A rod which connects a rotary with a reciprocating part, either for imparting motion to the latter or…
"This coffee apparatus consists of a glass globe a, an infusing jar b, of glass or porcelain and a bent…
"A form of air-engine which was invented in 1816 by the Rev. R. Stirling is of special interest as embodying…
"A peculiar-shaped vessel called a retort is half filled with a volatile liquid and heated; the steam,…
"Hero's Machine. The generation of steam from water by the application of heat, and the mechanical force…
"In 1629 Giovanni Branca, an Italian, contrived a machine which was employed for the various purposes…
"Savery's Steam Engine. The adjoining figure illustrates the apparatus employed by Savory. It consists…
"The simple outline of the atmospheric engine. Its mode of operation is as follows. Steam is admitted…
"The first alteration to be noticed in the double-acting engine is that of the cylinder. To insure its…
"The first alteration to be noticed in the double-acting engine is that of the cylinder. To insure its…
"The simplest idea of a crank is that of a handle to a wheel; its action is familiarly illustrated in…
This painting by J. William Turner is a prime example of the style and technique that he often used.…
A steamboat constructed by Robert Fulton, which made the passage from New York to Albany in thirty six…
This illustrates how to determine the force required to turn a connecting rod of a steam engine.
"The valve gear for operating the steam hammer is shown separately, the cylinder and valve chest being…
"A vertical section through the valve casing of a double-column hammer, used for heavy forge work."—Finley,…
"A transverse section through the valve casing of a double-column hammer, used for heavy forge work."—Finley,…
"The steam engine, in its many forms, is the agent by means of which part of th eenrgy stored up in…
"Watt's method of regulation, which consists in varying the pressure of the steam supplied to the engine…
"When heated, hydrogen will combine with the oxygen of many oxides, forming water (steam) and the metal,…
"If dry hydrogen is passed over a weighed quantity of copper oxide which is heated, steam and copper…
In order to rid water of impurities, it is required to boil water, then condense the steam to make it…
"The chief use of carbon monoxide is in water gas. This is produced by the reduction of steam by heated…
"Tyndall's experiment illustrating the production of heat by friction. The wheel is rotated and heat…
"The steam engine is a powerful device for utilizing the energy involved in the elasticity and expansive…
"Tesla's oscillator is a combined prime motor and electric generator, and produces alternating currents…
"Steam pumps are force pumps operated by steam acting on the piston of a steam engine directly connected…
"For many purposes compressed air is preferable to steam or other gas for use as a motive power. In…
"High volumes of steam were pumped into the hollow sphere. The steam would then escape through the many…
"Handle A opens and closes valves B and G. Steam is injected through pipe S which flushes any air/water…
"Used a boiler to produce steam, chambers to condense it, and drive the pistons of the engine." —Quackenbos…
A machine that blasts hot air to produce temperatures from 600 to 900 degrees Fahrenheit.
Sir Henry Bessemer invented this furnace that creates "Bessemer steel" by burning carbon out of cast…
Royal Mail Packet Company Stamp (10 cents) from 1875
"The automatic hand or steam kite reel...is seen as it appears completely housed and not in use." -Department…
"George Stephenson is emphatically the engineer to whose intelligence and perseverance we owe the introduction…
"An instrument of the pump kind for raising water, especially when that liquid is mixed with solid matter.…
"The force-pump differs from others in having its piston solid, or without a valve, and also in having…
George Stephenson's locomotive, 'the rocket' was a great innovation towards the development of railroad…
An apparatus which, being fitted to ships and driven by steam, propels them through the water.
Apparatus used for distillation, separating liquid from the impurities contained in it. A, reservoir;…