A rod which connects a rotary with a reciprocating part, either for imparting motion to the latter or taking motion from it, as that which couples a crank with a saw gate, or a steam piston with its crank shaft.


A rod which connects a rotary with a reciprocating part, either for imparting motion to the latter or…

"This coffee apparatus consists of a glass globe a, an infusing jar b, of glass or porcelain and a bent tube c of block tin or German silver fitted by a cork stopper into the neck of the globe and passing to the bottom of the jar, where it ends in a finely perforated disc. The apparatus also requires a spirit lamp d or other means of communicating a certain amount of heat to the globe. The coffee is infused with boiling water in the jar, and a small quantity of boiling water is also placed in the globe. The tube is then fitted in, and the spirit lamp is lighted under the globe. The steam generated expels the air from the globe, and it bubbles up through the jar. When the bubbles of air cease to appear almost the whole of the air will have been ejected, and on withdrawing the lamp the steam in the globe condenses, creating a vacuum, to fill up which the infused coffee rushes up through the metal tube, being at the same time filtered by the accumulated coffee grounds around the perforated disc." — Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893

Napier's Coffee Apparatus

"This coffee apparatus consists of a glass globe a, an infusing jar b, of glass or porcelain and a bent…

"A form of air-engine which was invented in 1816 by the Rev. R. Stirling is of special interest as embodying the earliest application of what is known as the "regenerative" principle, the principle namely that heat may be deposited by a substance at one stage of its action and taken up again at another stage but with little loss, and with a great resulting change in the substance's temperature at each of the two stages in the operation." —Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Stirling's Air Engine

"A form of air-engine which was invented in 1816 by the Rev. R. Stirling is of special interest as embodying…

Robinson's form of Stirling's Engine.

Robinson's Form of Stirling's Engine

Robinson's form of Stirling's Engine.

"Steam Hammer." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Steam Hammer

"Steam Hammer." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

A machine drill used to drill through rocky surfaces. Powered by steam, water or horse.

Rock Drill

A machine drill used to drill through rocky surfaces. Powered by steam, water or horse.

"A peculiar-shaped vessel called a retort is half filled with a volatile liquid and heated; the steam, as it forms, passes through the neck of the retort into a glass receiver contained in a vessel filled with cold water, and is then condensed." —Wells, 1857


"A peculiar-shaped vessel called a retort is half filled with a volatile liquid and heated; the steam,…

"Hero's Machine. The generation of steam from water by the application of heat, and the mechanical force produced by this means, appear to have been understood at a very remote period; but their application to machinery devoted to the purposes of locomotion, is a discovery of recent date. The ingenious contrivances of early discoverers were devoted to objects of minor importance, as those of raising water and propelling smoke upwards." —Comstock, 1850

Hero's Machine

"Hero's Machine. The generation of steam from water by the application of heat, and the mechanical force…

"In 1629 Giovanni Branca, an Italian, contrived a machine which was employed for the various purposes of raising water, of sawing timber and pounding materials. His machine consisted of a wheel furnished with flat vanes around its circumference, like the boards of a paddle-wheel. Upon these vanes, steam was propelled from a close vessel, called an eolipile. A rotary motion was produced, and communicated to appropriate machinery. The results, however, of these and other discoveries made about this period, have never been rendered applicable to the purposes for which the modern steam engine is adapted." —Comstock, 1850

Brancas Engine

"In 1629 Giovanni Branca, an Italian, contrived a machine which was employed for the various purposes…

"Savery's Steam Engine. The adjoining figure illustrates the apparatus employed by Savory. It consists of a furnace and a boiler B; from the latter, two pipes, furnished with stop-cocks C, proceed to two steam vessels S, only one of which is shown in the figure, the other being immediately behind it. Into the bottom of each of these steam vessels is inserted a branching pipe, connected with a descending main pipe D, and an ascending main pipe A; each branching pipe is furnished with valves a, b, which open upwards, and prevent, by their action, the return of any water which may have been forced up through them." —Comstock, 1850

Savery Engine

"Savery's Steam Engine. The adjoining figure illustrates the apparatus employed by Savory. It consists…

