"The elements are zinc and carbon. In the Greet cell, a zinc plate is suspended b a rod between two…
"Partz acid gravity cell. In this form of cell, the electrolyte which surrounds the zinc is either magnesium…
"Machines of this kind may be constructed with as many pairs of plaes, combs, and brushes as can be…
"...and is constructed with a zinc plate suspended between two carbon plates, so as to have two carbon…
"...and is constructed with a zinc plate suspended between two carbon plates, so as to have two carbon…
"...is constructed with a plate of black oxide of copper suspended between two plates of zinc, and the…
"When large quantities of electrical fluid are wanted for experiment, or for other purposes, it is procured…
"The graphic method of studying sounds, which fairly meets even the exacting demands of physicists,…
"Support, as shown, a glass or brass plate, square or round, and strew it evenly with fine sand. Place…
"About two feet away from an air thermometer, place an inverted flower pot. Midway between the two,…
"When radiant energy passes through a medium bounded by parallel planes, the refractions at the two…
"When several cells are conected so that the positive plate of one is joined to the negative plate of…
"The tin-foil strips or carriers on the rear plate of a Wimhurst machine are represented by the outer…
"Multiple plate static discharger. (Grid should bridge both sides of belt and be as close to the motor…
"When force is applied at bar P which turns the screw. The plate B moves vertically with the screw,…
Three Pounds (3 pounds) Virginia currency from 1775. Copper-plate notes as illustrated, each value different.
If we divide any of the long bones longitudinally, we find two kinds of structure, the hard or compact,…
The above cut represents a section of the thigh bone. The extremities (a, w) having a shell or thin…
Eighth stage in plant cell division: "The connecting fibers have spread out and come into contact with…
"Simple microtome for clamping to table. P, P, plate glass ways for the section knife; S, milled-head…
This image "represents a cross section through the ejector with the magazine loaded. The parts shown…
This image "shows a cross section through the magazine empty, and with cut-off "on," shown in projection.…
"Determination of the optical character of a uniaxial crystal with the mica plate. (a) Positive. (b)…
"Determination of the optical character of a uniaxial crystal with the gypsum plate. Quartz (+)." -Johannsen,…
"Determination of the optical character of a uniaxial crystal with the gypsum plate when the center…
"Determination of the optical character of a biaxial crystal in a section cut perpendicular to the acute…
"Determination of the optical character of biaxial crystals in sections showing the emergence of an…
"Diagram of cell division. chr., Chromosomes forming an equatorial plate; cs., centrosome." -Thomson,…
"The formation of a coral shell (Asteroides). st., Stomodaeum; ms., mesentery; s., calcareous septum;…
"Spicules of Holothurians. The series 1-6 shows stages in the development of an anchor and a plate in…
"Diagrammatic vertical section through disc and base of one of the arms of Antedon rosacea. The section…
"Development of excretory system of vertebrate. The primitive segments are not separated off from the…
"Development of excretory system of vertebrate. The pronephros is completely separated off from the…
"The origin of the mesonephric tubules is seen. They arise from the upper part of the lateral plate,…
"Median longitudinal section of anterior region of Myxine. B., Barbule; N., nasal aperture; NT., nasal…
Skeleton of skate. nc, nasal capsules; pq, palato-pterygo-quadrate cartilage; M, Meckel's cartilage;…
The dissection of a female sea lamprey or Petromyzon marinus. ad, anterior dorsal cartilage; an, annular…
"Cistudo lutaria. Skeleton seen from below; the plastron has been removed and is represented on one…
"Chelone midas. Transverse section of skeleton. C, costal plate; C', centrum; M, marginal plate; P,…
"Columba livia. Skull of young specimen. A, dorsal; B, ventral; C, left side. al. s, alisphenoid; au,…
"Section showing Granite nucleus, with strata lying on its flanks, the overlapping and continuous portions…
"The principal working parts of the apparatus are the sheet of boiler plate a (fig. 100), the cylinder…
Well formed jaws, from which the alveolar plate has been removed to expose the developing permanent…
From preparation of the nerve termination in the muscular fibers of a snake. A, End plate seen only…
Two striped muscle fibers of the hyoglossus of frog. Labels: a, Nerve end plate; b, nerve fibers leaving…
A reticulated end-plate. Labels: a, medullated nerve fibers; b, reticulated end-plates.
The stethograph or pneumograph consists of a thick rubber of elliptical shape about three inches long,…
Nerves of the septum nasi, seen from the right side. I, the olfactory bulb; 1, the olfactory nerves…
"Diagram showing cuts of beef. A, neck; B-C, chuck ribs and shoulder-blade; C-D, seven prime ribs; D-E,…
Motorial end-plate, the termination of a nerve in a fiber of cross-striped muscle.
"The accompanying engraving is an illustration of a new style vertical mill in which an attempt is made…
Transverse section of nail wall and adjacent part of nail plate and nail bed.
Perpendicular plate of ethmoid, shown by removing the right lateral mass.
Vertical section through the upper eyelid. Labels: a, Skin; b, Orbicularis palpebrarum; b', Marginal…
Ossification of superior maxilla. A, outer side. B, inner side. C, under side. Labels: a, nasal process;…
Shown is norma basalis, which refers to the base of the cranium. Labels: 1, external occipital crest;…
Shown is the base of the skull seen from above. Labels: 1, frontal bone; 2, slit for nasal nerve; 3,…