"The feathers are horny productions, consisting of a hollow tube or barrel and a stem rising from it."
"The feathers are horny productions, consisting of a hollow tube or barrel and a stem rising from it."
"The feathers are horny productions, consisting of a hollow tube or barrel and a stem rising from it."
"The feathers are horny productions, consisting of a hollow tube or barrel and a stem rising from it.…
"From the head, backward to the tail, the body feathers increase in strength and size, also alter in…
"From the head, backward to the tail, the body feathers increase in strength and size, also alter in…
"In birds of prey the claws are powerful and hooked; in others the foot is flat, claws straight, and…
"In birds of prey the claws are powerful and hooked; in others the foot is flat, claws straight, and…
"In birds of prey the claws are powerful and hooked; in others the foot is flat, claws straight, and…
"The great toe is generally the strongest, but this is not an absolute law; a projection which is found…
"The great toe is generally the strongest, but this is not an absolute law; a projection which is found…
"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance,…
"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance,…
"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance,…
"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance,…
"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance,…
"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance,…
"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance,…
The swelling under the throat is called the crop, or first stomach. It is largely developed in some…
"The senses of touch, smell, taste and hearing are very slightly developed in birds. The organ of sight…
"The Kinglet, or Golden-Crested Wren, builds its nest among ivy or dependent from fir branches, generally…
"The Humming-Birds, which flit about in tropical woods, build their nests with grass, lined with feathers."
"The Common Wren constructs a nest like a ball, beautifully built with an entrance in the side."
"The Hedge-Sparrow chooses the fork of a hawthorn-bush or some similar shrub."
"The nest of the Tailor-Bird is placed in a large leaf, the margins of which are sewn together, so as…
"For ingenious construction, instigated by affection for its progeny, there is nothing to compare to…
1. Greater Tit (Parus Major) 2. Blue Tit (P. Coeruleus) 3. Crested Tit (P. Cristatus) 4. Marsh-Tit (P.…
"The Guillemots, when placed on the ground, raise themselves with great difficulty, owing to the conformation…
"It is a native of the northern regions of both continents, retiring southward as the winter approaches…
"The Canadian Goose is a handsome bird. They are not so large as the graylag goose, and are very abundant…
"The Common Tropic-bird seems to confine itself to the Atlantic Ocean, stopping near the confines of…
"In all its movements this neck is a counterpart of the reptile, and imitates its undulations; therefore…
"Sometimes the Scissorbill is called the Cutwater. It is about the size of a pigeon."
"The Great Black-backed Gull is one of the most remarkable among sea-gulls. It is pure white, with a…
"It is called the Laughing Gull on account of its cry; it is most easily tamed. The Kittiwake is often…
"The Skua, or Dung-bird, is remarkable for its stout bill, which is nearly cylindrical. They fly very…
"The chief characteristic of the Water-en is a short and strong bill. They are lively, graceful and…
Also known as the Sultana-fowl. "When eating, sometimes is stands on one foot and uses the other as…
"Coots but rarely traverse firm ground, where they walk with difficulty; on the other hand, they swim…
"The Pratincole lives in flocks on the banks of the Danube, the Volga, and on the Shores of the Black…
The Screamers are inhabitants of South America. They live isolated, in pairs, and are mild and peaceful…
The Screamers are inhabitants of South America. They live isolated, in pairs, and are mild and peaceful…
"They are shy, timid birds, concealing themselves by day in the depths of the mots retired woods."
"It is gifted with great powers of mimicry. Its movements have an air of affectation and mannerism,…
"The Crested Crane has the top of its head adorned with a tuft of feathers, which it has the power of…
"The Cariama is a very pretty bird, easily domesticated, and evinces great attachment to its favorites."
Also called the American Ostrich. "It inhabits the pampas of South America and the coolest valleys in…
"The lapwing is a most useful bird to man; it destroys a prodigious quantity of worms, caterpillars…
"It is only requisite to exhibit the outward signs of bacchanalian excitement, and the birds will be…
The Dodo, indigenous to Mauritius, should be placed in the first rank of extinct birds. "It was observed…
"The family of Pavonidae comprehends the Peacock." The male bird forms the beautiful array of tail feathers…