"The simple outline of the atmospheric engine. Its mode of operation is as follows. Steam is admitted from the boiler into the cylinder, through the tube l, by means of a regulating cock, e, which is worked by a handle outside the boiler; the pressure of the atmosphere above the piston being thus balanced by the force of the steam beneath it, the extremity of the lever beam to whch the piston is attached is elevated by proportionate weights, w, attached to the pump-rod, and the piston is drawn to the top of the cylinder, the other extremity of the beam being depressed." —Comstock, 1850

Newcomens Engine

"The simple outline of the atmospheric engine. Its mode of operation is as follows. Steam is admitted…

"The first alteration to be noticed in the double-acting engine is that of the cylinder. To insure its double action, it is necessary to provide, at each end of the cylinder, a means of admission of steam from the boiler, and of escape for the steam to the condenser. Hence the double action, which means that the piston is both raised and depressed by the force of steam. For this purpose, a steam box is fixed to each end of the cylinder, communicating, in the one case with the upper, in the other with the lower, surface of the piston. B is the upper, and and B' the lower, steam box. Each of these boxes is furnished with two valves." —Comstock, 1850

Double-acting Cylinder

"The first alteration to be noticed in the double-acting engine is that of the cylinder. To insure its…

"The first alteration to be noticed in the double-acting engine is that of the cylinder. To insure its double action, it is necessary to provide, at each end of the cylinder, a means of admission of steam from the boiler, and of escape for the steam to the condenser. Hence the double action, which means that the piston is both raised and depressed by the force of steam. For this purpose, a steam box is fixed to each end of the cylinder, communicating, in the one case with the upper, in the other with the lower, surface of the piston. B is the upper, and and B' the lower, steam box. Each of these boxes is furnished with two valves." —Comstock, 1850

Double-acting Cylinder

"The first alteration to be noticed in the double-acting engine is that of the cylinder. To insure its…

"The simplest idea of a crank is that of a handle to a wheel; its action is familiarly illustrated in the process of drawing water from a well: the bent handle attached to the wheel is first pushed out, then pulled in the opposite direction, and thus a continued rotatory motion is produced upon an axle. The application of this principle to the steam engine, and the variations of pressure on the crank of a steam enginre, may be conveniently illustrated by curves." —Comstock, 1850


"The simplest idea of a crank is that of a handle to a wheel; its action is familiarly illustrated in…

A valve used to keep the backwards pressure in a steam piston engine.

Back Pressure Valve

A valve used to keep the backwards pressure in a steam piston engine.

A valve used to keep the backwards pressure in a steam piston engine.

Back Pressure Valve

A valve used to keep the backwards pressure in a steam piston engine.

Fulton's first steamboat


Fulton's first steamboat

This painting by J. William Turner is a prime example of the style and technique that he often used. The piece was exhibited in 1839 and can now be found in the National Gallery in Washington D.C.

Fighting Temeraire

This painting by J. William Turner is a prime example of the style and technique that he often used.…

A steamboat constructed by Robert Fulton, which made the passage from New York to Albany in thirty six hours.


A steamboat constructed by Robert Fulton, which made the passage from New York to Albany in thirty six…

A kettle on the stove.


A kettle on the stove.

A town with old-fashioned boats.


A town with old-fashioned boats.

A town with mills and factories.


A town with mills and factories.

This illustrates how to determine the force required to turn a connecting rod of a steam engine.

Connecting Rod of a Steam Engine

This illustrates how to determine the force required to turn a connecting rod of a steam engine.

Griffith's Propeller, a common form of screw-propeller.

Griffith's Propeller

Griffith's Propeller, a common form of screw-propeller.

Thornycroft's propeller, a common form of screw propeller.

Thornycroft's propeller

Thornycroft's propeller, a common form of screw propeller.

