... And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes." Deuteronomy 6:1-8 KJV


A frontlet that is tied to the head during weekday morning prayers. "That thou mightest fear The Lord…

The Gauntlet is a piece of protective armor for the hand, dating back to the 12th century. The first gauntlets were leather covered gloves with an unarticulated metal back. They evolved from the chain mail bag, which , in the 12th century, terminated at the sleeves of the hauberk. The gauntlet of the 14th century had separate, but unjointed fingers. This gauntlet was superseded by the 'mitten'.


The Gauntlet is a piece of protective armor for the hand, dating back to the 12th century. The first…

A glove used in the sport hawking, employed to protect ones hand and wrist from the talons and beak of the hawk rest on it.

Hawking Glove

A glove used in the sport hawking, employed to protect ones hand and wrist from the talons and beak…

This illustration shows the glove of Henry VI.

Glove of Henry VI

This illustration shows the glove of Henry VI.

A common glove of the 16th century.

16th Century Glove

A common glove of the 16th century.

A glove from the Elizabethan era.

Elizabethan Glove

A glove from the Elizabethan era.

This illustration shows the glove of Oliver Cromwell, a 17th century English military and political leader.

Glove of Oliver Cromwell

This illustration shows the glove of Oliver Cromwell, a 17th century English military and political…

This illustration shows a Georgian glove.

Georgian Glove

This illustration shows a Georgian glove.

This illustration shows a glove from the time of Napoleon I.

Glove from the Time of Napoleon I

This illustration shows a glove from the time of Napoleon I.

A glove from the middle 19th century.

Middle 19th Century Glove

A glove from the middle 19th century.

This illustration shows a glove of the present day.

Present Day (20th Century) Glove

This illustration shows a glove of the present day.

A looking glass, or small hand mirror.

Looking Glass

A looking glass, or small hand mirror.

This illustration shows the arrangement of loops in an ordinary web made on a hand-frame.

Arrangement of Loops in Ordinary Web made on Hand-frame

This illustration shows the arrangement of loops in an ordinary web made on a hand-frame.

A medal of Damascus, showing the turreted goddess holding out her right hand, a cornucopia in her left, and a river at her feet. The other side of the medal depicts her face close-up.

Medal of Damascus

A medal of Damascus, showing the turreted goddess holding out her right hand, a cornucopia in her left,…

Another medal of Gaza. On one side it shows the head of Emperor Commodus, with his name inscribed.  The other side exhibits a figure under Jupiter, holding thunder in one hand and a globe in the other.  Opposite him is a heroic figure.  In between them is the symbol of Gaza.

Medal of Gaza

Another medal of Gaza. On one side it shows the head of Emperor Commodus, with his name inscribed. The…

Ashtaroth, or Astarte, was among the idols of Syria; this medal shows she was worshiped in Jerusalem.  In her left hand she holds a staff, her right a human head and walks on a prostrate figure.


Ashtaroth, or Astarte, was among the idols of Syria; this medal shows she was worshiped in Jerusalem.…

A coin of Hostilianus, with a figure standing with a blunt spear in his right hand and a human head in his left. The caduceus behind him, as well as his character, denotes him as Mercury.

Coin of Hostilianus

A coin of Hostilianus, with a figure standing with a blunt spear in his right hand and a human head…

A medal of Tarsus which suggest that Minerva, the goddess of arts and sciences, was revered there.  In her hand she holds a Victory holding a garland, turning from the goddess.

Medal of Tarsus

A medal of Tarsus which suggest that Minerva, the goddess of arts and sciences, was revered there. In…

A ship on the acrostolium of which hangs a shield, an emblem of the mercantile and warrior city of Tyre.  On the vessel stands Astarte, holding a palm branch in her left hand and a scepter in her right and directing two boys on the ship.

A Ship

A ship on the acrostolium of which hangs a shield, an emblem of the mercantile and warrior city of Tyre.…

Cotton manufacturing. Fig. 3, churka gin: cotton is crushed between wooden rollers by hand power.

Churka Gin

Cotton manufacturing. Fig. 3, churka gin: cotton is crushed between wooden rollers by hand power.

Cotton manufacturing. Fig. 1D, hand loom.

Hand Loom

Cotton manufacturing. Fig. 1D, hand loom.

A hand loom - front view.


A hand loom - front view.

Profile portrait of an old man with a flowing beard and long hair beneath a tight-fitting cap. He appears to be wearing a heavy robe with a fur collar. On his right hand are two rings.

Old Man with Flowing Beard

Profile portrait of an old man with a flowing beard and long hair beneath a tight-fitting cap. He appears…

A man is sitting at a table with a falcon resting on his left arm. He raises his right hand toward the falcon's beak. A figure in the background is placing a basket on the table.

Man Sitting with a Falcon

A man is sitting at a table with a falcon resting on his left arm. He raises his right hand toward the…

The angel of death appearing to an old man with long, flowing white hair and beard. He is leaning over a very large book. The winged angel is holding a sword in the right hand and gesturing with the left.

Angel of Death

The angel of death appearing to an old man with long, flowing white hair and beard. He is leaning over…

A woman sits at a desk near a window to read a large folded piece of paper, She is holding one hand to her forehead, suggesting perhaps that she is tired or enervated by the contents of the paper.

Woman Reading

A woman sits at a desk near a window to read a large folded piece of paper, She is holding one hand…

Woman seated in a courtyard pointing with her left hand.

Woman on Trial for Witchcraft

Woman seated in a courtyard pointing with her left hand.

A tutor is seated in a chair as he talks to his young female student. The tutor is wearing pince-nez style glasses and gesturing with his left hand to make a point. Perhaps he is admonishing the young girl because she has her head tilted down and looks sad. The girl holds a book, while other books are strewn on the floor.

Girl with Tutor

A tutor is seated in a chair as he talks to his young female student. The tutor is wearing pince-nez…

A male doctor holds the hand of a young girl in bed. She appears to be crying or worried. He seems to be comforting her. A medical bag is on a chair next to the bed.

Physician Makes House Call to Sick Girl

A male doctor holds the hand of a young girl in bed. She appears to be crying or worried. He seems to…

A man is carrying a heavy package or backpack up a steep hill. He is also holding a covered basket in his left hand.

Hiker with Backpack

A man is carrying a heavy package or backpack up a steep hill. He is also holding a covered basket in…

Women talking to each other. A woman with a donut holds the hand of an older woman with a hood over her head

Two Women Talking

Women talking to each other. A woman with a donut holds the hand of an older woman with a hood over…