"The valve gear for operating the steam hammer is shown separately, the cylinder and valve chest being in section."—Finley, 1917

Valve gear of a steam hammer

"The valve gear for operating the steam hammer is shown separately, the cylinder and valve chest being…

"A vertical section through the valve casing of a double-column hammer, used for heavy forge work."—Finley, 1917

Vertical Section of a Double-Hammer Column

"A vertical section through the valve casing of a double-column hammer, used for heavy forge work."—Finley,…

"A transverse section through the valve casing of a double-column hammer, used for heavy forge work."—Finley, 1917

Transverse Section of a Double-Column Hammer

"A transverse section through the valve casing of a double-column hammer, used for heavy forge work."—Finley,…

"The steam engine, in its many forms, is the agent by means of which part of th eenrgy stored up in the steam, as supplied by a coiler, is converted into mechanical or useful work."—Finley, 1917

Steam engines

"The steam engine, in its many forms, is the agent by means of which part of th eenrgy stored up in…

"Watt's method of regulation, which consists in varying the pressure of the steam supplied to the engine by opening or closing more or less a valve in the supply pipe."—Finley, 1917

Watt's governor

"Watt's method of regulation, which consists in varying the pressure of the steam supplied to the engine…

"Porter's governor, a modification of Watt's original model."—Finley, 1917

Porter's governor

"Porter's governor, a modification of Watt's original model."—Finley, 1917

"When heated, hydrogen will combine with the oxygen of many oxides, forming water (steam) and the metal, thus: Copper oxide + hydrogen yields copper + water. The process of taking oxygen away from a substance is called reduction..." -Brownlee 1907

Reduction of Copper Oxide

"When heated, hydrogen will combine with the oxygen of many oxides, forming water (steam) and the metal,…

"If dry hydrogen is passed over a weighed quantity of copper oxide which is heated, steam and copper result. The water can be collected and weighed in a tube containing a drying agent. The weight lost by copper oxide is the weight of the oxygen. the difference between the weight of the oxygen and the weight of the water formed is the weight of the hydrogen." -Brownlee 1907

Composition of Water

"If dry hydrogen is passed over a weighed quantity of copper oxide which is heated, steam and copper…

In order to rid water of impurities, it is required to boil water, then condense the steam to make it fit for chemical use.

Distilling Apparatus

In order to rid water of impurities, it is required to boil water, then condense the steam to make it…

"The chief use of carbon monoxide is in water gas. This is produced by the reduction of steam by heated coal." -Brownlee 1907

Water Gas Production

"The chief use of carbon monoxide is in water gas. This is produced by the reduction of steam by heated…

"Tyndall's experiment illustrating the production of heat by friction. The wheel is rotated and heat is produced [by friction] that heats the water in the end of the brass tube, which causes the water to boil, producing steam which pops off the cork." -Hawkins, 1917

Tyndall's Experiment

"Tyndall's experiment illustrating the production of heat by friction. The wheel is rotated and heat…

"A modern steam engine." -Comstock 1850

Modern Steam Engine (1850)

"A modern steam engine." -Comstock 1850

"The steam engine is a powerful device for utilizing the energy involved in the elasticity and expansive force of steam as a motive power. It is a real heat engine, transforming heat into mechanical energy." -Avery 1895

Steam Engine

"The steam engine is a powerful device for utilizing the energy involved in the elasticity and expansive…

"Tesla's oscillator is a combined prime motor and electric generator, and produces alternating currents without rotary motion of the generting coils. the motive force may be that of steam or of compressed air." -Avery 1895

Tesla's Oscillator

"Tesla's oscillator is a combined prime motor and electric generator, and produces alternating currents…

Apparatus used to boil water into steam.

Steam Boiler

Apparatus used to boil water into steam.

"Steam pumps are force pumps operated by steam acting on the piston of a steam engine directly connected to the pump, and in many cases cast with the pump. A section of a double-acting steam pump, showing the steam and water cylinders, with other details, is illustrated [here]." —Hallock 1905

Steam Pump

"Steam pumps are force pumps operated by steam acting on the piston of a steam engine directly connected…

"For many purposes compressed air is preferable to steam or other gas for use as a motive power. In such cases air compressors are used to compress air. These are made in many forms, but the most common one is to place a cylinder, called the air cylinder, in front of the crosshead of a steam engine, so that the piston of the air cylinder can be driven by attaching its piston rod to the crosshead in a manner similar to a steam pump." —Hallock 1905

Air Compressor

"For many purposes compressed air is preferable to steam or other gas for use as a motive power. In…

"High volumes of steam were pumped into the hollow sphere. The steam would then escape through the many evenly spaced arms around the center of the sphere thus causing the engine to rotate." —Quackenbos 1859

Hero's Steam Engine

"High volumes of steam were pumped into the hollow sphere. The steam would then escape through the many…

"Handle A opens and closes valves B and G. Steam is injected through pipe S which flushes any air/water out of C. G is closed and cold water enters through I causing a vacuum drawing water up through F." —Quackenbos 1859

Savery's Engine

"Handle A opens and closes valves B and G. Steam is injected through pipe S which flushes any air/water…

"Used a boiler to produce steam, chambers to condense it, and drive the pistons of the engine." —Quackenbos 1859

Watt's Double-Acting Condensing Steam-Engine

"Used a boiler to produce steam, chambers to condense it, and drive the pistons of the engine." —Quackenbos…

Steam pipe illustration of 30-60-90 triangle.

Triangle Steam Pipe

Steam pipe illustration of 30-60-90 triangle.

The Savannah was the first steam vessel to cross the Atlantic Ocean in 1819.

The Savannah

The Savannah was the first steam vessel to cross the Atlantic Ocean in 1819.

Mississippi River Steamer


Mississippi River Steamer

A machine used to excavate land.

Steam Shovel

A machine used to excavate land.

A machine that blasts hot air to produce temperatures from 600 to 900 degrees Fahrenheit.

Blast Furnace

A machine that blasts hot air to produce temperatures from 600 to 900 degrees Fahrenheit.

Sir Henry Bessemer invented this furnace that creates "Bessemer steel" by burning carbon out of cast iron.

Bessemer Converter

Sir Henry Bessemer invented this furnace that creates "Bessemer steel" by burning carbon out of cast…

Royal Mail Packet Company Stamp (10 cents) from 1875

Royal Mail Steam Packet Company Ten Cents Stamp, 1875

Royal Mail Packet Company Stamp (10 cents) from 1875

Standard hand reel for a weather kite used to study meteorology.

Kite Hand Reel

Standard hand reel for a weather kite used to study meteorology.

"The automatic hand or steam kite reel...is seen as it appears completely housed and not in use." -Department of Agriculture, 1899

Steam Kite Reel

"The automatic hand or steam kite reel...is seen as it appears completely housed and not in use." -Department…

"George Stephenson is emphatically the engineer to whose intelligence and perseverance we owe the introduction of railroads into England, and consequently into the United States. It was at Killingworth Colliery that he constructed his first locomotive." -Lupton

George Stephenson's First Locomotive

"George Stephenson is emphatically the engineer to whose intelligence and perseverance we owe the introduction…

"An instrument of the pump kind for raising water, especially when that liquid is mixed with solid matter. It acts by the condensation of waste steam sent into a reservoir, the water rushing up into the vacuum formed by the condensation." -Marshall

Water Pulsometer

"An instrument of the pump kind for raising water, especially when that liquid is mixed with solid matter.…

"The force-pump differs from others in having its piston solid, or without a valve, and also in having a side pipe with a valve opening outwards, through which the water is forced to any height required, or against any pressure that may oppose it." -Marshall

Steam-engine Force Pump

"The force-pump differs from others in having its piston solid, or without a valve, and also in having…

George Stephenson's locomotive, 'the rocket' was a great innovation towards the development of railroad engines.

The Rocket

George Stephenson's locomotive, 'the rocket' was a great innovation towards the development of railroad…

An apparatus which, being fitted to ships and driven by steam, propels them through the water.


An apparatus which, being fitted to ships and driven by steam, propels them through the water.

Apparatus used for distillation, separating liquid from the impurities contained in it. A, reservoir; B, light for heating; C, connecting tube; D, steam passes into; E, pipe where cold water is supplied; F, discharged liquid; H, pure water.


Apparatus used for distillation, separating liquid from the impurities contained in it. A, reservoir;…